Showing posts with label My Sweet Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Sweet Heart. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Meet my Valentine ♡

Happy Valentine's Day!
42 years ago just three weeks shy of Valentine's Day,
I met my Sweet Heart. 😎
While we had just met and were not "officially" dating, 
my husband asked if I would be his "Valentine" on Valentine's Day. 
What a disappointing reply when I had to decline as a good friend
whom I worked with at the time had asked first
and I thought it would be rude to be a "Valentine" to more than one,
even though he was just a friend whom I worked with.  
Till this day my husband has never forgotten that
and every Valentine's Day he is sure to ask the question, early by the way ~
"Will you be my Valentine?"
Of course my answer has always been yes since my mess up that very first
Valentine's Day shortly after we met. 
My husband is a tender hearted guy and those little meaningful things
matter to him, for which I am very thankful. ❤

I met my husband on the ski slopes where
I was working as a chair lift operator while my husband was enjoying being a tourist.
My husband and a friend saved their money and came to Colorado
just to ski for three months.
All the way from Canada he meets a girl born and raised in Colorado,
only God!
This photo is of Game Creek Bowl where I worked, gorgeous isn't it?!
My husband took this picture after a snow storm just weeks ago.
he said it was an "Epic Day" snow up to his knees.
Unlike the year when we met ~

 That particular year, 1977 was a bad year for snow
and so my husband spent most of his time on the slopes
where the chair I worked on was located, it was there he would strut his stuff
hamming it up for this operator on his ballet skis.
Ballet skiing was something all new to me,
so of course he caught my eye, though I never let on.
My husband has a style in his skiing like none other, I could pick him out
on a slope covered with hundreds of skiers,
whether he was on his ballet skis or down hill skis.
The first time I saw him coming towards my chair lift
I was smitten!
And the rest is history...

Meet my Valentine ❤

This video is of my Sweet Heart doing down hill skiing.
I do not have any videos of him on ballet skis, sure wished I did.
John Denver's song "Sunshine on my Shoulders"
goes perfectly with this video that was done here in Colorado.
Enjoy some Colorado beauty ~

I thought it would be fun to share with you a couple of photos
that were taken for a Valentine's Banquet my husband and I went to
since it's Valentine's Day and all. 
Gone with the Wind ~
The theme was well known couples, we were Rhett Butler and Scarlett ~
I think my husband looks quite handsome with pitch black hair. 😉

Another year the theme was the 50's ~
The two of us had a great time playing it up as boyfriend and girlfriend ~
we were "going steady" and in love.😍

So happy you stopped in for a visit to say hello!
I've been in Arizona enjoying some time with my dear mother. 
Enjoy your day in all its glorious beauty
and spread some love today. 

Take Joy!
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