Proud to announce that Norlie is one of the instructor for ECO CRAFT PARTEE & CRAFTY KIDS. Lets join me on how to turn the old denim into superb wall deco...
Price: RM35 (do only 1 type of hoop wall deco)
Where: Parkamaya, farenheit88
Date & Time:
1. SATURDAY 27 April 2013 / 11am
2. SUNDAY 28 April 2013 / 12pm
3. SATURDAY 11 May 2013 / 12pm
4. SUNDAY 12 May 2013 / 11am
Duration: 1 hour only.
You may choose either from (see also the schedule given)
Morning class (27 Apr & 12 May): 11am - 12noon / 12noon - 1pm / 1pm to 2pm / 2pm - 3pm
Afternoon class (28 Apr & 11 May): 3.30 pm - 4.30pm / 4.30pm - 5.30pm / 5.30pm - 6.30pm / 6.30pm - 7.30pm
For more event details, click below link:
1) Choose the session you want. / Check the date & time of each session.
2) Bank in RM35 via online banking or cash deposit, whatever's convenient to you.
3) Payable to (ACG's president) JANE KHOO POH - CIMB 1408 1279692 52 0
4) Send us the payment receipt copy via email to including your details below.
a. Full name
b. Mobile number
c. Session chosen
For online banking - notify us the payment using the email column & email us your details.
For cash deposit - scan or snap a photo of receipt & sent us via email including your details.
5) We will inform you once payment received & your booking is confirmed via email.
6) No cancellation upon payment made. However, re-schedule is allowed for 72 hours prior to the workshop based on scheduled workshops (as per table).
* Workshop comes with FREE KIT.
Any enquiries, please email to only.
Some of the idea for the workshop