Enjoy it with a grateful heart.
For flowers that bloom about our feet,
Father, we thank Thee.
Father, we thank Thee.
For the song of bird and hum of bee,
For all the things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
More than anything, I must have flowers always, always.
~ Claude Monet ~
"Giving thanks always for all things
unto God and the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ"
~ Ephesians 5:20 ~
Giving thanks for all things may not always be the easiest,
but take heart friends ~ God's perfect love will see you through
all of life's circumstances.
Isn't it reassuring to know that our God will see us through
each and every circumstance of our lives?
In the eye's of God, everything matters to Him,
and through His tender mercies we are loved and looked after
in all His grace and glory.
I am going to be off line for awhile as I continue looking after the needs of my mom.
While she is doing extremely well, and the two of us have worked out a wonderful
schedule together, it is all so time consuming.
Mom is working hard with her therapy
so that she can get back to Arizona before the snow flies,
and here in the Rocky Mountains the snow can fly as early as September.
No, it doesn't usually stick around, but it can make it's appearance.
I will be the one taking mom to Arizona so I will be away traveling
and I see no need to worry about my blog posts.
I find visiting with each of you and corresponding with comments
quite relaxing and very enjoyable, but when my day is done, so am I. 🙄
I haven't had real time to respond to your comments and e-mails
to the extent that I would like to have and that bothers me,
so it would be better for the time if I just focus where I need to focus.
I will definitely be around for Stephanie's 11th annual Tea Cup Exchange!
Thank you, for your loveliness and the beauty that you all
so graciously share here in our blogging community.
Much Love and BIG Hugs to you!
Be Thankful!
~ Debbie ~
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
More than anything, I must have flowers always, always.
~ Claude Monet ~
"Giving thanks always for all things
unto God and the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ"
~ Ephesians 5:20 ~
Giving thanks for all things may not always be the easiest,
but take heart friends ~ God's perfect love will see you through
all of life's circumstances.
Isn't it reassuring to know that our God will see us through
each and every circumstance of our lives?
In the eye's of God, everything matters to Him,
and through His tender mercies we are loved and looked after
in all His grace and glory.
I am going to be off line for awhile as I continue looking after the needs of my mom.
While she is doing extremely well, and the two of us have worked out a wonderful
schedule together, it is all so time consuming.
Mom is working hard with her therapy
so that she can get back to Arizona before the snow flies,
and here in the Rocky Mountains the snow can fly as early as September.
No, it doesn't usually stick around, but it can make it's appearance.
I will be the one taking mom to Arizona so I will be away traveling
and I see no need to worry about my blog posts.
I find visiting with each of you and corresponding with comments
quite relaxing and very enjoyable, but when my day is done, so am I. 🙄
I haven't had real time to respond to your comments and e-mails
to the extent that I would like to have and that bothers me,
so it would be better for the time if I just focus where I need to focus.
I will definitely be around for Stephanie's 11th annual Tea Cup Exchange!
Thank you, for your loveliness and the beauty that you all
so graciously share here in our blogging community.
Much Love and BIG Hugs to you!
Be Thankful!
~ Debbie ~