Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gobble Gobble, its a brain dump.

-How good is the new Beyonce song "Single Ladies (put a ring on it)"? I AM OBSESSED.
-I've been wanting to expand my etsy shop and i've been trying to think of something that would be in the same family of the paintings, however i realized, its etsy. It can be random. And fortunately after consulting with Linsey earlier on in this adventure she made me realize that the "little shop" doesnt specifically say anywhere that its JUST paintings, and that i really can expand it to whatever. So...i have been getting a lot of requests for headbands, and i know they aren't exactly like totally original or anything and im not expecting to make a killing or even really looking they will probably be some of the cheapest headbands and hairclips you can find on etsy. If you see something on a tv show or in a store thats expensive, send me a picture and i will see if i can create it for CHEAP. So thats my idea. Its just fun to make something with your own hands that you are proud of.-this thanksgiving is going to be weird. My sisters family is going to utah to be with Jordan and Kristine, and my mom is staying in Folsom...and i am staying in vegas. We have never been like totally into thanksgiving, and we will be all together next month so its not a huge deal, but its going to be weird. All of my roommates are gone too. But im working at Anthropologie and have a million paintings to work on so i will be busy and it will actually be a really nice break to myself. Im excited for this weird independent thanksgiving. And dont worry, a turkey dinner will be had, im going to Lucilles BBQ with Kayla and Blake. Ha.
-Last weekend i was bored (my roommates were gone) and it was just a quiet weekend...and since gas prices have gone down SO LOW, i hopped in my car on drove down to Huntington for just 24 hours. It was fun. I was just there for Sunday and it was really nice to be with my friends. I love that place.
-Last Saturday i met up with Kayla and Mark (anthro manager, remember, i did a pug painting for him?) to Cafe Rio for lunch and was reminded that Cafe Rio, although it is delicious, means i immediately feel sick. But the Lemonberry cupcake at the Cupcakery that we went to after lunch, made me feel a lot better.
-Also on Saturday after the lunch date Kayla and i (i finally have a friend in vegas! can you tell?) met up with my sissy megan, Michelle and Alex to see Twilight. Oh man. That movie. Oh man. I dont really have much to say. I thought the books were lame-o and written for babies and i thought the movie was basically the same thing. But i did love Bellas hair and it made me want to have long hair again even more. Also i watched it last night bootlegged online again as i fell asleep and it was even more ridiculous the second time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

i love gmail

if you know me well, this is no surprise to you. I'm always in your chatlist (unless of course its a day when im invisible...LOVE THAT FEATURE, so smart). I have been told that it is comforting to know that i will be on gchat from the hours of 9-5. Now i dont want everyone to think this is the go ahead to constantly talk to me. Its not.

Anyway a week or two ago, gmail introduced a new feature...VIDEO CHAT. This, by far, is their greatest addition.chatting with michael and randy who are in San cuz who is in Barcelona...and good old Daniel aka the Rook, who is visiting Mike in Boston...

I did all of this before 10am. PRETTY impressive huh? And look how much fun im having!

Thank you gmail!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last night Megan's friends threw her a birthday dinner of the most delicious chicken tacos, and kayla and i made this delicious milk chocolate and dark chocolate birthday cake for the festivities...

Kayla made the frosting and it was the most delicious and buttery chocolate you have ever tasted. Shes good. She orders her cocoa...thats how good she is. I just use kroger brand everything.i brought in a few slices to work and there is one left and i may just sneak a few bites from it? DONT JUDGE ME.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

im good with my hands

remember how i said i like obnoxiously BIG HUGE hair accessories? Wellllllll still completely true, just now sometimes i make them. Well on sunday i made some. Still buying them, dont get me not trying to be one of those people who relies on themselves for all not a pioneer, im still going to be contributing to society.
they turned out pretty good and i got my supplies from the dollar store and megans fabric scraps. HOLLA!

Monday, November 17, 2008

hey Megan, its your birthday...

Megan is one of my two lovely sisters. Its her 29th birthday today and i thought i would take us all on a little stroll of the life of Megan from the time i was born until she was 20...for comedies sake i am not putting any pictures up that show her in the 2000's.
i'm guessing that ever since i was a little baby bird, Megan was my best friend.
we have always shared a love for bangs and disneyland
This picture is hilarious to me for a few reasons, first of all....for the last couple pictures-mom, whats with the hair? You have us get perms and then you just brush it out? Gross. Erin, your hair in this Christmas picture is absolutely hilarious. Also Jordan went through this weird phase where he was a total weirdo (turkey hat, bad boys dancing, etc)...and i am still me, and Megan is still trying to always keep a straight face cause she is and always has been the easiest person to make laugh. I can get her to laugh at anything, its pathetic really.

Freshman year (megan's senior year)....we shared a love for Old Navy (obviously, the hat, the overalls) but not a love for accessories...Megan never wore any jewelry (unlike me, shown here wearing a really darling handmade by myself, hemp choker) . My mom MADE her wear a necklace to junior prom and she took it off right after her picture was taken cause she felt like it was choking her. She has since gotten over this and actually has had her ears pierced for almost a full year now. WAY TO GO MEGS!
I'm not really sure what this is, but i know its when Megan left for college so i had to of been a sophomore. This was in the middle of my bull-dyke phase where i hung out at the gym and could be found at anytime wearing some basketball shoes or my all-time favorite, a performance fleece vest. Once Megan graduated high school she moved to Provo and dyed her bleached hair DARK brown and started hitting up the tanning bed like obviously everyday. She loved to go to "the bay" in salt lake or "club omni." I'm guessing she was teaching me some dance moves that she picked up there...we were probably dancing to "Say my name" or something by Destiny's Child (loved them).
I cant be sure but i think this last picture is right before she left on her mission? I think that's when she cut her hair into a bob (we used to dye our own hair...obviously. Nice brassy tone, can barely see my skunk stripe that i sported for a while)...anyway aren't we cuties? Thanks mom for scrap booking over the years and cutting up all of these pictures...ha

Megan, along with my two other siblings, is my best friend. We shared a room all my life until she went to college, we shared closets (not so willingly on her side), the artistic gene (we were the art nerds in HS, Ms. Gilbert's favorites), and a love for Janice Kapp Perry. Now that we are adults, and especially now that we are living in the same place and get to spend so much time together, I really don't think there is another person that knows me quite the way she does.

Shes funny, talented, so giving of her time and talents, a great mom, a voice of reason, trustworthy, loyal, beautiful and....OLD.

Happy 29th Birthday sissy!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Alisa thinks my blog has gotten boring. It's true. It totally has. Its because my life is boring. I haven't done anything "FUN" since i went to Huntington a few weeks here is a brain dump.

-I cant sleep. I am two weeks sober from Ambien. The reason i started taking Ambien in the first place is because I cant sleep. I have never had an easy time sleeping. I lay in bed for at least an hour every night frustrated, before i can even get sleep enough to stop concentrating on keeping my eyes closed (kind of like how you tell a child to close their eyes for prayers...they concentrate really hard and are squishing their eyes shut so tight...its like that. Not very comfortable or relaxing). But if i take Nyquil, or Tylenol pm or any other sleeping aid, the laying in bed awake gets cut in half (or my restless legs go into overdrive and my brain is asleep and that is the worst). So enter prescription sleeping pills and 20 minutes after taking one I'M OUT. No matter where i am. No matter what lights are on, who is around making noise...I'm asleep. Its AWESOME. But i don't want to become dependent on it (and my sister has been taking them every once in a while, so i have 2 left and my refill isn't for another week...Ive been hoarding those two pills for the last 2 weeks. Not taking them, just waiting). So yeah. I cant sleep. Is anyone out there familiar with sleep studies? Does insurance cover that? I really think i need one. This 3 hours of restless sleep a night+13 hour work days=just not cutting it.

-Last night i worked at Anthropologie. I am really glad i didn't quit. Its become so fun, and the people i work with are hilarious and its just really enjoyable. Anyway, last night i was working in the fitting rooms and Thursday nights don't usually mean CRAZY BUSY. So, my coworker mentioned she liked my hair clip. Its a cute little felt hydrangea clip that i bought off Lou&Lee on Elsy. So i was rummaging around some scrap material and buttons and whatnot and found some thick cream wool felt pieces, red thin yarn, and some green linen. So after about 20 minutes of light sewing, I was able to present Estella with her very own hydrangea clip. And i have to say, hers is cuter than mine. Its probably (OK i know it is) totally poorly made, but the materials are HIGH END. Its very cute. Anyway we were twins for the last hour of work, and all i have to say is, if you're stuck on a deserted island...choose me to be your only companion because i am REALLY resourceful. I'm just saying.
(don't i look so cute on 3 hours of sleep and 12 hours straight of work with no shower? lovely.)

-I went to lunch the other day with my friends Mark and Kayla. It was sooooooooo nice and so fun to just eat a good meal with people whose company i enjoy. I like Vegas, but i miss my friends and have kind of hated that i have no social life here. So I am so glad i finally have some friends who are hilarious and great people. Those two are just a cute little pair of tender mercies for me.

-How come i haven't always watched Survivor and The Biggest Loser? I have the last 2-3 seasons of both, but they have been around for a while and they are GREAT shows. Really entertaining, not slutty. Good television. If you are not watching these shows...figure out a way to watch them next season. Also Vicky from the Biggest Loser, if you're reading this...I think you're a terrible person.

-Its November. Well its MID November and its in the 70s today. I know everyone in Utah and the east coast and everywhere else cold is going "lucky!" but i don't feel that way. I have worn tights and long sleeves everyday this week out of defiance to the weather. Today its actually a turtleneck. DAMN YOU WEATHER! Give me something chilly, will ya? I look like a fool.

-I went to FHE this week. CRAZY I KNOW. My roommate Candace told me i had to go cause it was a commandment. RIGHT. But i decided that maybe i should make an appearance at least once a season just so i don't look like the inactive girl who never goes to ward activities. Let me just say this-Crab Soccer wasn't fun in elementary school when it was rainy and we had PE and its still not fun. My wrists were shot, but i am glad i went and participated. BABY STEPS PEOPLE. Cant promise i will be there this Monday. The church is still true though.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Unimagined Experience

Every season or so we have a meeting at Anthropologie to get up to speed with the company and where we are at as a store, as well as eat each others treats and have an excuse to hang out together. They are actually pretty fun, considering its work and we are getting paid.

Last night was no different than meetings past. We went over the new holiday gift wrap, the top sellers and of course, it wouldn't be a true Anthro party without a little bit of Twilight thrown in (these people are obsessed, its kind of sick). Anyway, meet my work friends...Nicole (in red): Hilarious, teensy, great style...and she is OBSESSED with Justin Timberlake.
Ambre: She worked at Disneyworld! And has the cutest sweetest is Nicole again, with Lindsay! Lindsay is hilarious and is so funny and friendly. She was one of my first friends at the store. Love her.Louise in her Hooters getup. She is a waitress at Hooters and she is literally a hoot. We close alot together and its always a good time.Mark and Kayla (and Oscar). I love this picture, aren't they such a cute little family? Haha. Im hilarious. Kayla and her husband just moved from DC to Vegas and the last couple of weeks we become a pretty cute little pair of friends. We have a lot of friends in common from our Provo days so its always fun to hear the latest on them through her. Mark is one of the managers and is so unbelievably nice and honest. I love working with him we get in all kinds of random him.

And there are many more of you that i love but you weren't in any pictures (tally, you were always blurry!).

Oh and i should report, I did in fact win the contest for the fall treats...Kayla and i tied. So we each get a cookbook of our choice. Holla!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hip Nation

-Congratulations guys, we now live in a hip nation. So hip, you can buy shirts with our President's face and funny punny slogans, at the hippest store, Urban Outfitters.-And so cool that all these celebrities tell us who they are voting for all the makes it so much easier for me because it takes the guesswork out of voting. So i'm really glad for the media. -Now i wasnt alive for the beatles craze, but didnt people cry and go crazy for them? Just at the sight of those british hunks? I'm glad that we are bringing that back with President Obama.
In conclusion, America is freaking hip and cool.

--and although i would never want to hang out with Obama, im really excited i dont have to worry about my gas or my mortgage anymore. SWEET. Bring on the magic checks.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween in HB

Ever heard of NEVADA DAY? Its this crazy thing they do here...give you a day off of work because Nevada became a state. Cool huh? Also totally selfish of Nevada, but whatever, i'll take it.

So with Friday off of work, i headed to Huntington Beach to enjoy a weekend of friends and halloween.

Martha, KR, Rhyll and I decided it would be a good idea to be "tetris." Yeah not such a good idea. It was like the most time consuming costume in the world.we got to the party at like 10 (i took us all day to assemble these stupid things) and the cops were walking up right as we got there. Seriously. We walked in, and were back out within 10 minutes. Those 20 something mormon kids sure are wild and crazy. Good thing the cops came.

Some of the other good costumes includedDog the Bounty Hunter and his wife Beth, by Brittany and Brandon.
The Jonas Brothers (Brad, Zach and Lance) with the party host Aubrey Hepburn
and lastly a fellow box wearer, Germaine of Flight of the Conchords as a Robot....errr, i mean Peter.