Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Taking a break -- Giving you one too!

There's lots going on. I can hardly decide where to begin!

#1:  Break & Sale!

First, I'll let you know that I'll be taking a bit of a break from the Etsy store soon. In anticipation of that, and because I have quite a few items expiring April 1st and shortly afterward, I'm having a SPECIAL SALE with one of the biggest discounts I've ever offered! 

X-Large Round Embossed Copper Jewelry Connectors or Earring Dangles    HM15-011E  Genuine Copper Embossed Round Earring Dangles in Olive Green and Gold   HM15-014E Extra Long and Lovely  Purplish-pink Polymer Clay Heart Pendant    PC15-013E
Free-cut egg-shaped embossed copper earring dangles in magenta and orange,   HM15-037 Cream, carnation, and black speckled drop earrings   MJ15-013EHandmade Oxidated Sterling Silver Earring Dangles Embossed with Lines   HM15-009E
A  few of the items about to expire:
  • metal components oxidated & patinated
  • copper, 
  • brass, 
  • and sterling silver; 
  • polymer clay; 
  • jewelry!
Coupon code is:   

I have a lot of NEW items to load when I return and I'd rather not relist all of these you've already seen.  

So please help yourself to  30% off all items while helping me clean out the current inventory!

#2: Graphics Updates:

Etsy will be reformatting our stores effective 4/5.  As part of that redo, I've created a new banner...

...and icon for my Metapolies™ store on Etsy! 

I'll begin using these graphics for branding else where too, so I hope you like them and continue to associate those colorful dots with my store! (While I've not figured out how to make all the graphic changes I'd like on blogger, I have changed the header font to match at least!)

And soon, I'll update the header on my website too! (If you want to see the previous banner, it's still there for a little bit longer.)

(Please note:  While I'm happy with my new graphics, the Etsy store layout plans have been controversial to say the least.  If you have comments you would like shared, I hope you will offer them to Etsy or share in a note with me.) 

As always, I thank you for your support of all types!   Best wishes to you all!   ~Sharyl

Graphics Credits:
  • "30% off" and butterfly clip art by
  • All other graphics and photos by Sharyl    

Monday, December 22, 2014

Getting my (Business) Act together + Give-away!

calendar December 22Just as 2014 is about to come to a screeching halt, I've managed to meet one more of my goals for the year!   (No need to add comments such as "It's about time!" or "Cutting it mighty close there!"  ha!)  

house with treesI've long wanted to get my own business domain name again.  I had one back in 2011 and let it go with the website I had.   I started on Artfire then, and went with theirs.

The truth is, as I've expanded this year from one store to three, I've found it rather clumsy trying to direct people to "where I am."    3 stores, 2 store names, all those urls!

arrow black gloss Uturn down fat arrow black gloss Uturn up fat  arrow black gloss counter clockwise fat
Sharyl's Jewelry                                                                   Metapolies
(Art Fire)                                                                                            (ACM)

Having 3 online stores may be an odd thing to do in the first place, but it's an experiment of sorts, and I'm determined to play it out a little bit longer.   

 You might recall that in May of 2014, I did some branding work and redid my business cards, (and banners, virtual and physical table ones).  Of course I did that just before deciding I would like to change my business name and open more venues!   Well, as I've been in flux, I've continued to use those cards, adding stickers on the back with the two new store urls.   (Yes, yes.  Tacky, I suppose.   But think of it as moving to a new location.  You "make do" until you get settled in, right?)

The other evening, I finally decided to get the domain name and create a one-page landing site (home page) for all my business needs.

  The url is:  

I do hope you'll check it out 
and give me feedback!

From the one-page website, you can (hopefully) easily get to all my stores and my social media (Blog, Facebook, and Pinterest).
I've tried to optimize it so it works well with computers,  tablets, and phones.    That's made the layout a bit tricky and not quite what I had hoped for.  I'd really like it to be attractive/inviting AND intuitive/functional.   I'm not sure if I've made the mark yet, but I'm going to begin using it.

Some things I can change, but others I'm limited by what this simple system can do.  

Please, please, please...
If you have ideas, suggestions, complaints, do let me know! I'm very eager for feedback so that this works well for YOU and anyone one else trying to find their way to my stores and social media contacts.  How can I make it better for YOU to use?

My main goal is, instead of directing people to 3 sites, I now will direct them to one only. ONE on my business card, ONE on Facebook announcements, ONE when I run into friends and family.  All the same ONE!  

arrow black gloss rightJust:

Hopefully, it's all easy after that!   

As always, thanks for helping me out and sticking by me as I evolve!


We just hit 175 participants on this blog! 

was the 175th person.
Welcome, Val!

I've sent her a small sample packet of Metapolies™ goodies, but want to give the other 174 a chance too!    A look at and a comment on my blog here by 12/26/14 will get your name in the drawing!   (Please make sure I can find you again on Facebook or  email, store, etc.)   I'll announce the winner on 12/27 and attempt to notify the winner.  If the winner hasn't claimed the prize by 12/30, I'll draw again.

I'm hoping to renew my blogging efforts in 2015 and if you are not a member, I hope you will join us!   

Business card/photo:  Sharyl McMillian-Nelson, 2014.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shai's a winner in so many ways!

Congrats to Shaiha Williams, winner of the Sharyl's Jewelry shopping bag from the Back-to-School give-away drawing last weekend!  

...And this seems a great time to mention that Shaiha has just opened a new store!  I've been watching her design pieces for quite a while, and I'm so excited to now see her designs appearing in her own store!  

Spring Green Pearls
Spring Green Pearls
Shaiha Designs

There are some lovely, eye-catching, unique pieces of jewelry there!  Please pay her a visit at:

Shaiha Designs

Shaiha Ramblings     (a truly delightful blog!)

Shaiha Designs on Facebook

Thanks and congrats again to Shai!  Our best wishes go with you!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Photo of necklace by Shaiha Williams.

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Friday, September 5, 2014

BACK2SCHOOL Sale & Give-away!

Back-to-school has always been one of my favorite times of the year!   It's full of new beginnings, new promise, high expectations, and anticipation!  

While the schools in our area started several weeks ago, I know some areas just began this week.   So I'm thinking it's not too late to celebrate with a Back-to-School sale in my Sharyl's Jewelry store on Artfire!  

Everything in the store is on sale for 20% off price shown through Sun. 9/7/14 with code: BACK2SCHOOL

  • metal components 
  • polymer clay beads 
  • jewelry
  • even Clearance items!

I'm also giving away a canvas shopping bag!  Check poster below for details!

Sale & give-away applies to Artfire store only, but please visit my Metapolies™ store on Etsy too!

Many thanks and Happy Back-to-School!  Let's celebrate!


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Book Clipart:  

Jewelry photos & poster:  Sharyl

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

"Metapolies" and More: "Sharyl's Jewelry" changes and grows!

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.  (Oh, no!)

I've been contemplating where I am and where I would like to be and realize:

  • My business has changed quite a bit during the 3 years I've been operating.  (Brief timeline here.)
  • My style and skills have developed in ways I never dreamed, and I expect that to continue.
  • My desire to grow this business is increasing.
  • To support these hopes and dreams, and to offer the best service I can to my customers, some changes are needed.
  • I want my customers to be favorably impacted by any changes I make.

And so it begins!   

I've been developing plans that will be implemented in stages over the next 6 months.   The first stage is the opening of a new store, Metapolies™ on Etsy.    

METAls + POLymer clay = METAPOLIES™

Pronounced: meh-TOP-oh-leez

(My special thanks to Marla James for help brainstorming a name!)

I will run both stores, Sharyl's Jewelry (Artfire) and Metapolies (Etsy) simultaneously for a while, then will evaluate to see how that is going and make additional plans.  

For the time being at least, both of these stores will offer a combination of jewelry,  beads, and components.  

Please note that I've added links to both stores at the top of my blog. I've also updated Pinterest, and will add to Facebook pages next.   I want to be sure you can find me!    

You can expect the following:

  • Grand Opening Events!
  • All new jewelry and handmade beads added regularly to Metapolies™ on Etsy.
  • Upcoming sales events, especially at "Sharyl's Jewelry" on Artfire to gradually reduce some of the inventory in that store.   (Some new items may still be added there too.)
  • With two stores currently open, an even greater selection of handmade one-of-a-kind jewelry, art beads and metal components
  • Updates on future store expansion and developments here and on Facebook.
If you have questions or helpful suggestions, please let me know.     I'll do my best to make this go smoothly.   

My sincere thanks to you all!  I hope this opportunity will allow us to connect in new ways! 

P.S.  I've been exploring website options, to use as a landing pad to link to the stores, blog, etc.  If anyone has particular suggestions or favorites, I'm eager to hear more!

P.P.S.  A few more details below:

  +        =      saved

FAQ #1:   Until further notice, I'll be happy to combine shipping to save you money.   You can either leave me a note at ArtFire before your purchase and I'll adjust shipping costs, or you can make your purchases at each store and I'll refund you the difference through PayPal.   This offer is good on purchases made at the same time.    

FAQ #2:  There are currently a few small variations in shipping charges and policies between stores.   I will align those as closely as possible as soon as I can.   Purchases made from each store will use the policies/charges for that store.  For combined orders,  any variations will work in your favor until updates are made.

Thank you and best wishes!

* * * * * 

Store banners by Sharyl.  2014

Other graphics from WPClipArt:

* * * * * 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bright new look for Sharyl's Jewelry!

Notice anything different?   A little bit WILD?!  Yes, I do mean the dots! 

I recently redesigned my logo... 

Logo by Sharyl McMillian-Nelson©2014
...and purchased new marketing materials (business cards, event banner, and even a few bags)!  

Business cards
Cotton bags
This prompted a long-overdue redesign of my Artfire store site with a new banner I created.  (Similar but not identical to the marketing products from VistaPrint.)

Sharyl's Jewelry ArtFire Studio banner
by Sharyl McMillian-Nelson©2014

(My Facebook business page has had a banner with the poly beads for a month or so now, so you may recognize the beads from that!)

If you haven't already,
I invite you to "Like" my Facebook business page.
Please also click "Get Notifications" to make sure you receive messages such as sale info,
new products and events!

This blog was the last to be redone and the most challenging.  I couldn't seem to apply my own banner so I used one of the Blogger backgrounds.  This was the closest match I could find.  It's busier than I'd like but I thought I'd give it a try. You know, live on the wide side! 

The goal is to create a more unified marketing presence for Sharyl's Jewelry.   And the colorful dots remind me of my "Funky Flat Poly Beads!"  

Hopefully you like it and when you see the dots, you'll think of Sharyl's Jewelry!

Best wishes to all,


P.S.  Have YOU updated your marketing recently?  Please share a note in the comment section and/or link to a photo!  

P.P.S.  I'm pleased to say I've been in business for 3 1/2 years now.  (In reformatting my blog, I also updated the Company History and other pages linked to the tabs at the top of the page.) 

Thanks for being with me through this journey! 


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Who Moved My Jewels? (A tale of cheese, bread, and a super sale)

Warning:     This post may make you a bit hungry!   ;-)

You may have heard of a book called "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spenser Johnson.  Even if you haven't, once you've read the title, you've pretty much got the idea of that book. (Here is a summary if you haven't read it and want to know more about the mice-sized people who get all confused when their cheese is moved.)  

Anyway, I went to my local grocery store last week, the smaller of the two I frequent, which I like because I know just where everything is without having to look up and down every aisle for what I want.   Do you know what I mean?  Do you have one like this?  

Well, of course they had rearranged nearly every item in the store!  Forget about the cheese for a moment, think of BREAD!   The bread, which was always next to the bakery items (makes sense, right?)...the bread had been moved 1/2 way across the store next to the greeting cards.   Magazines had been put in the place of the bread.  (Um, what?  And why???) 

Like most folks, I really hate it when things get moved all around, unless it's really for a good reason... or if I'm going to get something out of it!  :-)   So far, I haven't discovered the reason for the rearrangement or the benefits it serves me, so I'm just peeved.

You may be wondering, "This relates to me how?"   

Well, I've decided I have too many categories in my "Sharyl's Jewelry" Artfire store.   So many that I suspect people ignore some of them.    I also have too many items sitting there that need to go visit someone else's home!  :-)   So, I'm thinking, if I'm going to move things around, and get rid of sections of merchandise, the least I can do is make it a win/win situation for all.   (Really, it's the least I can do for "moving the cheese" or bread, or jewelry, as the case may be.)

So, here's the deal:

1.  I'm closing out my "HOPE" jewelry collection.  (I know, that's heartless.  My original intention was to use this section to raise money and awareness for people with rare disorders and other diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's.   But I've only sold a couple of items out of this collection in 2 years.   I haven't given it the attention it deserves, I know, but I'm closing it down for now at least.)  After Tues, items will be moved into "Clearance" or other sections and the "HOPE" section removed.   

Use coupon code:  LASTCHANCE to get 50% off items remaining in this collection through Tues, 3/25/14.  (At this lower price, no donations are being forwarded from the sales of these items.   I will continue to make personal donations for such causes, of course.)

2.  I've also closed out a section I started not long ago,  "Mixed Metal and Polymer Clay."   (If I create something that has both, I'll put in one section or the other, based on my whim at the moment.   All items in this section have been moved into the "CLEARANCE SALE" section.)

3. Everything in the "CLEARANCE SALE" section is also 50% off through Tues. using the code:  LAST CHANCE.    In this section you will find:

  •  Items that were already there, marked down, now offered at 1/2 off the marked down price!   
  • New items just moved in from other sections
    (including...  a variety of metal components and polymer clay beads!)  For this sale, 1/2 off the original price!   (This is the first time I've included beads and components in the "Clearance  Sale" section.)
The 50% off only lasts through Tues and you need to use the coupon code:  LASTCHANCE at checkout to get this savings!    (Discount only good in "Hope" and "Clearance" sections.)

After Tues, this special deal ends.  Those items will remain in Clearance at reduced prices (but not 50% off)!  

I hope that finding these items at rock-bottom prices, some below cost, will help ease the pain of moving things all around.  I also hope you'll find some bargains to love and take home!       Win/win.

Best wishes to all,



Swiss cheese:

Shopping cart:




Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back-to-School Giveaways Update!

Thanks to Kathy, Tanya, Lea, Shaiha, Dolores, Eugenie, Mischelle, Creative Klutz, Mary Anne, and Lisa!  I appreciate you spreading the word about our Back-to-School Give-aways and Sale!   We've already made a couple new friends on Facebook, gained a couple followers here on the blog, and sold several items.   My sincere thanks you to all!   I found myself joining blogs, making new friends, and discovering new shops too!   

The first prize in our "Back-to-School" Event is a $20 gift certificate to "Sharyl's Jewelry."  And the winner is:

-- Creative Klutz! --
(Please contact me with email address!  Thanks!)

Our Back-to-School events run through Aug. 16, so if you missed out on this one, there are more chances to win!  

* * * * * *

The next event involves sharing the following:

1)  Which are you most likely to buy? 
     a) Jewelry 
     b) Items to make jewelry

2)  Which would you prefer to win?    
      a) Jewelry 
      b) Items to make jewelry

There will be a drawing from those who respond to both questions in their comment. (Anyone who wishes to comment but be excluded from the drawing, please say so.)    Please watch for the winner announcement so you can declare your prize within 48 hours.   

  • The prize will be based on the winner's preferences this time, (approximate value $15).  
  • You have until Thursday, Aug. 15, 11:30pm Central time to enter. 
  •  The winner will be announced Friday.

* * * * * * *

Back-to-School Sale reminder!  
Right now, everyone wins 
with a 20% off sale at 

Use code:  SCHOOL20
at check-out, now through Aug. 19!

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