Showing posts with label urban. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urban. Show all posts

June 7, 2011

Everyone needs a little support

The first time I strolled with my new camera the sun was setting down. Maybe that's why I'm always chasing up sunsets... But now I'm feeling like the last dawn has never ended... I go to sleep every night hoping to see the sunrise, yet I keep waking up at dawn ... people I know and don't know are running home, tired, and the crane is there again, standing still, because the man who can move it is not there anymore ....
... Rotterdam, the crane working at the new Railway Station

March 20, 2011

The sunset I've lost

A chilly summer dawn in Munchen. I was there, passing through, and yet a feeling that I wasn't keeps taking me back to that moment... I can't remember this scene, it's on my memory card but not in my own memory. It seems like my camera alone remembers it ...a moment that I've lost.

May 18, 2009

Urban sunset light

Two cities, two different moods ...
.... Budapest and Vienna

April 2, 2009

Shade Club

Clubul Shade din Bucuresti, mai multe informatii si poze puteti gasi in numarul 3/2009 al revistei Arhitext.
Adăugaţi o imagine

January 8, 2009

It starts with a RAINy day and in the end there's SNOW

You can hurry up as long and hard as you like to pass that dreadfull rainy day, but in the end the white snow will come, at the right time, to freeze everything and leave it quiet and in peace. And from all that fight you stood up for, all you have to keep is ... your self. Just be there!

... and she was there for me today, and I thank her.

May 24, 2008

March 7, 2008

Reflexii urbane

Un fotoliu confortabil, frumos, atragator, ce aminteste de serile linistite de vara petrecute in doi. Alaturi perechea sa. Unul plin, unul gol, unul intorcand delicat spatele strazii, dar abia al doilea, cel intors spre tumultul serii, lasa sa se iveasca un cap, de care se sprijina telefonul asezat teatral la ureche ... conversatia urbana ... vedem, auzim, simtim, vorbim cu telefonul.
Unii au crezut ca acest text est unul romantic ... ei bine nu e ... e plin de amaraciune, si in plus cam unde mai incape iubirea intr-o lume simplificata de tehnologie. Cat de mult ne place sa folosim telefonul, calculatorul pentru a comunica si cat de simplu ne este ... si in plus ... e la moda. Hai sa ne purtam toti conversatile lungi si placute (?) stand cu fata la strada si la harmalaiul ei, cu o naturalete inascuta!

February 24, 2008

Gone on date with life

Asteapta-ma, fug, am sa vin, da-mi mana, haide, roata se invarte, ia-ma in brate, mergi, continua, un tipat, liniste, iar un fosnet si apoi doar zgomot de fond. Un planset si o luam de la capat...

January 26, 2008

November 24, 2007


De cate ori te-ai putea pierde prin oras, privind viata ciudata a noptii? Desi bati aceleasi strazi, amestecand-te in acea masa bizara de trecatori, bucurand-te de acelasi anonimat general, pari un strain. Un observator pierdut in harmalaiul strazii, un martor tacut al scenelor vietii ...

October 20, 2007

Caldura unei ferestre

Un nou aparat, aceeasi poveste?... Nu nu cred, va fi altfel ... acum mi-e drag aparatul si imi va fi imposibil sa nu transmit ceva din acea dragoste si placere si fotografiilor mele ... sper ca vor fi o pata de ... caldura, ca tot s-a anuntat o iarna grea:P