Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lets hear it for weddings!

I went to Santa Barbara yesterday for the first time ever.
I pretty much fell in love with it there, who wants to go back with me (soon)?

I met Randy years ago through my friend Michael, and we quickly became friends. We went on roadtrips together (Randy is my roadtrip soulmate because neither of us likes to keep a schedule, we dont feel the need to always be talking and frequent stops and detours are welcomed...i hate roadtrip nazi's), had frequent gchat convos and many trips to Coronado island to visit him.

When Randy started dating Alycia, i only heard fantastic things about her and when i finally met her I instantly loved her. They are perfect for eachother and after what seemed like eternities of dating (i think it was a year and a half, 2 years maybe?) they finally got married yesterday.

I was so excited that Alycia asked me to do her hair for her big day...she is a serious, porcelain doll and was SO relaxed a laid back, it was so easy.
they were married in the morning at the LA temple and then later on had a ring ceremony and reception in Santa Barbara...

how smokin' of a bride is she? Cutest little body you have ever seen.
Screen shot 2011-06-26 at 7.29.44 PM
best food ever. DREAMING of coconut curry sauce. YUM.
me and todd
this was right before we did her second hairstyle which i didnt photograph. WHOOPS.
michael is tall. This is me in 5 1/2 inch heels
and here is the painting i gave them.

Love in Santa Barbara. It was a perfect day.
Love that cute little Hagen family!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brain Dump

I cant believe June is almost over. That is insanity.
and now here are the rest of my thoughts.
They will probably be all over the place, as it is 1:22am

-Like i said, its 1:22am, WHY AM I STILL WEARING JEANS?!

-One of my bestest friends is getting married, and guess who she asked to plan her wedding?
I'm excited. I'm ready to jump back into planning.
It's going to be good.
I'm also a bridesmaid, which i would normally not be thrilled about (no one wants to be a bridesmaid) but since I am the planner, this means i have a say in the dress, and the overall feel and style of the i'm kind of excited this time.
Trying to convince her on this dress.
Screen shot 2011-06-22 at 12.27.22 AM

-Went to hot yoga last week.
Lets just say, im not a girl that "glistens"

-Did anyone else see the Voice and wonder who Christina Aguilera's stylist is?
What is going on with these mini braid explosions?

-The bachelor is the most boring show on tv right now. It feels like blasphemy to even right that, but its true.

-I have a new nephew (this deserves its own post and it will someday, promise)
He is the cutest thing ever.
So small.
Owen Jordan Lewis.
I love him so much already.
picture by natalie.

-Why oh why? I'm not even going to get into the floating ghost child, but why does the truck need a portrait of itself on its behind? It makes no sense, but so much sense, all at the same time.
main reason i love the iphone, camera on hand for everything.

-I nominated my friend Jen up for the bachelor yesterday.
I'm dead serious too, and shes going to get cast.
She would be perfect.
There was only a place to put 1 picture, but how was i supposed to show all of her fun sides in one picture?
Oh...just the sneaky photoshop way.

-I got a pair of harem pants from anthro (on sale in the lounge section) a while ago that i forgot about and I just barely found them again and next time i wear them I'm wearing them with heels. They are made of cotton and they are basically sweat pants but with shape.
And i am not kidding about wearing them with heels, either.

-I put my hair in a really high ballerina bun today, and slowly throughout the day it drooped into what i call "Nikki from big love, minus the braid."
Photo on 2011-06-22 at 00.25 #4

-Made hot sauce for my boss for fathers days from his boys.
They made the labels.
It turned out cute, but man. Making hot sauce is not fun.
I think if i did this again, i would probably just buy hot sauce and then sneak it into new bottles.

yeah so i think i will go to sleep now. Or atleast take these jeans off.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Gross Photography

Maybe you guys will all think i am dumb and rude but i dont care.
I hate this sort of crap, and this is my blog and i can do what i want.

All of these photos make me cringe.
None of this is real, its all cheezy set ups.
I'm just not into it.

I know, like, EVERYONE ELSE IS.
Which is fine, but i just want you guys, my friends, to know I am not into it.

If i ever have someone come and take photos of my family, it will be us doing normal things.
Not spelling words out, doing dog piles or any of that sitting on a velvet couch in a wheat field.


i'm sure these people are all nice, but they have terrible taste.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fruit and cookie tacos

Had a sweet tooth today, and wasn't in the mood for chocolate.

Enter Pinterest.

I pinned these sugar cookie tacos a few days ago and have been thinking about them since.

Here is my version.

I wasn't quite sure how to make the taco shape, so with a little bit of research and some thought, i came up with using a roll of wax paper and a roll of foil to place the cooling cookies on.
Worked like a charm.

They were a huge hit.
The kids ate them happily, the adults didnt feel THAT bad eating them cause they are drenched in fruit.
(the frosting was cream cheese, cream, powdered sugar and strawberry yogurt)

Make them!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

a few of my favorite things...

I am obsessed with these things lately...

-Simply LemonadeI drink this stuff like water.
Its so good.

-Scunci No-Slip Hair tiesThe hair ties are AMAZING.
They are rubber and they hold their shape and the dont break.
I am seriously obsessed with these.

-AMC's The Killing
this show is so good and i am glued to it.
I have been watching it online in bed each night...which is probably not the best idea because it makes me so nervous and anxious and scared.
Who is watching it?

-ZAPPOS!If i am going to buy anything online, its going to be from zappos.
Recently they made me a VIP member which means i get free 1 day shipping and i don't pay tax.
it is the
AND i found out my friend works for zappos, and he gave me a coupon code and so now I am even more obsessed with the zap.
Got my swimsuit there, my makeup, toys for my nephews for their birthdays, baby clothes for my sister in law....they have it all.

-CND Nailpolish in Creamy Cameo
been rocking this color for the last week and loving it.
It's the perfect shade of nude.

-Redken Anti-snapI cannot stress this enough...this conditioner is a MIRACLE in a bottle.
Every time i start to notice a million split ends i break this stuff out.
I have been using it for the last week and i can already tell a drastic change in my hair.
Run, don't walk, to get some.

That's enough for now.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brady DDS

My doll friend (Melissa) threw her boyfriend (my friend Brady) a graduation party last night.
You see, he just graduated from dental school.
Sort of a huge deal.

I love going to parties where the host obviously put some effort in.
Enough of these thrown together get togethers. I am over them.

Melissa did so great.
Linds, me, Melissa and Brady the graduate.
In our diplomas were toothbrushes.
How genius and cute is that?
I love any party where you get a favor!

i have some pretty great friends.
And they are also SO pretty, right?

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I am so obsessed with the song 1+1 that Beyonce sang on the American Idol finale.

its so romantic and has so much drama in it...and duh, i love her.

So obviously when i saw this video that her husband JayZ posted on his blog, I wanted to die again cause its the cutest thing ever. If i was a famous, grammy winning singer with a rapper husband, i would hope he would be proud of me and would tape me practicing before Idol and post it.

She has the most insane voice.
and ps, this is with NO microphone or any tricks.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth just got happier

I don't ever want to go back to Disneyland now.
This last trip can't be topped.

I have this friend who is on a tv show (dancing with the stars, maybe you have heard of it?) and so when she goes to Disneyland they give her and her guests a "guide" that takes you through the exits on every ride, so you don't have to stand in line. Uh yes. This happened folks.
our gang on the back row.
Jameson, Chelsie, myself, Paul, our lovely disney guide Jessica, Christine and Becky.

here we are on tower of terror again. we all should have madeout like the people in the front.
We rode this one 4 times.

we took a series of "ugly photos"
Chels was too good at this game.

It was seriously the best.
Disneyland needs to be done this way atleast once.
Thanks again, Chelsie!
You da, you da, best.