Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glory. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2018

Joyful in the Glory and Beauty ~

"Let the saints be joyful in glory;
Let them sing aloud on their beds.
*Psalm 149:5-6*

My husband and I drove an hour from our home to take 
Cherry Delight to her personal mechanic for her 1st check-up and oil change.
You can read all about Cherry Delight  here.
The blooms on this cherry tree near our mechanics shop 
were absolutely stunning not to mention their fragrance!
We live at a higher elevation making it hard for certain fruit trees to grow,
so I am always in awe of their glory and beauty when I see them.
Aren't they magnificent!?
Of course photo's never do justice, (especially when using a cell phone) do they?

Last week I was reading in the book of Psalms and was reminded through this verse
that we should praise God ~ ALWAYS ~
When we wake up in the morning, at noon and in the evening.
Habits are easy enough to form, so why not form a habit
of thanking and praising God as soon as we wake up each morning.
When we quote the Scriptures and give praise to God
while we are still lying in our comfy cozy beds, it prepares us 
by implanting in our minds words for a positive attitude
and outlook to meet what may come in our daily lives.
Why not begin our day with joy and glory in our hearts?
We can worship and praise God for the promises found in His Word
and for all He has done and is doing in our lives?
Our worshipful hearts pointed towards our most Holy and Righteous God,
will draw us closer to His Precious side.
I know Satan would love to defeat us from the onset of our day,
but we can choose to not be defeated as we put on the garment of praise
and tbanksgiving when we sing for joy upon our beds before we 
allow the negativity of this world to enter into our minds.
Begin tomorrow morning dear followers ~ try not to roll out of your bed until
you have first sung for joy with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.
That little bit of extra time you will take in doing so
will make all the difference in your heart attitude.
God's love and faithfulness will motivate and enable
you to walk in a way that honors Him.


"Praise ye the Lord.
Sing unto the Lord a new song and his praise
in the congregation of saints."
*Psalm 149: 1*

   Be Joyful!
~ Debbie ~
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