Wednesday, October 31, 2007

RIP October

October you have now been over for a good 30 minutes, so i thought i would bid thee farewell.

Thank you October for bringing in the color change of leaves and weather where i could finally wear some of my cute jackets. Thank you for bringing DVR into my life and for putting "Hairspray" in the dollar theatre. Thank you for the new Rascal Flatts and Iron & Wine CDs and for my new iHome. Thank you for refining and making me feel mature by sending me to the Opera and for giving me a promotion at work.

And thank you most of all for halloween being over. I hate halloween. As you can see i threw together a "dorothy" outfit from a gap shirt dress, a pair of leggings and stefanies red shoes (2 sizes too big). The red flats (gap kids) i wore to the ward party on Monday didnt work out for tonight (due to cutting my feet-too big of shoes...again, Gap Kids) so i ended up looking like i was trying to be a "sexy"(modest) Dorothy, in heels...which was not the case. But Francesca sure was a Sexy Referee...

a few memorable costumes from the night...
Rodney and Dave were "Wheelers" from the 80's movie "Return to Oz". Totally frightening. They had me and Stef do their makeup before the night started which ended in me not having time to carve pumpkins. BOOOOOOOO. (and yes i guess i busted open my dress. great.)

Jeff and Dave were Sigfreid and Roy, while Julie was their white Tiger.
The other reason i didnt have time to carve pumpkins. Casey persuaded me to go to DI with him to buy costumes that coordinated. He wanted to be the dad/manager of the Chipmunks, David. And he wanted me to be the gaurdian of the Chippettes, Miss Miller. We ended up with him at DI deciding last minute to backout and be a little boy who wet his bed. SO GROSS.
(and there jeff is as one of those magical tiger men)

Carving Magic

Ok so i know i am probably way to late to carve pumpkins but i think i'm staying in tonight, carving early before it gets dark and then watching a scary movie... Here are some of my pumpkin thoughts....Remember i have 4 to decorate...
i like the simplicity of these pumpkins, and ok, i guess that candelabra one isnt so simple but thats the main one i want to do. A double stacked guy. They are just kind of creepy , cant wait!

For Good Measure...a picture of me from TGIFridays the other night just LOVING this pumpkin (cant you see it in my face?)--in reality i hated that pumpkin and i hate it when people paint pumpkins unless you are a small child and cant operate a knife.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Stop the Pop

Michaels latest video

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday afternoon

i dont know what im doing with my pocket. IGNORE IT. And i would just like to point out that my boots are on their very last leg. I think i will have to throw them out I bought those at DI 4 years ago for 6 dollars. And they are my favorite...boooo. Someone buy me some look-a-likes. Square toe, 3 inch heel. thanks. Also that skirt of stefanies couldnt be longer.

So my roommate Sarah was carving pumpkins all weekend and so late saturday night i went to buy a pumpkin and ended up with 4. Stay tuned on my festive creations.

The Office Grandma

this is what i am now. I bring some sort of treat atleast once a week. I CANT HELP IT. Its in my blood.

My mom sent me a halloween package with those little ghost cupcake cups and this week is going to be crazy, so last night at 11 i decided to make some red velvet cupcakes for work, otherwise those little ghost things would of gone to waste. They turned out normal, not overly cute, but its fine cause no one cares in the office what they look like except me.

And last week i brought in pumpkin chocolate chip mini muffins on a little cake stand that i bought from ikea. Well it collapsed halfway through the afternoon. Dont buy that stupid thing. Plus its not that cute, its cheap and its glass...not a good combination!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

a Discovery that i MUST share

I feel like i should share one of my discoveries, the bag company OGIO. i know many of you already know about this amazing company and their even more amazing products but just let me tell you anyway...

When i was told i was going to be off doing business in Dallas only days before i was to leave i wasn't worried too much about luggage, since i have my mission luggage. And then the night before i was leaving and was starting to pack, I realized that i leant my luggage to my friend Amy who was selling Security over the summer. This left me BAGLESS. I had seen people sporting OGIO paraphenelia for quite some time now, and it sparked my I set out to find some.

I decided on the brown pinstripe "terminal", instead of the cute pink one cause i figured if i was spending a decent amount of money i might as well buy something that maybe my brother wouldnt be embarrased to borrow, so I left the mall with what i thought was an overpriced piece of stylish trendy luggage-and with a lot of buyers remorse. BOY WAS I WRONG.

I fit ALMOST everything i took to Dallas, which included 4 swimsuits, and 6 pairs of shoes (defenitely wore all the shoes but only one bathing suit...once (sad)) and it kept me INCREDIBLY organized. And if you know me, that is not an easy task. It has so many pockets and compartments and this meshy foam that makes the luggage keep its shape. ITS AWESOME. And every paycheck i am this close to buying the matching carryon-maybe i will wait till i am actually going somewhere.

Last night we had a work banquet and i got an OGIO backpack, the "Urboe." Its a laptop one, and i dont have a laptop, and somehow i ended up with 2 of these backpacks...theyre 70 dollar backpacks, so if anyone is looking for a home for the laptop let me know...and of course you will have a little bit of Icon Security advertising on it as well. (i love my job!)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Defying Gravity

My friends and i talk alot about going on these amazing trips all the time and we talked about going to LA this new years and doing the whole southern california thing. Well i think we really will do it cause we just bought tickets to see Wicked for the end of December. AHHHHHH! i made a commitment a few months in advance. THAT IS HUGE. I feel like im growing up. Usually these sort of trips are spur of the moment for me, but NOT ANYMORE! I am no longer going to spontaneous. My yellow personality is being subdued. It feels good.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Shout out to Kaisa!

One of my best friends, Kaisa, and her husband Scott-along with her 2 other boys Lakai and Maddox....welcomed ANOTHER Bailey baby. Rafe Scott Bailey was born on Sunday weighing in at a healthy 8lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. Isnt he darling? Kaisa and Scott make the cutest sons...
and i had to throw this picture in of Maddox doting on his little brother. How adorable is that?

CONGRATS BAILEYS! I can't wait to meet him!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Canadian Thanksgiving

i know these are kind of late....since Canadian Thanksgiving was over a week ago...

I made these napkinring placecards in the shape of a maple leaf--how cute right? (i copied my sister...she did these a few years ago for thanksgiving for us...). Stef made Turkey, mashed potatoes, apple salad, rolls, blah blah blah all the thanksgiving food you can think of and we dined in our living room on a borrowed banquet table from work. It was very very fun and cute.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


if you like music...and if you like FREE music---

check out this website. my friend emailed me. some guy uploads all these new cds...its real. they really work. im enjoying some new rascal flatts right now.

Holiday Decorations

So i got the Martha Stewart Holiday Edition magazine, with the good and bad things and i am obsessed. I want to decorate all glamorously spooky and here are a couple of my favorite decorating ideas...

drapes made of black paper taped to the window, cool right?

a wreath of red roses spray painted black and hung on a door. I LOVE IT!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Stand Firm and Be Faithful and True

Mission Reunion Pictures...nothing has changed....they still take your camera when youre not around and take retarded pictures.
President Connors daughter katie, and a few of my favorite Sisters (Neff, Bytendorp & Ashbrook)
Again, so retarded. Izatt and Ratcliffe.

Jeremiah's Birthday Dinner...delicious IHOP

When did i start getting so old? I remember when i thought these guys were old when they were barely 25. Jeremiah turned 31 last week and we celebrated his birthday at IHOP. It was the only place still open by the time the BYU game was over, so we ate delicious crepes and enjoyed eachothers company. We have been friends for years, but everyone has moved to different states, different wards (for those of us still in provo) and we dont get together as much as we used to. But i love these guys. Always fun when we get together.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Spa Night Pictures

I didnt really take any pictures of the party but here are some of my friends in action...Cami and Roxanne were such good sports working all night...Cami was waxing until 1:30!

this makes me laugh

i just got this fedexed to me...this is EXACTLY how it was written

"Hello Customer Service, yesterday two of your customer represents was in my home and we speacking for 15 minutes and those guy say your company was incorporate to counterforce usa, my actual alarm system. your customer services say only has to change the new panel to replace old already exist. well after i signed the papper work for they job, and they say will samebody will come on next 40 or hour to install the new panel (they dont do any instalation yet.) Afortunably i make a phone call to my company of counterforce usa alarm and they say, they dont have nothing relation with your company (icon security) so sorry but i cant change my security alarm now.

please cancel my trasaction to make yesterday with your icon security."

i put some of my favorite spellings and made up words in bold. This is what makes my job funny.

Monday, October 1, 2007


My friend Lanni sent me this link from last weeks SNL...funny

Your Personal Invitation to Spa Night

You are Cordially invited to a night at the my house
Tuesday the Second of October Two Thousand and Seven, the year of our Lord.
8pm until 10pm.
We're having estheticians and massage therapists come and give facials and do waxings and massages for a great great deal.

brows 5 dollars
all other facial waxing 3 dollars
legs 10 dollars each
arms 8 dollars each
facials 10 dollars

im not sure how much the massages are going to go for.


I want my money back

When i go to see a movie i dont ask for a lot. I mean, as long as i am entertained i am good. I like seeing movies that are mindless, dont stress me out and take my mind off of my own crazy (or boring) life for 2 hours. NOT A LOT TO ASK RIGHT? So when i go see a movie, especially when its not at the dollars, i expect to be WOWed. NOT the case with Across the Universe.

Beckie, a friend from work, and I have been excited for this movie so we decide that we will block out some of our saturday plans to go and see this Beatles musical. The movie starts, and i was EXCITED, loving the singing, loving the story and then all of a sudden, Naked Asians (i will not be posting them-they were painted white, so i guess they weren't naked..they were wearing paint.) and crazy blue skinny headed weirdos, a circus freak and lots of hypercolor. It was the weirdest thing i have watched. We wanted to leave because we were so bored and NOT ENTERTAINED but we kept thinking it would get better, well it didnt. It was a WEIRD WEIRD movie.