Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label traveling. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

For Goodness' Taste ~

Where oh where has September gone?
 We have had a great September, warm sunny days
with a mixture of rain, some good rains at the beginning of the month.
I have enjoyed sitting on the deck surrounded by such beauty.
The squirrels have entertained me while they have
gathered their pine cones then frantically running to their homes
stashing them away for what I hear is going to be a hard winter.
These squirrels are amazing ~ they go to the very top of the pine trees, 
which by the way are 60 feet and above in height ~ knock the pine cones to the ground 
and carry them off to their underground homes.
It took me a few years before I realized that all the pine cones on the ground 
were the work of the squirrels for their food.
I can remember years back hearing the squirrels squawking 
when I was out raking them all up
not realizing they were telling me OFF for tossing out their food supply.
I have since learned NOT to touch those pine cones too soon.
I stand amazed at the busyness of these cute little critters,
it's non stop with them and the work load that they have for survival seems unending.
While they do not take all of the pine cones they knock down,
they do take most of them.
They will take the ones that are coated with sap
leaving the rest for me to clean up when the snow arrives, or leave them until Spring.
I have learned to give them plenty of time for gathering.
God's Word speaks of being slothful and watching these
little guys causes me to ponder on those verses.   
I try and teach my grandsons concerning being slothful
using God's creation as their example.
Anyways... those days of lounging around on warm sunny days
will soon be coming to an end.
October for the most part here in the mountains is not the prettiest,
in fact, it's rather drab. 
The leaves have mostly changed, fallen to the ground and been raked up,
with the exception of those pine cones of course.
We are in between the nice weather and the beautiful snow.
So, I will be taking some time during the ugly season 
and fly out for a visit with my mother.
As of this week I have completed my 20 visits of therapy.
A few weeks ago it looked as if I would need extra visits, 
but my therapist is quite pleased with my progress; therefore,
 I have graduated and will be doing all my exercises without assistance.
Knowing I have something foreign in my body
 that must be exercised, stretched and well taken care of 
motivates me to be faithful. Actually, my knee lets me know when it needs looked after.
So I believe this is a great time to enjoy a little Arizona sun 
and precious time with my dear mother.
"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind"
~ Seneca ~

~ ~ ☆ ♡ ☆ ♡ ☆ ~ ~

While I am away I thought I would leave my dear husband with a stash of his own,
chocolate chip cookies, his favorite!
Over the 39 years that we have been married I have tried many a chocolate chip cookie recipe
and have found this one to be my favorite.
I'd like to share it with you.

Chocolate Chip Pudding Cookies

1 Cup (2 sticks Butter softened)
3/4 Cup Brown Sugar
1/4 Cup White Sugar
1 small package instant vanilla pudding mix
2 Eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 Cups all Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Package (12 oz) chocolate chips
Any flavored chips are great ~ I added some white chocolate chips to this batch

Preheat oven to 375° 
Beat the butter, both sugars, pudding mix, eggs & vanilla in a large bowl.
Beat until creamy and fluffy.
Slowly mix the flour & baking soda.
Stir in the chocolate chips.
Drop by Tablespoon onto parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
Bake for ONLY 9-10 minutes, remove from the oven, let cool and enjoy. 
I believe it is the pudding mix that makes these cookies so delicious,
though they are not necessarily a soft cookie, they do stay moist longer.

~ ~ ☆ ♡ ☆ ♡ ☆ ~ ~

"Make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise
God for everything that happens to you"
~ Merlin Carothers ~

~ Debbie ~ 

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