Showing posts with label Recycled Denim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recycled Denim. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

Recycled Jeans Art Workshop by SekociNorlie, Lets Joint us!! 27-28 April and 11-12 May 2013

Proud to announce that Norlie is one of the instructor for ECO CRAFT PARTEE & CRAFTY KIDS. Lets join me on how to turn the old denim into superb wall deco...

Price: RM35 (do only 1 type of hoop wall deco)
Where: Parkamaya, farenheit88

Date & Time:
1. SATURDAY 27 April 2013 / 11am
2. SUNDAY 28 April 2013 / 12pm 
3. SATURDAY 11 May 2013 / 12pm
4. SUNDAY 12 May 2013 / 11am

Duration: 1 hour only. 
You may choose either from (see also the schedule given)
Morning class (27 Apr & 12 May): 11am - 12noon / 12noon - 1pm / 1pm to 2pm / 2pm - 3pm
Afternoon class (28 Apr & 11 May): 3.30 pm - 4.30pm / 4.30pm - 5.30pm / 5.30pm - 6.30pm / 6.30pm - 7.30pm

For more event details, click below link:

1) Choose the session you want. / Check the date & time of each session.
2) Bank in RM35 via online banking or cash deposit, whatever's convenient to you.
3) Payable to (ACG's president) JANE KHOO POH - CIMB 1408 1279692 52 0
4) Send us the payment receipt copy via email to including your details below.

a. Full name
b. Mobile number
c. Session chosen

For online banking - notify us the payment using the email column & email us your details.
For cash deposit - scan or snap a photo of receipt & sent us via email including your details.
5) We will inform you once payment received & your booking is confirmed via email.
6) No cancellation upon payment made. However, re-schedule is allowed for 72 hours prior to the workshop based on scheduled workshops (as per table).

* Workshop comes with FREE KIT. 
Any enquiries, please email to only.

Some of the idea for the workshop

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rugged?...Yeahh You are Rock Pekja!

Salamat Hari Sabtu yang indah...(mood nak menulis panjang harini..)

Waktu menujukkan jam 4pagi... mata kuyu bermamai-maian lemah bangun menuju ke bilik air...huh rasa nak berhenti..rasa nak tidur semula... rasa nak pejam mata tak bangun bangun (huh tu mati namanya)... tp inilah tuntutan, tanggunggawab dan rezeki yang Allah kurniakan... sebagai khalifahnya jalankan amanahnya yer dok?...(mood insaf)..

Sedang anda tidur nyenyak di rumah saya di sini di workstation yang sunyi...bosan...kosong....tuntutan kerja sebagai seorang jurutera...Wahh!!! sooo skema ya? mmm yerlah tu juruterala sangat, apa la yang dia tahu ya? hahaha setakat configuration for VOIP itu pun kadang-kadang blur jugak... mmm abaikan...(emosi pasal kena kerja on weekend sebenarnya nih)

Jam 4.45am...duduk...mula menjalankan rutin harian...arrgghhh cemburu pada mereka yang masih tidur...ngantuknyaaaa....Lucky today not much work to do...all ticket has been done, some of alert not so difficult to handle... next? what next? hahahah mari berjima-jima dgn my dearest blog...

Configuration-blogging-configuration-blogging...wah macam terer jek...(terer la jugak...harini jek bleh berjima-jimba...hari lain  haram...)

Waktu-waktu begini keadaan tak sebuk, kerana Hari Sabtu kita di sini masih lagi waktu malam di negara-negara acik boleh relek skit....

Okay...motif sebenar nak tunjuk one of the rugged HB from denim which has been requested by Pekja... She so interested with I put sekor as penyeri... and I'm glad she like it... and I hope that her mother tak marah coz apa kes kawin nak berburung-burung hantu kan?  mmmmm zaman dah berubah..trend HB juga berubah... dulu tak merasa nak berpre-wed lah outdoor lah (aku rasa jugak wei walapu pakai filem!) ..

Huh here I present the Pinky Denim HB..enjoy..

More info about Denim HM Click HERE (Last entry) and Sekoci HB 

100% Handmade 

...Huwa nak balikkkkk ngantuk!!!!!!

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wedding Favor - Bridal Hand Bouquet..Denim..

Assalam...Hello rockers!

Let your personality show through with the Denim Bouquet!

Every flower is hand made out of a dark and light colored denim. 
The bouquet is approximatly 9-10in wide and about 11-12in tall.

It would be perfect for the couple that isn't taking wedding traditions too seriously.
The bouquet is a great option for those looking for an eco-friendly option to fresh flowers. 

100% Handmade

Material : 
Recycle denim + 
Vintage button + 
Metal stud +
English cotton + 
English Cotton +
Pearl stud +
Metal chain +
1 cute owl pin brooch (can remove from HB)

Size : M
In Stock : 1
Promotion Price till End of February 2012
Price RM100 (promotion)
Normal Price : RM120 (due to expensive craft material and workmanship)

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Recycled Denim Workshop at National Textile Museum


Wow, baru perasan hampir 3 miggu saya tidak menulis apa-apa diblog..Yup...since start work on shift at early morning which is start from 5AM! rasa nak tercabut mata dibuatnya...and slowly i did not have much ROH nak berkraft...kenapa? bila kudrat tiada apa yang dihasilkan pun tak menjadi kan..daripada sakit hati tak cantik biar dia duk diam2 dalam kotak...when i got mood do again...yeahhh..

Okay we we know on 3rd and 4th Dec I run 2 session workshop at National Textile Museum, Kuala rasa megah..bangga kembang-kembang hidung semua ada...Thanks to ACG who introduce us to them...Thanks to Mis Fid, Mikko, Saza, Nirwana, Namizam who help me alot on that day..esok2 saya belanja makan ya? hehee

Below is the picture taken during the workshop... :)

More picture click HERE (3rd Dec 2011)  and HERE (4th Dec 2011) 
 Ntah apalah aku bebel on that day..yo oo jek ek..
 Sambil diperhati oleh En. Namizam Muda..

 Limited first come first serve..TuNirwana tak habis2 dengan smocking dia...wei class kau dah berakhir kasi tahta kat aku dulu..eheh
 Tekun sungguh mereka...habis 40pcs old denim yang diimport khas dari kedai bundle Sri Muda..hehee

 Original wei..
 Mikko in action...
Hencem Shahril kau pakai! betul!

 Simple and nice right? you may do by your own!
 Tak ada sewing machine but she still want to do juga...sukahati lah dik..jangan bocor bag tu udah :)
 Kakitangan Muzium yang memeriahkan suasana :)

 I, blue and read! Stunning!

 Yup! Simple and may try it!
 Suka kamu ya...

  Till 6.30PM..masing2 macam tak nak balik je....
  Terima kasih..moga kita berjumpa lagi di lain masa ..
  hhaah mak semangat sungguh melompat...tak menyedor anak dah 2!
 Yeahhhhh !!!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What you can do with your Old Denim?

Hello Readers..

Free craft workshop at Textile Museum. Craft instructors was from ACG (The Arts & Crafts Guild, KL & Selangor).

Limit to 20 seats... First come first basis. Don't miss out the great opportunity to learn the craft stuffs!

Beside this we have more workshop...check it HERE 

*Credit to Namizam for the creative poster! I like it!

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Up-cycled Denim Project - #5 Sling Bag

I'm using 1 pair of old denim (pants) and 1 old jacket (black color).. Just nice to carry my Nikon ..heheeh No body know that im carry my Nikon..

Sorry no and only... i'm not sure if i got more old jacket...need to survey at usedcloth (bundle) shop again :P

* Technique - hand stitch! My cousin help me to stiched it...x larat to tick!

 See!! with my flower charm (check previous entry)

Hand stitch!
Put everything inside!
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Up-cycled Denim Project - #4 Flower Charm

Seriously liken it...simple... easy and meletup ..heehee ... Sorry I forgot to snap the step to do... but I will teach it at my Recycle Denim Workshop this week. What we need is 12 petals of flower shape...

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