Shadow Catchers Around the World, Join Us!

Showing posts with label Phoenix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phoenix. Show all posts

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Sidewalk shadows

Shadows on a sidewalk, Phoenix, Arizona

Photo © 2018 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Welcome to the magical world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your host is:

Magical Mystical Teacher


May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Peaceful shadows

 photo DSC_0070_zpsvxxrs37s.jpg
Traditional garden feature, Japanese Friendship Garden, Phoenix, Arizona

In the garden shadows,
Comfort for the soul;
All the weary seekers
Come to be made whole.

Text and photo © 2015 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Welcome to the magical world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hand in hand

 photo 1a1fcff1-63d0-462b-a9db-179d2d0f4718_zpssw3pjrmt.jpg
Couple strolling through morning shadows, Japanese Friendship Garden, Phoenix, Arizona

Through the garden shadows,
Walking hand in hand,
Dreaming of a future
Hard to understand.

Text and photo © 2015 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Welcome to the magical world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Shadows in the cleft

Papago Park photo PhoenixPapagoPark_zpsf669b9e6.jpg
Shadowy rock formation at sunset, Papago Park, Phoenix, Arizona

Nestling in the rock's cleft,
Shadows settle in
For a little respite
Before day begins.

Text and photo © 2015 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Welcome to the magical world of Shadow Shot Sunday!

Your hosts are:
Magical Mystical Teacher
Rose (chubskulit)
Gemma Wiseman

** Please just link to your SSS2 post and not your whole blog.
** Please include a link to SSS2 in your post so other participants may be viewed
so we can clearly see that your post is about shadows.

** Please avoid LONG links. They upset the blog layout.
Just use your name.
As this note has appeared for some time,
long post titles will now be deleted.

** Please visit others.

May the sunlight and shadows always be with you!
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