Showing posts with label Savior. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Savior. Show all posts

Monday, December 12, 2016

A Self-Giving Christmas ~

Hello to you, my dear and sweet friends!
Oh how the wonder of Christmas surrounds us
this beautiful time of the year.
Here is love, not that we loved God
but that He loves us. (1 John 4:19)
God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son
to cancel out the penalty of sin to allow for 
eternal reconciliation with God.
(John 3:16 ~Romans 6:23 & 8:32) 
That gift was followed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38)
and grace by faith (Ephesians 2:8).
God gave of Himself at the first Christmas.


I was listening to the Christmas song "The Little Drummer Boy"
and pondered on the words that were penetrating on my heart.
I couldn't help but think of that poor boy
who had no gift to bring that was fit for the King.
He had only one possession , his tiny drum.
Picture this scene ~
The little boy asks the baby, "shall I play for You on my drum?" 
Mary, the mother of Jesus nods yes, and so he plays his best for Him.
As you read the lyrics of this Christmas song
of a poor boy who gave of who he was ~ a simple child
who gave his heart and hands and talents
to please and worship Jesus.


Come they told me,
a newborn King to see
Our Finest gifts we bring,
to  lay before the King
So to honor Him, when we come.

Little Baby, I am a poor boy too
I have no gift to bring,
that's fit to give our King
Shall I play for You, on my drum?

Mary nodded,
the ox and lamb kept time
I played my drum for Him,
I played my best for Him
Then He smiled at me,
me and my drum.

I left the pa rum pum pum pums out
as I'm sure you are singing the tune in your heart.

There is no better time than Christmas than to give of ourselves.  
We can give God our Hearts ~
(Mark 10:13-14)
Let us come as little children giving Him His rightful place
 on His lordship and His love.
We can express our love through prayer, worship and fellowship.
We can give God our Hands ~
We can serve God through serving others.
(Galatians5:13 & 6:2)
We can give God our Talents ~
Our talents and abilities can be used for the glory of God.
(Corinthians 10:31 & Colossians 3:23)
We can give God our Love ~
When we love others we proclaim that we love Jesus.
(John 13:35)
When we show forgiveness of others it is like a gift to Jesus
in response to His forgiving us.
(Ephesians 4:32)
God wants ALL of us more than He wants anything else. 

Dear friends, I would like to share with you a beautiful
part of Scripture that I have to say struck my heart
like it has never done before.
This time of year we hear and read of the birth of our Savior;
we come before Him, bow down and worship Him
and adore Him.
But as I was reading the book of Luke where we see the 
Christmas story clearly it was there in chapter 2 verses 36 through 38
that took hold of my heart strings.
Anna, a widowed prophetess who, in her old age
spent all her waking hours in the Temple worshiping
and waiting for the Messiah to appear.
When Mary and Joseph presented Jesus, their first born
to God in the Temple, Anna recognized Him immediately.
She knew God's promises had been fulfilled; the King
of Israel had appeared. 
God had kept His promises to His people.
Anna devoted herself to "serving God by worship"
through fastings and prayers. 
I love that! 
What an honor to her God!
But Anna did much more, she also spread the Good News
among others who were looking for the redemption in Jerusalem.
What a testimony of great love for her Messiah, her King of Kings.
I want to be found worshiping with fastings and prayers for my King of Kings,
so as to be ready ALWAYS to share the Gospel with those who are searching for Truth.

I am praying for the abundant grace and blessing
of the Lord in your life during this season of giving and loving Jesus.
Have a most blessed holiday season, dear friends.

Joy to you!
~ Debbie ~  
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