Showing posts with label packaging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label packaging. Show all posts

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Metapolies BIG Winter Sale and New Earrings on Etsy!

I've updated my Metapolies™  banner on Etsy ...

and I'm announcing a new holiday sale there too!
Use coupon code at checkout:
to get 25% off all items!  
Sale runs through Dec. 16! 
It's my biggest sale of the holidays,
so shop for gifts,
shop for yourself!
Find that special-handmade, 
one-of-a-kind treat
for the holidays!

  • All jewelry comes in gift box with paper and ribbon. 
  • I can send directly to a gift recipient with gift card. 
  • Please read my "shipping" and "gifts" policies for details or ask any questions at by Etsy store!
For jewelry-designers, there are components in  that store, as well as my others.  

For jewelry-shoppers, I've been adding new jewelry items there for you too!

(You may notice me having some fun with wire and metal in each of these!)

Artisan-made Winter Pine Tree Earrings

Tree charms by Mary Harding, lampwork by CrazyLadyGlass, 
WoolyWire by Nellie Thomas

Pale green elongated Amazonite, red cloisonne, light green patinated beads and copper earrings

Silver and Copper Hammered Wire Dangle earrings with Green Ceramic Ear Charms

Emerald Green Charms by Sheri Mallery

Patinated Copper and Brass Hammered Wire Dangles with Embossed Brass charms

Please let us know what YOU'RE working on these days!  Leave a comment!

Thanks and Best wishes to you!     --Sharyl

Photos and banner by Sharyl McMillian-Nelson, 12/14.

Clipart from


Friday, December 13, 2013

Thoughts on "Hope" & Upcoming Store Events!

Sharing a little bit of HOPE!

These are glass decorations on my holiday tree.
Being rather thin glass, they are fragile, but lovely,
and they bring me joy when I look at them.
No, I didn't make any of them, but I wish I had!

"Hope" has become, without planning,
my theme for 2013.

Hope--for better health, for strength and clarity,
for a renewed sense of who I am,
and hope for a future,
even if it looks different than the one I once imagined.

"Hope" is also my wish for you this holiday season!
I wonder what YOU hope for?!

(Please share if you feel inclined!)

Upcoming Holiday Events at 
1. Free Shipping All This Weekend

Now through Sun., 12/15/13,
use code:  FREESHIP13  
on orders over US $15.00 
to get free shipping 
to locations in the U.S. and Canada! 

Lime, red, and gold polymer clay beads   PC13-001
2. Polymer Clay Sale Starts Monday!

Mon. 12/16/13-Thur. 12/19/13,
Super sale on all Polymer Clay
pieces in store!
Over 40 new items!
Watch for updates!

3.  Gift Mailing Details:

Gift items can be shipped directly 
to desired location.  
(No additional charge 
if all going to one location.  
Slight increase 
for more than one mailing address.)

 Packages gift wrapped and gift card 
with your note included 
at no additional charge! 
Please leave a note with directions
with your order.

 Thank you for shopping handmade at
this holiday season!

Image Credits:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The "Non-Reveal" Post

Some of you may be wondering what I'm up to these days.  Others of you already have some idea.   It's probably obvious I'm not producing new items at the rate I should be, so I'll explain a little, I just can't show you photos yet...

Often I'm in challenges and post a "reveal" page at the end of the challenge to show what I've made.   Until that time, development on the project is typically kept quiet so the results will be a surprise to all involved.   Those of you who have been involved in challenges, or have read about them, know what I mean.   The same is true of publishing.  Most magazines stipulate that there will be no public showing of your jewelry until after it has been published by the magazine that has accepted it for publication.   

I'm not sure how each of you feel about sharing custom order work you are doing for customers, but I follow a  strict code of privacy here as well.     Perhaps that comes in part from my library background where patron confidentiality is paramount.    Perhaps it comes in part from following too many royal weddings and hearing how no one knows who the royal dressmaker will be or what the bride's dress will look like!   ha!

Regardless, I don't share photographs of a custom order I'm working on, until the customer and I mutually agree on a time I may share it with others.  I typically don't ask until I feel the time is appropriate.   If that sounds stricter than necessary, it may be, but that's just the way I work.

Now, none of this was meant to be a lecture, or to say one way is better than another, it's just background for my story to explain what I've been working on...and will continue to work on for a few more weeks!     I've decided to share a little of the news now, because I've finally hit a milestone today!  Yippee!

The truth is, a close family member who is very dear to me is getting married near the end of June.     I'm making the jewelry for her and her wedding party!   I've mentioned this vaguely to some of you a few times, but not discussed in any detail on my blog until now.    As the time draws nearer, I'll tell you a little more about the project, lessons I've learned,  and may have a few questions for you too!   

When I began working on this many months ago, I thought, "I design jewelry, I have plenty of lead time, I can do this!   No problem!"    I spent several months just planning, designing, and ordering supplies.    Well, turns out I had some things to learn and to figure out.    I've redesigned and reordered materials several times since!      Everything has finally been planned, ordered, and has arrived!

Here are the jewelry pieces I'll be providing for this event:

  • necklace
  • bracelet
  • earrings

Bridesmaids:   (7 )
  • necklaces   (8 done!  X)
  • bracelets   (7 done!  X)
  • earrings
  • gifts for rehearsal

In addition, I'm making a "backup" necklace for both the bride and a bridesmaid and an extra pair of earrings for "just in case" last minute disasters.   AND I'll be taking my pliers to the wedding!    (There have been some jokes floating about regarding me wearing a tool belt to the wedding with my dress!)   ;-)

I started "production" with the 7 bridesmaid's bracelets.  And today, finished the last of the bridesmaids' necklaces, all 8 of them  (7 + a spare).   This has been the most worrisome part for me, and the part with the most repetition--also difficult for me.  (You know I'm a one-of-a-kind designer... so this held its own challenges!)      I feel like the hardest part is over though, and I'm on my way now!   

Hopefully, I'll be able to show you photos when the wedding is over, but for now, my bride is getting the "royal treatment!"   ;-)

What a learning-growing experience this has been and so worth every minute!   Thank goodness I have such a delightful, cooperative, go-with-the-flow, lovely young woman to work with.   As usual, I've learned so much I never even dreamed I would need to know.   

I'm so honored to be involved in her wedding in this way and hope that the jewelry turns out just the way she would like it.   She deserves the very best!

Thanks to all of you who have wished me good luck and offered support.   When I finish in a couple of weeks, I'll celebrate, then get back to business as usual.  Best wishes to all of you in this happy season of weddings and Spring!



Image Credits:


Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

The day is getting late, but couldn't miss my chance to say

"Happy Earth Day"

to you!   I've worked in several environmental-related jobs,  as some of you know; in fact, one or more of you were there with me!    I take my recycling seriously (as my family is painfully aware of)!   But there is always so, so much more that can be done in our daily lives and our businesses to help our Earth stay healthy.   In fact, recycling is the last of several options when doing what is right. 

You probably know the mantra by now....

Reduce / Reuse / Recycle

I don't plan a long sermon today, and there is no finger-pointing.  This is not about creating guilt.   It's about encouraging creative thinking for options that result in a positive outcome for our businesses and our planet.

I think I hit it right part of the time, and miss part of the time.    And there is no one right solution for all of us, as we sell different products that need to be packed and protected in different ways.

I just take this day to encourage all of us to give a thought about how we live and how we package and ship our products.  It's one thing we can control in a big, big world of things we cannot.

1) First, REDUCE...if you can.  This begins in making buying choices.   One store may sell you a tool, another may offer the same tool in a plastic container way larger than the tool itself.  It will require you to get a sharp object and a pair of gloves or several bandaids  to pry the tool out.  Which will you purchase?   You may have choices.      Reducing also pertains to selling and shipping.   No one wants their items to arrive broken.  But if you tend to go way overboard with the bubblewrap, or use a box to send a very small item, maybe you can do with a little less?   You will save money and save on unnecessary materials.

2) REUSE... Do you have an envelop, a box, a plastic bag or container you could use again?  Either for its original purpose or for some other?  

Ex:  While I would normally recycle a plastic container lid, I often keep nice flat ones to use for mixing patinas or holding my metal pieces while they dry.   I can use them many times for this purpose.  It saves me from paying money for something similar at a craft store and allows me to reuse an item I have already.   Reusing ranks higher on the list than recycling, so when I have a choice, I reuse first.

I know some of you find opportunities to reuse copper and other metals; vintage buttons and beads; fabrics, ribbons and lace; and many other items, to make lovely jewelry.   A discussion on Facebook some time back encouraged me to save some copper pipe that was being removed from my bathroom.  (I'm not sure what to do with it yet, but I'll save it until I know and have the skills and tools to work with it!)

Ex One of the first and most talented artists I ran into reusing copper and other objects for jewelry was Tracy Bell from the blog, "Copper, Glass, and Recycled Trash."  She has a shop on Etsy called "TracyBell."  I continue to find her fascinating and full of fresh ideas!   She has been mentioned on this blog many times, but not recently, so if you haven't checked her out, you may want to!


3) RECYCLE... We are fortunate to have curbside recycling where I live and have for the 20 years I've been here.   We pay extra for it, but I don't mind.   I'm the "guardian" of the the recycling bin in the garage where we take things out dozens of times a day.   And I'm the "officer in charge" of the large bin it all goes into for pick up once a week.   SOMEONE must keep a close eye on it or crazy things end up in there!   Anyway, what can go in there, goes.   But I know some of you are also very good about recycling precious metals and other scraps of things you use in your business, and I'd love to hear more about that!

In fact, please share in the comment section regarding any ideas you might have that we can do to help with the environment.   What you think  as a seller and/or a customer about how your packages arrive.  What are your priorities in packaging?   Would love to hear from you!   

In the meantime,  hope the planet has a peaceful night and day.      Happy Earth Evening!  :-)


Image Credits:

(Reuse)  Treasure Tube Necklaces:    Photo is property of Tracy Bell.
