And then I digressed to start knitting a jersey for orphans in the Ukraine, because I saw that a local group was doing this, and hell, they need it more than I do. And at the same time, I read "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orlean - I saw the movie of this some years ago but it was really altered around and didn't enjoy it - and got incredibly excited by orchids again. Again??? Yes.
You may not know this, dear readers, but I was a commercial orchid grower in a former life, around (gulp) 20 years ago. Of course I was married then, to some bloke who's related to my children. I walked away from the orchid business when I left him, and took nothing from it, but over the years I've acquired a few (around 20 or so) plants. Obviously my orchid passion was just simmering under the skin. Do I really need another obsession? Especially an expensive one? Of course not. But that's the nature of obsessions. They're not logical, they're not reasonable and they're not really controllable either.
Do any of you have obsessions apart from fiber?