Showing posts with label Bloggers I Admire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bloggers I Admire. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Wednesdays "Bloggers I Admire" posts are some of my very favorite posts to write!  The blog world constantly amazes me with all of the talent and creativity it holds and Linda @ With a Blast is one creative blogger.  I never know when I visit her blog if I'm going to want to grab my glue gun, my paint brush, my hammer or my spatula, because Linda does it all and she does it in South Africa!
 I love her blog and her projects.  She also has a great new "All My Bloggy Friends" link party with another great blogger, Jamie from Love Bakes Good Cakes.  It's a great party so when you're finished reading this post, head on over and link something up!  You can get to the party by clicking on the image below.
Now, please take a look at some of Linda's favorite posts, and then I'll show you a few of her projects that I love!

First up is this  beautiful bench that she made out of an old toy box, which is very cool...but you won't believe what that back is made out of...
Blanket Box Bench
 The next time you're throwing a party, you're going to want to give this 90 Minute Sweet Party Platter a try!  Six different fillings, all on one post, using those pre-made frozen mini pastry shells you always see in the freezer section and want to try.  Just click the link below the picture and "pin it" straight from Linda's blog!  You'll be glad you me!
90 Minute Sweet Party Platter
 These candles are the cutest and they started out as some fairly boring containers.  With Linda in the house, they sure didn't stay boring for long!
Easy DIY Candles
All of the above are just fabulous projects that Linda chose to share with you.  Now, please let me show you a few of her projects that I love.
With summer coming on, I'm in the mood for salads and when Linda posted this salad last year, I knew it would be one that I would make over and over.  It's so easy and has everything I love in it!
Avocado, Cherry Tomato and Corn Salad
 Now this next project is in my all time favorite DIY Hall of Fame Projects!!  Seriously....who wouldn't love a little extra storage space and this project gives you plenty!  I can think of a couple of places I could use this.....
DIY Grocery Slider
I'm pretty sure that Linda is responsible for a few of the extra pounds I have put on in the last year, so when she posted this recipe, I was pretty happy because, it's not only delicious, but it's got some yogurt in it and that makes it healthy right?
Polenta Cake with Orange Syrup
Finally, I couldn't post about Linda, without showing you one of her amazing "Smash Cakes"...
Valentine's Smash Cake
Uh huh....a chocolate heart filled with chocolate candy...what's not to love here?!  
Yep....Linda makes some  really great stuff!  I'm working on a knock off of one of her projects this week and hope to share it with you soon!  So if you want to see some more awesome projects from halfway around the world...head over to With A Blast and check out Linda's blog.  While your there, don't forget to link up a project at her party!
Thank you Linda, for all of the inspiration (and a pound or two!) that you've given me!  Thanks for being such a good blog friend too!  You're awesome!      

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bloggers I Admire: Tuula at The Thrifty Rebel

It's Wednesday and I have a great blogger to share with you today!  If you don't already know Tuula from The Thrifty Rebel, you are in for a treat because she is a delight and her blog is full of inspiring ideas!  
Here are a few of Tuula's favorite posts and then I'll share some of her projects that I fell in love with!
These Coffee Pot Wind Chimes  have had me searching thrift stores for  an awesome pot because I just know my hostas would look as good as Tuula's do if I only had one!  She did an awesome tutorial on this so I know I can make one myself.  So cool!
Coffee Pot Wind Chimes
You all know how I love making things out of everyday items that might otherwise be thrown in the trash?  Well never in a million years could I have come up with these cute pumpkins......
Shower Curtain Ring Pumpkins
For you DIY people, let me just tell you that Tuula is NOT afraid of power tools...check out this fabulous built in shelf she made for her craft room....
Built In Craft Room Book Case
 Those are all great projects and hopefully you've already found something to love about Tuula's blog.  Now let me show you a few of my favorite projects she's done.
Pretty In Pink Vanity and Mirror Makeover
Since I'm going to do a few furniture pieces myself this year, I'm loving this vanity and mirror makeover.  Can you believe she found them for $2 and $4, respectively?  Go take a look at the before shots and you'll appreciate this project even more.

DIY Birdbath
 Tuula has a green thumb and I love looking at any pictures that include her garden.  This project involved turning an old lamp into a bright, funky bird bath.  Again...I know if I just put some fun like this into my flowers, they would be happy and beautiful.

Garden Chandelier
 Another awesome example of some great garden decor to make your flowers ecstatic!  Don't you love this?  I so want one! 

Tongue-in-Cheek Tuesday
Did I mention that Tuula is funny??  Get a peek into her sense of humor as well as her homemade greenhouse with her Tongue in Cheek Tuesday post!
Impressionist Decorated Night Table
 This bright and beautiful night table was an amazing makeover in my opinion, but it caused Tuula a little stress, (well this and some thrift store paint) and inspired her to come up with a whole new theme for a bedroom makeover.  You can read about that HERE.
The theme is...French Caribbean and I'm going to be watching this work in progress because if anyone can pull it's going to be Tuula!  She's starting today on her blog with this....... 
French Caribbean Mirror
Well, I could go on and on, because The Thrifty Rebel is full of tons of affordable inspiration, but I'll let you go over and find out for yourself now.  Be sure to tell her I said "hello" or "bonjour" or "Hey Mon!" or whatever greeting goes along with French Caribbean!!
Thank you for letting me feature you here today Tuula...your blog inspires me on a regular basis! 


Wednesday, February 20, 2013


It's been a little while since I did one of these posts where I like to introduce you to a blogger you may not know, but I'm back today with an awesome one!  Meet Anne, from Design Dreams by Anne.
I couldn't tell you when I started following Anne and her wonderful blog, but probably not soon enough!  When I have a little time, I like to browse her blog and see what earlier posts I've missed. 
I asked Anne to share three of her favorite posts, then I'll pick three of her projects that I love. 
Anne's favorites.....
A Baby Greenhouse Is Born
This was one of those posts where I yelled at my husband, who was in another room, to come look at this because I want it on my deck!  Isn't it fabulous?!
Home Made Chalk Paint Project
 Seriously, she's going to share how to make your own chalk paint.  I don't know which is more exciting...the recipe or the project.  They're both amazing!
The Sunflower
 If Anne hadn't chosen this one, I sure would have!  She has taken up painting with an amazing flourish and she does a great job!  When I commented on this post, she sent  me a video of how to paint a flower.  It looks easier than it is, I'm sure.  I want to try painting and someone recently told me I could pick up some inexpensive paint sets at Big Lots.  I'm going to give it a try!  Anne has certainly inspired me!
Here are a few of my favorites posts from Anne's blog....
A Little Bit of France
I loved these little nesting tables with their French themed makeovers.  Anne has a whole category of Ikea Hacks on her blog and I can get lost just browsing through those!
Funky Boat Lantern Lamp
 This post on "how to make a battery powered light from a candle holder" was fascinating to me for two reasons.  First, I often see cute tea light or votive holders that I think would make a great lamp.  Second, I have some places that could use a little light and I don't have an outlet nearby.
Bathroom Sneak Peek
Because I'm planning a little bathroom makeover this summer, I enjoyed this post.....really all of her bathroom projects!  Anne is a serious DIY girl and I'm pretty envious of that fact! 
If you want to learn even more about the awesomeness that is Anne, you can check out I'm In the Bloglight because she was featured on Hometalk (how great is that?!) and it is a much more in-depth article than this one!
I feel lucky to have Anne as a blog friend whose kind comments always encourage me and make me smile!  I think you'll like her too, which is why I'm sharing her with you today!  Head on over to Design Dreams by Anne and see what she's been up to.  You'll be glad you did!
Thank you Anne, for letting me feature you here today!  You have inspired me in so many ways!  You make me dream big with so many of your projects and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I am excited that my first post of the new year is a "Blogger I Admire", especially this one!  Probably most of you already know her or at the very least have seen her features around blogland, but if not, I am so pleased to introduce you to my friend Jutta, from Organized Living Solutions/Creative Chaos.
 She is so beautiful and such an accomplished photographer.  The first thing you will notice when you visit her blog is her lovely pictures!  A few facts about Jutta.....she is German, she lives in Namibia on the African continent, she works as an Energy Healing Facilitator and has a "Healing Room" (oh I could use her services on many days!).  Of course, there is a lot more to Jutta, but you can visit her blog and learn more about her.  The thing I admire the most about Jutta and her blog is that she says so much with such few words.  (Wish I could do that!)  I asked Jutta if she has a favorite quote and here it is:                           
                             Ring the bell that still can ring,
                              forget your perfect offering

                              there is a crack in everything
                              that's how the light gets in.
                                   -------Leonard Cohen

How beautiful is that??!!  Let me show you a few of Jutta's own favorite projects, and then I'll pick a few that I love.
Forest Creatures
 If Jutta hadn't chosen that one, I sure would have!  So creative!
Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice
This project had me digging through my box of shells for just the perfect one! 
Self Made
So simple, and yet I could never think to put things together like this!

Aren't those lovely projects?  Jutta has the ability to take every day things and make such a creative statement with them!  I hope you took the time to click on some of those links because one photo does not do them justice!
Now here are a few of Jutta's posts that I love as well........
The Joys of Renovating
Actually any post about Jutta's home is a joy to me!  I forgot to ask her what she calls her style....but I love it and I want it!  
Bits and Pieces
 Again....any post about the country of Namibia (which, by the way is a very new country) is fascinating to me and her pictures are just amazing!
For Your Valentine
 Because Valentines Day is right around the corner, I chose this clever, creative way to give your guy some Valentine's messages!  How cute is that?  And not too frilly for a guy!  Can you guess what it's made from?
Jutta is a much cherished blog friend and I long for the day that I can sit and talk to her face to face.  She makes me think about things in a new way.  She makes me realize that I don't always have to accept things as the way they are and that I have the power to change the things I don't like.  Now what's not to love about a friend like that?!!  As I said, her words are brief, but powerful.  Her photographs are gorgeous and her projects are always inspiring!
Thank you dear Jutta for letting me feature you on my first post of the New Year!  No person could be more fitting!  Here's to new things and fresh beginnings my friend!