Friday, April 30, 2010

NOT a comedian

i asked my nephew Lincoln today to tell me a joke...

i guess the joke is that there were really no trees or bushes around.

isnt he so cute?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

26 Beach

Celebrity sighting #3,946 at 26 Beach in Venice.jason ritter, currently on NBC's Parenthood

Renee, Cami, Jess and I went to 26 Beach for Fourth Meal tonight. We tried to go to the Worldfare Bustaurant but they packed up shop and drove away so off to 26 Beach we went (which is also what Jason Ritter decided on doing tonight as well)

look at how cute this place is! It sort of reminds me of everything my old roommate Claire loves.
Shabby Chic heaven.
Cami and Jess

Renee and I. I'll say it again I SHOULD ALWAYS WEAR MAKEUP.

Good times with the gals. Lemon Bar

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Hills

oh yeah, I helped Kylee move into her new place in Beverly Hills on Friday and we decided to document it with the iphone. The plan was to make a little moving video to the Hills anthrm "unwritten" and i never actually planned on doing it since i dont know what i am doing. Turns out iMovie is made for idiots, and i did it pretty fast.

For your viewing pleasure...Kylee's move
just do me a favor and skip to 2:55 to the only part of this that I am actually semi proud of
(i synched the music perfectly! guys its my first time, dont laugh)

how perfect is it that she has a convertible? Also pay no mind to the 1 million shots of the headrests.

(ps Esther, she is living with Chelsie from DWTS. I thought you might get a kick out of that)

Mazel Tov!

On Saturday, as i mentioned before, I worked a Bar Mitzvah with my friend Laurel. It was my first Bar Mitzvah...and it was a very good experience. I feel tremendously blessed to of made the contacts here in LA that I have. Laurel (i met her at the bachelor) is so fantastic and has turned into a good friend of mine.

Here are some photos from the Bar Mitzvah

the day started at the Temple, where we set up for the luncheon.

after the luncheon, Laurel and i headed to the clients home and loaded all of the kids onto the party bus that took them to K1 Speed in Torrance, where they were met by Baby's Badass Burgers truck for dinner....which PS, was DELICIOUS.

the kids (and some adults) got to race around the track all night and competed for hefty gift cards to Best Buy (how come i didnt have any high profile Jewish friends in junior high?) and then chowed down on an ice cream bar.

as soon as the kids were loaded up onto the bus, we got a chance to take the go karts out and let me just tell you...i'm a grandma on the road, and i'm a grandma in a go kart.

All in all, long day, good experience, lots of bratty kids.

oh, and i got to take home some not even mad about that at all.
and yes, i'm watching MTV's Fresh Meat Challenge...dont judge. And also dont act like you dont watch it too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Santa Monica Canyon

On Saturday i was in Santa Monica Canyon shoving 13 yr old Jewish kids onto a party bus for a Bar Mitzvah, and I fell in love with the homes. Today, Jess and i wanted to go on a little hike, and decided a neighborhood hike was a better idea :)

Seriously, these homes are insane. Here are my favorites...


loved everything about this house, minus the gargoyles.

cool hidden garage.

OBSESSED with the light blue shutters

obviously i love ALL houses with white siding and shutters

how precious is this little cottage? look at the driveway!

take a look at that landscaping.

Ok so its safe to say that i have to marry a bazillionaire
if i ever want to live in this neighborhood (which i do).

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Went to Bonnie Hunt today and came home with this.So if anyone wants to read Shaq's moms book about her mental welfare, let me know.
I will hook you up.
no on in the audience at Bonnie Hunt is under the age of 55.

Tax Day Brain Dump

-Have you ever seen this video?
Peter saw it for the first time. This was his reaction (not staged, he didnt know i took this until after)

-People who are ridiculously wealthy and/or famous are insane. i happen to know from experience.

-Amanda made this delicious salad for Jess and I for lunch, and it made me really feel like summer was around the corner.
something about strawberries, candied almonds and avocado all together makes me want to be in a bathing suit at a pool.
You need this salad recipe, well atleast the dressing, the rest of it im sure you can figure out but the dressings homemade and its the

-If you need a good laugh, i have two blog posts for you to read.
One is here and the other is here.
And im telling you, both made me laugh HARD out loud while i was alone.
You will NOT be sorry for taking the time to read those.

-Bonnie Hunt is today, WHAT WHAT?!
I wish it was ellen. Maybe she will give away free stuff?
Please bless she does, otherwise its 2 hours of my life i cant get back.

-If you do not wear mens Hanes V-necks, you are a crazy fool.
They are 9.54 for a pack of 5 at target, i say run, dont walk, to get some. I will never again buy an american apparel tshirt
(probably not true, the deep v is still my all time fave).
I wear them out with jeans and a pretty necklace, bummin around in my PJs, working out, and basically any other reason you could ever need a white shirt.
And the best part about it is that you always have clean, crisp, white, shirts.
Cause duh, Its 10 bucks a pack.

-I was at the Warner Brothers lot today, and the Secret Service was there and everyone kept talking about it and about "her" and i seriously thought it was Michelle Obama. Boy did i feel like a real dummy when i finally asked a receptionist who told me it was the chancellor of Germany...uh who cares?

-Does anyone else watch the HULU show "If I Can Dream"?
No? No one does, but me? Yeah thats what i thought.
Its dumb, you arent missing out.

-Speaking of tv shows, if you aren't taping 9 by Design on Bravo...well you should.
Its sort of making me want to have a son named Wolfgang, and call him Wolfie.

-I've said it before, and I will say it again. I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER.
tina fey is pretty good too. I have had these songs stuck in my head for days.
"jason's my baby..."

-Going to Disneyland with the fam in a few weeks. So excited to see my nephews. Duh, I love them all, but my little buddy is Lincoln and i cant wait to hear his scruffy raspy voice in person and make him recite Kindergarten Cop lines (he sounds like Dominik..."and Gus my t-ball coach...hes better than you too"), dont worry, my sister already made him say them to me via phone on Easter.
here we are at disneyland last year.

-I'm sick of the 1 trillion blog posts about this Brooke White "Girls with Glasses."
It was cute the first time i saw it.
We don't need to all post it.
I still love you guys though, i just think your blogs are kind of lame. :)

thats all. Happy tax day peeps.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dat Gum Guv'Ment

Nothing takes me back to the 80's sitting backwards in a bucket seat in our blue Dodge Ram Van more than the Big River Soundtrack.

Natalie tweeted a line from "Muddy Waters" this morning and it sent me into a spiral of memories of my family singing at the top of our lungs.

We were big on Big River, MC Hammers "Pray", Janice Kapp Perry "I walk by faith" and Michael McLeans "Celebrating the Light."

Oh man, the memories.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Go Lakers!

passed this house today.

yes, that is a bronze statue wearing painted on Lakers Nike apparel.
Totally creepy.

and there are more, but i didnt want someone catching me snapping photos all around their property.

Lets just say, the dog statue, isnt very life-like.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today at work i was in my room almost all day. But i did have some friends visit me via ichat and skype, so that was fun.

After i fed the dogs, I got to see Casey in his tank top.
and yes, i am laughing at his tank top. So gross.

Later I helped Ashley set up her webcam on Skype.
Look how happy and proud she is!

Ended the night with Peter showing me his new Oliver Peoples.
I want some.

And now i will watch SNL, what i have been waiting for ALL day for. I have Bieber Fever and I'm not even too embarrassed to say that.

you guys im sorry my blog is boring, but i am at work for the week and its all i got going on. Next week should be WAY more exciting because i am going to the Bonnie Hunt show (hahaha who cares?) and working a high profile birthday party on saturday...should be fun! Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Beach vs Lake

Yesterday i spent the day at the beach. I stepped in tar which is STILL on my foot (gave me SERIOUS pity for Joseph Smith. Tar does not come off. And it smells terrible...and mine wasnt hot tar. serious), but anyway, my point was...the beach is not that fun. People around here think im crazy.

I am a lake fan. I think its because i grew up at the lake.

Beaches are dirty. Atleast the LA beaches are. Its the one thing that Orange County has LA beat.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Please Excuse Me While I Barf.

Remember, how i wrote a blog about homebirthing that created quite a stir?

Well....i just found these dolls. Birthing dolls. Like dolls that give birth. IM GOING TO THROW UP.I cant believe i am posting this picture, but i just have to.
Seriously. WHAT THE HELL????

thanks Tristen, for this find.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday was good to me

Lets take a walk through my Saturday, shall we?

Wake up at 8:45 to watch some conference. I easily could of gotten up to watch it on the tv, but instead, didnt even get out of bed and watched it on the ol macbook. Lovely. I was dozing off every so often, but the great thing about technology is that I got to watch the talks i missed, again...when i rewoke myself up. Favorite talk from the morning session was President Eyring's talk on the youth of the church. How great is his voice? Oh my gosh, just the most soothing voice. Anyway, i love him.

I finally got up and started getting ready and headed over to Peter's to watch the second session with some ward peeps. Favorite talk from the PM session was, duh, Holland. My friend Mike tweeted later "Has anybody ever said to Elder Holland the words "tell me how you really feel, Jeff?" I loved it. He is so direct and doesnt sugarcoat and I really appreciate his talks always. The difference between Lust and Love. It was perfect. I just love Elder Holland.
these dorks decided to go P90X Ab Ripper X, which was HILARIOUS to watch.

Home to get ready for the evenings festivities, I was searching my bathroom for a new bar of soap, and came across a bottle of Nair. I bought it to take care of a non-issue for me, blond peachfuzz on my face. I've never really even used it, but curiosity got the best of me.

Maybe this picture is a little bit TMI but i think its hilarious.
Yes, i put Nair all over my face. Do i have hair on my forehead? No, but just in case i did, i wanted to make sure it was gone. What is wrong with me? If anyone is wondering if this was a cool thing to do, let me just tell you its not. My face is semi-numb/burning. Basically i gave myself a chemical peel which is never comfortable.

Off to the LACMA with the peeps.
serious, this place is rad.
this ones Peters photo, im front and center.

We then went to Diddy Riese and had a ball, and finished up at Melissa and Leannes.
peter and myself, awkward weird photo.

basically what im getting at was fun.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Conference Weekend

I always get so excited to watch conference. Its uplifting and inspirational, and i usually get a lot done.
So do yourself a favor, put on your favorite jammy jams and watch conference (either online, or on cable)

You wont be sorry.

(i did this painting yesterday of the Salt Lake temple)