Shadow Catchers Around the World, Join Us!

Showing posts with label Portsea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portsea. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas and shadows...

table shadows of Christmas at Portsea Hotel, Portsea...

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:

Magical Mystical Teacher
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.

As these notes have appeared for some time,
posts without shadows and
long post titles
will now be deleted.

** Please visit others

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

outdoor comfort...

some new outdoor seating is emerging at the Portsea Hotel, Portsea...

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:

Magical Mystical Teacher
Chubskulit Rose
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Pleaseavoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.

As these notes have appeared for some time,
posts without shadows and
long post titles
will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

light and shadows on Christmas Day..

It was a warm Christmas Day on my Mornington Peninsula,
touched with the whisper of a sea breeze...
This is a view across Port Phillip Bay outside the Portsea Hotel  -
where we had a gorgeous Christmas lunch...

it was a warm day
a beautiful Christmas
to remember

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Matchstick Shadows

Winter wanderers on London Bridge Ocean Beach at Portsea

matchstick shadows
alone in sandy space
cast their mark

Welcome to the shadows of Shadow Shot Sunday!
Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.
** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

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