Stephanie, my daughter, over at The Enchanting Rose
blessed us again with a mug exchange.
I am not normally one to use a mug
as china tea cups are my delight.
But I wanted to participate in the exchange,
because each and every time I join in on these exchanges
I meet the loveliest ladies, and a friendship begins.
I love making friends, and I love being a friend.
There is such joy in friendships, isn't there?
I was blessed to share a gift package
with Ida at Wishes Dreams & Other Things.
I prayerfully put her gift box together
knowing that I knew nothing about her,
but God did.
What fun I had searching for that special mug!
For me... Betty blessed me with a beautiful colored mug,
which by the way, is perfect in size.
which by the way, is perfect in size.
The funny thing is, this color has been the color of my choice
in many articles I have bought for myself this year.
It's bright~fun and youthful, at least that's what I think. :)
Along with my mug was a beautiful
hand stitched tea towel.
The work of dear Betty's hands is quite lovely,
and the pattern is one of my favorites.
Betty does not have a blog, but oh what a delight to have met her
through this mug exchange.
Thank you again, dear Betty!
Thank you Stephanie, for all the work I know you do
in putting these exchanges together.
You do an amazing job in matching ladies up.
Such a gifted talent that you are using for the glory of the Lord.
Thank you Heavenly Father,
for the opportunity we, as ladies have
through these beautiful exchanges,
to meet and share with one another.
As friendships grow, I pray that You
would be glorified in and through them.
~Be Lovely~
Such a gifted talent that you are using for the glory of the Lord.
Thank you Heavenly Father,
for the opportunity we, as ladies have
through these beautiful exchanges,
to meet and share with one another.
As friendships grow, I pray that You
would be glorified in and through them.
~Be Lovely~