Peter saw it for the first time. This was his reaction (not staged, he didnt know i took this until after)
-People who are ridiculously wealthy and/or famous are insane. i happen to know from experience.
-Amanda made this delicious salad for Jess and I for lunch, and it made me really feel like summer was around the corner.
something about strawberries, candied almonds and avocado all together makes me want to be in a bathing suit at a pool.
You need this salad recipe, well atleast the dressing, the rest of it im sure you can figure out but the dressings homemade and its the
-If you need a good laugh, i have two blog posts for you to read.
And im telling you, both made me laugh HARD out loud while i was alone.
You will NOT be sorry for taking the time to read those.
-Bonnie Hunt is today, WHAT WHAT?!
I wish it was ellen. Maybe she will give away free stuff?
Please bless she does, otherwise its 2 hours of my life i cant get back.
-If you do not wear mens Hanes V-necks, you are a crazy fool.
They are 9.54 for a pack of 5 at target, i say run, dont walk, to get some. I will never again buy an american apparel tshirt
(probably not true, the deep v is still my all time fave).
I wear them out with jeans and a pretty necklace, bummin around in my PJs, working out, and basically any other reason you could ever need a white shirt.
And the best part about it is that you always have clean, crisp, white, shirts.
Cause duh, Its 10 bucks a pack.
-I was at the Warner Brothers lot today, and the Secret Service was there and everyone kept talking about it and about "her" and i seriously thought it was Michelle Obama. Boy did i feel like a real dummy when i finally asked a receptionist who told me it was the chancellor of Germany...uh who cares?
-Does anyone else watch the HULU show "If I Can Dream"?
No? No one does, but me? Yeah thats what i thought.
Its dumb, you arent missing out.
-Speaking of tv shows, if you aren't taping 9 by Design on Bravo...well you should.
Its sort of making me want to have a son named Wolfgang, and call him Wolfie.
-I've said it before, and I will say it again. I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER.
tina fey is pretty good too. I have had these songs stuck in my head for days.
"jason's my baby..."
-Going to Disneyland with the fam in a few weeks. So excited to see my nephews. Duh, I love them all, but my little buddy is Lincoln and i cant wait to hear his scruffy raspy voice in person and make him recite Kindergarten Cop lines (he sounds like Dominik..."and Gus my t-ball coach...hes better than you too"), dont worry, my sister already made him say them to me via phone on Easter.
here we are at disneyland last year.
-I'm sick of the 1 trillion blog posts about this Brooke White "Girls with Glasses."
It was cute the first time i saw it.
We don't need to all post it.
I still love you guys though, i just think your blogs are kind of lame. :)
thats all. Happy tax day peeps.