Dear Hubby and I went to the apple growing capital of North Carolina on Saturday . . . . .Henderson County. Although it would have been nicer if we had some cool fall weather, we still had a good time.
We must have gone to about 10 orchards ...... all on Hwy. 64 which takes you from downtown Hendersonville all the way to Bat Cave. Yes, there is a Bat Cave, North Carolina. Cute, cute town with some lovely and UNIQUE gift shops.
Here are some pictures from the day. . . .
Mountain Fresh Orchard |
View from Mountain Fresh Orchard back porch |
Grandad's Apples |
Wonder how they got that up there? |
Grandad's Apples had a corn maze that went on forever. |
Love this vingette! |
This apple was carved right out of the stump! |
This will be Dear Hubby and I one day! |
Looks like time stood still here. |
Loved this orchard! |
Plenty of apples left. |
Our bounty for the day! |
We came home with quite a few different varieties of apples. . . . .Romes, Candycrisp, JonaGold, Honey Crisp and King Luscious to name a few. We found some Pumpkin Bread and an Applesauce Cake (that is gone already!).
And see that long green thing in the picture above? That is a snake gourd. Grandad's Apples had two crates of them. They really look like snakes. We went through quite a few before Dear Hubby decided on that one. He is taking it to school to put in his training room to scare a few football players. Those big guys can be kind of squeamish sometimes!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend. I'm off now to finish getting ready for the classes I'm teaching this weekend and to figure out what to do with all these apples!!
Blessings, Cathi