Showing posts with label Foxy Lady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foxy Lady. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2019

Meet our Foxy Lady ~

A great BIG Hello to each and every one of you!
Is it really possible that Thanksgiving (here in the States anyway)
is in less than two weeks?
October hit us hard with snow and some below freezing temps (-7)
but November has been absolutely beautiful with those
Colorado blue skies and warmer days,
in fact, the 28 inches of snow we had at our home
has nearly disappeared. Hard to believe that I was out on my
snowshoes twice with that awesome snow.

I'd like for you to meet our new friend Foxy Lady,
isn't she one gorgeous fox?!
She's the prettiest female we've seen on our property over the past 25 years.
Cooper, or White Paw as I called him (he had only one white paw) was an
older Male who became buddies with my husband, but never returned 
after one hard winter. We think he died of old age, he seemed very wise
and I'm sure that's why he lived to be so old.
Cooper would take an egg right out of our hands ~ he sat with us 
when we had a fire in the outside pit ~ played like a dog with my husband
and came around as if we were his family.

Unlike Cooper, Foxy Lady has yet to figure the egg out. 🤔
Hence ~ fox in the hen house.
She greets my husband at the garage when he arrives home from work ~
she waits on our front porch early every morning
to say Good Morning. 
We find her curled up with that full and fluffy tail wrapped around her
keeping herself warm and snug.
My husband sits and talks with her on the deck, it's so cute.
Their buddies now.

Foxy Lady had two babies this Spring and brought them around
only a few times (sadly no pictures) but we have not seen her babies.
She's not as calm as Cooper was, she's always looking up and around,
maybe the mountain lion got her young ones as we've had a problem.
Look at those velvet legs and ears, she's gorgeous!

Foxy Lady wants to play with Donatella but I'm not so sure 
she wants to bother with her.
Not knowing Donatella's story before we rescued her
leaves us uncertain of her social training as she doesn't 
really pay much attention to other dogs or other animals 
for that matter, she's kind of aloof. 
We think she was used in a puppy mill, she's a lemon Beagle,
rare because she has no dark spots.
In this particular picture above my sweet Donatella
isn't feeling very well, so of course she isn't giving Foxy Lady
much of her attention.

Look at this darling face!
Donatella loves to sing for her Kong filled with treats in the morning 
and twice I've caught her falling backwards onto her back...Yikes!
The vet told us that Beagles are known to have back problems 
because their bodies are long so we need to be careful.
Well...a Beagle with no song...that is going to be hard to change.
Our vet did a laser treatment on Donatella's back,
Wow, it was amazing!
That girl was feeling better soon after we arrived home.

Isn't she precious.
It's been just over a week now and my baby girl is slowly returning back to herself. 
Oh! I nearly forgot to mention that while we were waiting 
for the vet in the exam room I was rubbing Donatella's ears...she loves that...
and I felt a bump behind her ear, I thought it was a wart,
she has been blessed with a few of those, poor darling.
Turns out it was an abscess from a spider bite. ☹
Poor, poor baby girl...
With each day she's growing stronger and stronger, 
going up and down the stairs by herself, enjoying her walks
with a little more enthusiasm and staying close by my side 
rather than sleep the day away.
 I'm praising the Lord for His watch care over her
and for my wonderful veterinarian and her assistant.

"Sing aloud unto the God our strength:
make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob."
~ Psalm 81:1 ~


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