Showing posts with label craft projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft projects. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2007

{ sew perfect }

One present down...just a few more to go...

Over the last few months, my 7-year-old daughter, has frequently mentioned wanting to learn to sew. It's something I've been dying to do myself–I've sewn little more than a loose button since taking a sewing/home economics class in 7th grade. So, I started researching children's sewing machines thinking one would make a great Christmas gift for Miss B 
and provide fresh inspiration for some fun mother/daughter DIY projects in 2008. Imagine my delight when I discovered this:
I simply adore Hello Kitty. When I was about 12 or so, my mom worked at a local Hallmark store. I had just started taking on babysitting jobs and often would take care of my brother at home for a couple of hours while she worked. Occasionally, as a reward for my help, she would bring me home a surprise package from her store. Lucky for me, the store carried a small line of Hello Kitty items. I had Hello Kitty pens, pencil holders, name it...small, treasured tokens of my mom's appreciation. Then, one day we heard a Sanrio store had opened in San Francisco, right in Union Square...I could hardly contain myself! The two of us planned a special trip to SF, just to go to the store. I still vividly remember taking BART to the City and walking into that beloved store for the first time...a breathtaking, dream-come-true experience for a Hello Kitty obsessed tween. (Thanks again mom!)

Needless to say, my (er, my daughter's) Hello Kitty sewing machine has been ordered and is on its way...I wasn't even concerned with whether or not it actually works. (Fortunately, I read several great product reviews on Target after the fact). I'm so excited to open it...Oops, I mean for Bella to open it on Christmas morning. Now, if I can hunt down a gem like this in time for Christmas, my gift giving wishlist will be complete.

Update: The manufacturer inadvertently sent this model which I decided to keep as it's a little bigger and provides more sewing features.

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