Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Oh that Jane--She Tagged Me!

7 Random Facts Meme
Here are the rules, and they must be posted to your blog.:
Link to the person’s blog who tagged you (see above).
List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. (Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog and also so they can look at your blog and not tag the same people all over again!)

My 7 random facts
1: I grew up in Croton-on-Hudson, New York
2. I LOVE oceans
3. I worked for Margaret Mead for a summer while I was in college
4. I once worked in a bookstore and while there I read everything on the fiction shelves between A and F. (I worked there for two months)
5. I'm addicted to the HOme and Garden channel
6. I've always been interested in other places and--as a kiddo--had 12 penpals from around the world.
!7. Butterscotch--not chocolate--is my guilty pleasure.

Who I've tagged: Susan ,Vigdis, Jamie, Irene, Penny. And OK I know that's not 7, but those are five people who I feel comfortable tagging (because they can tell me no thanks Stephanie!) and as for others I could have tagged... Jane already got them!

Where were you?