Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Taking a Winter Break!

I hope you are enjoying the Winter holidays!

Photo of a snowflake cutout by my niece and nephew several years ago.
One of my favorite holiday images!

Dec. 28 will be the last day for orders at my Etsy store for 2015! All purchases will be mailed before the end of the year.

blank January   
The Metapolies™ store will be on Winter Break through part of January. It's time for me to relax, rethink, rejuvenate!

Polymer clay beads I made last year.
 It seems too long since I played with polymer!

I thank you for your patronage and moral support during 2015. I'm greatly appreciative!

Embossed copper piece from some years back.

Wishing each of you a very Happy New Year and hoping for some Peace on Earth for 2016!


Polymer clay candy cane twists beads.

Photos by Sharyl.
Graphic images from


Saturday, December 13, 2014

Current Holiday Sales Calendar and Special Deals!

Current Calendar of 
Holiday Sales Events:

(Links to all my stores are on blog menu above!)

Ends Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014
Use code:   MERRY25
Discount:  25% off every item
(Only components sold in this store)

Ends Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014
Use code:  SPECIAL25
Discount:  25% off every item
(Jewelry and components sold in this store)

Ends Monday, Dec. 22,  2014
Use code:  HOLLY25
Discount:  25% off every item
(Jewelry, components, and holiday ornaments sold in this store)

Additional Savings Reminder:

Shop more than one of my stores on the same day and receive discounted shipping for combined orders!   Savings will be refunded through Pay Pal.

Gift Certificates:

I'm also happy to create gift certificates.  Please send me a personal message on Facebook or a note through my Etsy or Artfire store if interested.   

Happy Holidays!   

Image Credits:
All photos and graphics by Sharyl except
Holly graphic:


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Metapolies BIG Winter Sale and New Earrings on Etsy!

I've updated my Metapolies™  banner on Etsy ...

and I'm announcing a new holiday sale there too!
Use coupon code at checkout:
to get 25% off all items!  
Sale runs through Dec. 16! 
It's my biggest sale of the holidays,
so shop for gifts,
shop for yourself!
Find that special-handmade, 
one-of-a-kind treat
for the holidays!

  • All jewelry comes in gift box with paper and ribbon. 
  • I can send directly to a gift recipient with gift card. 
  • Please read my "shipping" and "gifts" policies for details or ask any questions at by Etsy store!
For jewelry-designers, there are components in  that store, as well as my others.  

For jewelry-shoppers, I've been adding new jewelry items there for you too!

(You may notice me having some fun with wire and metal in each of these!)

Artisan-made Winter Pine Tree Earrings

Tree charms by Mary Harding, lampwork by CrazyLadyGlass, 
WoolyWire by Nellie Thomas

Pale green elongated Amazonite, red cloisonne, light green patinated beads and copper earrings

Silver and Copper Hammered Wire Dangle earrings with Green Ceramic Ear Charms

Emerald Green Charms by Sheri Mallery

Patinated Copper and Brass Hammered Wire Dangles with Embossed Brass charms

Please let us know what YOU'RE working on these days!  Leave a comment!

Thanks and Best wishes to you!     --Sharyl

Photos and banner by Sharyl McMillian-Nelson, 12/14.

Clipart from


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Almost-Thanksgiving, Traditions, + Holiday Sales Update!

Happy Almost-Thanksgiving!  

For those who celebrate this holiday, many people have their own ideas about how to celebrate (time for eating, for family, shopping, resting, recreation).   

For me, above all else, I like to think of this holiday as a celebration of peace and goodwill among people with differences.  There is a lot of room for that in the world today as much as in history.

But given the more current traditions I mentioned earlier, I thought I'd share with you a few things about how I celebrate:   

1)  I enjoy Thanksgiving feasting too, but as a vegetarian, don't partake in the most traditional of foods, the turkey.   I'm often asked what we eat for Thanksgiving.   (In essence, everything but the turkey and gravy!   Kindly, our family cooks substitute vegetable for chicken broth in dishes.   It's pretty much starch-heaven with a few veggies thrown in!  Yummmm!)

"Eat More Potatoes!" 

2)  Family time-- I have a small family.   Sometimes we gather with my sister and  her small family.  We're still a small group, but it more than doubles the size!  

3) Shopping-- I hate getting out and fighting crowds  in large stores so much that I don't do it much any time of the year, much less during the month of Dec!   I do enjoy shopping small local stores and online though!   There will be plenty of sales this weekend. (I'll help out the economy as best I can!  ha!)  Watch for the upcoming ones at the Artisan Component Marketplace, as well as others of our friends who sell their handmade goods online in any number of venues!    

4)  Resting?  I doubt it!   In addition to my handmade jewelry business (and I'm hoping I'll have lots of visitors this year), I work for a company that provides online chat Reference service to libraries around the world 24/7, including holidays!  We'll be VERY BUSY since most libraries in the U.S. will be closed. 

5) Recreation?   My husband will likely watch sports.   If I'm  lucky, I can squeeze in the watching of a movie at home!   Hope so!    I'll also be online checking my stores and Facebook, to see if anyone has questions.   

6)  Sharing my handmade creations (aka, Selling!)--  Let the sales begin!   I didn't include this in my previous list, but slipping it in now!  I have 3 online stores plus items in a new local art gallery, Art by Avis & Others.   

My online stores are listed below with links.   You can  get 20% off at all of them by using the code  THANKS20.   Sale begins Wed. 11/26 and runs through Mon., 12/1. 

Metapolies™    (components only)
 Artisan Component Marketplace

Metapolies™     (jewelry & components)

Sharyl's Jewelry & Metapolies
 Artfire               (jewelry & components)

Also, if you buy from more than one of my online stores in the same day, I'll combine the shipping and refund you the additional amount!

I'll put out a "shopping guide" in the next day or two to offer some suggestions from my stores and others!    So if you haven't signed up for my blog, please do! (Upper right on this page.)     Also watch my Facebook pages  (personal & business) for holiday sales events!  (Please click "get notifications" after liking so you receive updates!)

I hope you'll share how YOU spend Thanksgiving in the comments!    And whatever you do, hope your day and weekend is grand!

My sincere thanks to all of you!

* * * * * *
Clip art from
Logo by Sharyl 2014
* * * * * *


Thursday, October 23, 2014

THIS SATURDAY-- Holiday Treasures Craft Festival, Shawnee, KS!

  leaf fall red  holly9 snow-flake-5

For those of you in the Kansas City area, I so hope you will join me, family, and friends at the 

15th annual 

Saturday, October 25th 
9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m
Shawnee Civic Centre! 

Yep, that's the talented Tanya Goodwin,
from "A Work in Progress," on the left!
We've done this Shawnee fair together 3 years now!

Joining us this year,  Carol from the BAGOMAG.COM
lampwork & stained glass team
in Kansas City, MO!

Location: Shawnee Civic Centre (inside)
13817 Johnson Drive, Shawnee, KS 
Earrings by Sharyl
Booths 12-13 on lower level, near outside doors

Cost: Admission is free, but bring your money for all the great gifts you'll find!

For information contact the Shawnee Parks & Recreation Department at (913) 631-5200.

Hope we see friends and family, 
and get to meet some of you 
we've not seen before in person!   

Please join us in a fun day!
--Sharyl, Tanya, Carol & gang

Some samples of our work:
(These exact pieces may/may not be at the show!)

Necklace by Tanya Goodwin

Earrings by Tanya Goodwin

Earrings & metal work by Sharyl (Metapolies).
Lampwork beads by Mike Flint,
Necklace by Sharyl
featuring lampwork beads from many artists.

(My thanks to them all!) 


Stained-glass from!


Clipart from

Photos by Artisans featured


Sharyl McMillian-Nelson

Friday, December 20, 2013

Sales, Sales, Sales + Lots of Gratitude!

The SUPERPOLY SALE is over, 
and I want to thank you for your helpful comments, support, 
and purchases--
for this event, and throughout the 2013 year!  

I hope you'll keep reading my blog in 2014 as I continue to 
experiment with polymer, metals, and jewelry making!

I always am eager to hear YOUR thoughts too, so if you can, please take a moment on any of my blog posts to add a note, give a suggestion, let us know what you've tried that did or did not work, what you'd like to try but haven't, questions you have, etc.!   

Until our next chat, wishing each of you a  very
Happy Holiday Season!


* * * * * * * *
P.S.  I've started my last sale of the year!  

Celebrating holidays late? 
Looking for something for New Years? 
Use code STILLTIME to get 25% OFF ALL items, 
including marked-down sales! 


I can create those for you to purchase
 & email the code in time for the holidays! 
Please leave a message at Sharyl's Jewelry 
(Click "Contact Seller")
if you would like to purchase gift certificates 
of any denomination. 

Snowflake on Glass and Silver Earrings

Lampwork beads by BlueSeraphim*

*Please note: Sadly,
Blue Seraphim, one of my favorite stores
for lampwork beads is closing shop.
The good news is that everything is currently 50% off!

Very best wishes to Jennifer Jennings!
~Sharyl & Friends
* * * * * * *

Friday, December 13, 2013

Thoughts on "Hope" & Upcoming Store Events!

Sharing a little bit of HOPE!

These are glass decorations on my holiday tree.
Being rather thin glass, they are fragile, but lovely,
and they bring me joy when I look at them.
No, I didn't make any of them, but I wish I had!

"Hope" has become, without planning,
my theme for 2013.

Hope--for better health, for strength and clarity,
for a renewed sense of who I am,
and hope for a future,
even if it looks different than the one I once imagined.

"Hope" is also my wish for you this holiday season!
I wonder what YOU hope for?!

(Please share if you feel inclined!)

Upcoming Holiday Events at 
1. Free Shipping All This Weekend

Now through Sun., 12/15/13,
use code:  FREESHIP13  
on orders over US $15.00 
to get free shipping 
to locations in the U.S. and Canada! 

Lime, red, and gold polymer clay beads   PC13-001
2. Polymer Clay Sale Starts Monday!

Mon. 12/16/13-Thur. 12/19/13,
Super sale on all Polymer Clay
pieces in store!
Over 40 new items!
Watch for updates!

3.  Gift Mailing Details:

Gift items can be shipped directly 
to desired location.  
(No additional charge 
if all going to one location.  
Slight increase 
for more than one mailing address.)

 Packages gift wrapped and gift card 
with your note included 
at no additional charge! 
Please leave a note with directions
with your order.

 Thank you for shopping handmade at
this holiday season!

Image Credits: