Showing posts with label Jesus' mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus' mother. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2015

In Your Heart, Ponder

Hello my precious friends!
I would like to extend Christmas blessings
to those of you that have followed along so faithfully
 from the beginning of my blog,
and to those of you who are new friends welcome!
 Thank you for your sweet visits and becoming
a graceful follower.
We have a beautiful community in our world of blogging,
and each one of you have become dear
and precious to my heart.
Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you
closer to our Saviors heart as He draws us
unto Himself  for that sweet, sweet fellowship
in our relationship with Him.

Over the past few weeks I have found myself
thinking on Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Jesus, the Savior of the world...
My Precious Lord and Savior.
You can read about the birth of Jesus in (Luke 2:1-21)
but it is verse 19 that causes me to think on Mary.
"But Mary kept (treasured) all these things
and pondered them in her heart."
As a mother myself, I can't help but think of what it was like for Mary...
So young and yet a willing servant, obediently saying yes to God.
Becoming impregnated and yet not married,
can't you just hear the tongues wagging
among the village people?
How she must have felt
 knowing she was carrying the God Child within her womb.

Having to travel on the back of a donkey
during the last stages of her pregnancy,
I can't imagine the discomfort she endured.
Giving birth in a stable because there was no room in the Inn.
Being surrounded by the shepherds, wise men and angels.
Glory in the Highest!
No wonder Mary "pondered" all these things.

After Jesus was born, Mary finally had time to ponder on
all the events that resulted in her being a mother.
To ponder means "to reflect on, to consider carefully."
Mary took time to be quiet and think deeply
about what God had been doing in her life
and her body over the last nine months,
and maybe even since she was old enough to know God.
Certainly Mary thought about the wonder of it all.

With the New Year approaching quickly
and the old coming to a close
I have found myself pondering on my own life and
the experiences that have shaped my character and life.
How God brought me to Himself,
and the people God used to bless, teach and guide me
throughout the days of my life.
I have pondered on how God prepared me for
the trials I have faced
and how He has used those trials to bless me.
And I look within my own heart and ask myself the question;
'Am I fulfilling God's purpose in my life?'

I've pondered what it means to be a child of the King.
How thankful I am that I accepted the "Gift" of salvation
many years ago, and have purposed in my heart 
to live my life pleasing to the Lord,
though I have failed many times.
Praise God for His forgiveness, grace and mercy.
I have pondered on what God might want to change in my character.
Am I willing to allow Him to transform me
into the likeness of Himself to a greater degree,
 though it means skimming off the dross
so I may come forth as gold.
I've pondered my relationship with Him,
is it all that He desires for it to be?
I've pondered on my "spiritual bucket list."
What would I like to do in my remaining years for God's kingdom
and for His glory in the days ahead, should the Lord tarry?
Maybe God has a new door opening where I may serve him,
someone that I might pour my life into spiritually,
or come along side to help in time of need.
Oh there are so many needs out there.
Much to ponder on, that is for sure.


  My prayer is that we would all enter into the presence of the Lord
and not allow the noise and business
of this time of year (or all year for that matter) to drown out the Savior.
As we hear the glad tidings of the Christmas message,
may we each hold our hands out to receive
the Christ Child and ALL that He brings.
May the costly gift of Jesus fill all the longings
and desires of our hearts as we ponder on the years past
and look with eagerness to all that God has for our future days.


Heavenly Father, 
may we all look with anticipation, enthusiasm and hope
for the days ahead, that we might obediently say yes to
all that You desire of us, for Your kingdom and Your glory.
We love you Lord, and we lift our hearts to You
with all praise and glory, forever and ever.

To God be all Glory!
~ Debbie ~ 

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