Saturday, October 31, 2009

Drunk Driving

Last night we piled into the car at 10pm to rush over to the movie theatre to see Michael Jackson's "This IS It."

But on our way, we got pulled over.
Meridith had to take a sobriety test. I could NOT stop laughing.

some of my favorite lines from this idiot cop (he was asian and had the thickest accent and lisp, i couldnt understand anything he said, it was awesome.)

mer: why did you pull me over?
cop: how much have you had to drink this evening?
mer: uh nothing. why did you pull me over?
cop: whats in your mouth?
mer: gum
cop: can you spit it out? how old are you?
mer: im 33. Why did you pull me over? You think i've been drinking?
cop: are you on any drugs? you were driving in the bike lane....your right tire was on the white line
mer: what?

i was DYING. She didnt get a ticket. So funny.

Also she doesnt drink obviously.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Uh...I just got word that the wedding i planned is going to be featured in Real Simple Magazine.

I'm sort of freaking out right now.


Are you kidding me?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thinking of thoughts and things.

-I went to lunch with Kayla last week. I just love her. She lives in Pasadena and its the cutest place, and its just perfect for her. I'm sad that i haven't spent more time with her out here.
-I'm in love with these pop art paintings i have been working on.
-The Hills is good, not great. I cannot stand that Kristen. Shes so damn annoying.
-I love to read. I sometimes forget that when i don't have a book in my hand that keeps my attention.
-My life has been different than ever before the last month. I'm about to move, I'm not completely and totally sure when or where either which is a little bit freaky, but its going to be soon. I have realized the same lesson i keep learning every couple of months. That what i have in store for myself is not necessarily what the Lord has in store for me. Its a hard pill to swallow every time.
-My friend Natalie, is in the Broadway revival of Bye Bye Birdie, and every tweet she tweets, blog she writes, or text i get from her...gets me so excited about that show. I need to go see it. I love bye bye birdie. I remember seeing it for the first time late one night on the Disney channel when i was like 12. I loved it. I need to see the telephone hour, live. I have until April.
-I haven't been sleeping again. I hate insomnia. Which is a stupid thing to say, cause who loves insomnia? No one.
-If you aren't watching Modern Family, you're an idiot.
-My roommate made these day of the dead pillows for Halloween, I'm obsessed with them. I'm really going to miss this house.
-I'm doing nothing for Halloween. I am kind of excited about it.
-That's all for now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I have never won anything on any blog and today i won a funny book...

it just so happens that i love free stuff and i LOVE funny books.

Picture 20
It is a very way to end the day (i just found out)
you can buy this book tomorrow at any bookstore.
YESSS I won I won I won!

that Natalie Hill, shes a good egg. Thats where i won it. Her blog.

I'm doing a giveaway on her blog in a little...i'll keep you posted.

I'm rambling now.

Monday, October 12, 2009

i love these

i was just going through my computer and found a bunch of pictures that i love. I don't necessarily think you will love them, but i love them. So here they are.
jack as bmoney
my birthday cake through the lens of a holga
Derek and Eric in tahoe. One of my most favorite memories and trips.
a medieval picture of me and kylee that just showed its face on fb yesterday.
Lincoln visiting me on my birthday with cupcakes.
dancing in our seats at the rascal flatts concert.
my jovial nephew/lion Coleman. I COULD EAT HIM.
Linds and I at Merzys birthday party.
On Sara's yacht with mer and heather. good times.
we love the dogpile pose. This was taken with brandons blackberry so the quality is crap. i look like an indian. Oh the tan days of summer. This is from the Jacks mannequin/Fray Concert.
me and the cuz. i love him, we are best pals. i miss my cuz. hes in NY.
that day in LA where was went to Michael Jacksons house. It was so fun. I love this picture.
Disneyland with the fam in May for mom and lincolns birthdays...linc is so immodest.
Kristyn and kevin went camping in SD this summer so we went down to meet them for dinner and i just so happened to have some wax lips in my purse. It was hilarious.

And thats all for the pictures i love...part 1


i just looked at this post, and i realized I am really blessed. I already knew that, but its good to be reminded of it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Brain Dump - Fall Edition

I've been in Las Vegas since last Wednesday, and I must say...I am glad i don't still live here, but it has been really really REALLY nice to be here for the week. My nephews couldn't be any cuter, and I am getting a lot done, and its always good to be around my sister Megan. The weather is chilly, which makes me happy, but i sort of wish i would of packed something other than sweats, cause my fall clothes really are WAY cuter than my summer clothes.


Ok so anyway, this is a brain dump. I just decided that just now.

-While watching "the soup" the other night, there was a clip from a pageant show called "king of the Crown" well, we figured out when its on, Megan taped the rerun, and we just finished watching it. ITS BRILLIANT. So hilarious. Perfect television. Its one of the reasons I am happy the television was invented. WATCH IT. Its on Wednesdays on TLC.
-Speaking of TLC, who does John Gosselin think he is? Did anyone else see poor Kate Gosselin crying on the Today show this morning? Again with "the soup" (it was a good one, I'm sorry)...I'll quote Joel Mchale "when did we start siding with Kate?" Seriously. She used to be a beast, and maybe she still is, but she has 8 kids and a total idiot for a husband/ex husband so i think i would be quite the beast too. That guy is a real loser.
-I feel tremendously blessed that i have marketable skills.
-If you are looking for a good dry shampoo, its PSSSSST!
its cheap and its at CVS. It keeps my bangs from looking wet by afternoon.
-Over conference weekend i was able to get quite a few paintings done. One being this one i did for Nie Nie
I love it. And did you see the commercial for Wednesday's Oprah? Shes on it!
-I also did these paintings for Krissa. They are pretty freaking cute i must say.
-I have really good friends.
-I've learned to never leave out a can of peanut butter out at my sisters, as it took me 10 minutes to wash all the peanut butter out of Lincolns little palm and up his arm. THAT STUFF DOESN'T JUST RINSE OFF.
-Found out a couple of days ago that Christmas this year is taking place in FOLSOM. So so so happy about that. Its been over a year since i was last there.
-I miss Utah right now. its weird. I never miss Utah except in the beginning of fall. Las Vegas and California have fake seasons, and fall is just so magical and i really wish i was somewhere where there were leaves? too much to ask?
-I need a project, and i need it soon. My hands are bored and i need to create something.
-I will be posting a tutorial on how to make those Anthropologie necklaces very soon. Promise.

That is all for now.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Medieval Times

Years and years ago, my lovely parents used to take me and my 3 other siblings to Medieval Times in Buena Park. I remember our usual family nights involving either Medieval Times, Raging Waters or Knotts Berry Farm....anyway, my friend Brandon got a ton of reduced price tickets, so 30 of us drove to witness blood being shed for the King, Princess and her Prince. Atleast i think thats what happened, i dont speak medieval.
the dreamy Lord Chancelor....
just enjoying some soup.
seriously, hes dreamy, right?

So there you have it folks.