Happy Monday Sassy People!
Kenya here to say crafting is a blessing! As a mom to five children, celebrating birthdays can be very expensive! However, I learned my die cutting machines, imagination, and the gift to be crafty has been a godsend and it saves money. My second daughter just celebrated her ninth birthday last week and we had a surprise party for her the weekend. She is a Hello Kitty fanatic! If you've been following me for a while, you already know my past struggles LOL! Honestly, I have gotten my money’s worth from the HK Greetings and Font cartridges. I am secretly happy she still loves Hello Kitty because it takes the guess work out of a theme.
Today is all things Hello Kitty! I made everything from HK tattoos to prizes. It took some time (which was limited too) but it was worth the effort and the party did not cost a fortune. The Explore had a work out! I am not sharing everything, but here’s a few projects from the party!
HK Note Pads:
Although there is only one pictured, I altered a few of these as game prizes. I purchased the notepad from the Dollar Tree. Three came in a pack. I partially covered the front with scrap pieces of card stocks. The pieces measured 2.5x4.5”. I did a print and cut on HK. Of course I forgot to change the setting on the printer and she came on in b&w. Since time was of the essence, I went with it. It worked out. Under her, I decided to stamp hello from a stamp set by CTMH. I believe it coordinates with the Artfully Sent Cricut cartridge. The girls who received one LOVED them and asked if I could make them more….we shall see!
Pin My Nose:
This was one of many party games we played. One thing that drives me crazy about Design Space is if you want to print an image, it can't be larger than a certain size. The joy of having a large format printer is the ability to print…large! I needed Hello Kitty’s face to be BIG! So to achieve this, I did a screen capture, and placed the image in Photoshop. **DISCLOSURE- I own the Hello Kitty Greetings and Font cartridges. I am in no way encouraging anyone do this!!** I enlarged her, added “Pin My Nose” and printed it on a large piece of material.
For the nose pieces, I resized a circle from the basic shapes and added numbers using the Cricut Alphabet cartridge. I am so happy I added numbers as identifiers. I added a little adhesive to the back. One thing I forgot to do was cut them on colored card stock, but it still worked out. As you can see, some of the “noses” never touched the game LOL. Easy Peasy!!
This is my most proudest project for this party!! It never occurred to me, none of my children ever had a piñata! One of the girls mentioned they should have one. After going on Amazon and to the store to price out some out, I couldn't bring myself to spend $20ish for something they were going to beat and destroy…so I decided to have at it! The only thing was, how was I going to make it? I remember as a child, making one as the balloon being the form of it and adding newspaper, paste and water mixture to it. We let it harden and added tissue paper to it. I admit, it was the ugliest thing but we had fun hitting it for the candy. I didn't want to do that though! I thought to cut out HK’s shape and add masking tape and the whole nine yards. Then I realized I don't have that kind of time. While I was asleep, the Lord showed me exactly what to do! I used the largest cereal box I could find (Giant Corn Pops box). I filled it with candies and taped the top. I added white tissue paper to mute the colors on the cereal box. Then I took pink streamers, slit the pieces (wish I had fringe scissors) and glued them in place. After that dried, I placed the HK image to it…a HK piñata!! The best thing is it costed me $5 ($3.48 for the cereal and 50¢ for the streamer) to make plus the cost of candy!! I love the way it turned out!! My daughter was super excited too!
They needed something to hold the candy right? HK image (HK Font cartridge), Wild Card (thanks) and brown lunch bag…
Here are a few additional photos of the girls wacking the piñata…of course I was so caught up, I forgot to take a picture of the aftermath….it was not pretty!
After calculating the decor, cupcakes (of course they were HK) and food, it cost me approximately $50! Who says you have to spend a lot to have FUN? Everyone had a great time!
I hope you enjoyed today’s projects! Remember to stop by often to check out the wonderful talent on She’s a Sassy Lady…thanks for stopping by, Kenya~