Showing posts with label Hair Clip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hair Clip. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

For Wedding..

Dear readers.. I start with my broken English la ek... (peduli apa..) I know the picture just so-so..hhahaha I just pretend as professional photographer my in-law wedding...I borrowed my cousin D90 and just snap what ever I want... I dont know the setting what so ever just snap and poyo2 like I know everything...(shhttt org kampung tak tahu...vangga giler bawak cam DSLR besar2 nih...)

I love this photo-shoot session  I love this old baju kurung...I really admire all kind of this vintage..I wish I have one pair of this baju... I love the sunlight...the sawah...huhuu nak balik kampungg!!!..

To my brother in law.. Mohd Hanif and his wife Siti Sarah... SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU..Moga bahagia hingga ke syurga...

Okay enjoy the pic...

Nota Kaki
Name: SekociNorlie Princess Diary
Color : Red
Material: Soft Felt 
Flower Measurement : 9 cm
Model : Siti Sarah & Hanif
Photog : Norlie
Wedding date : 17th July 2011
Price: RM20.00 (avaiable now at ChomelCraft.Com) --> kalau tak habis stock la ;)
*more picture available at my personal FB..but only for friend can view :)

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Polka Dot for Retro Night

All about Polka Dot for Retro Night Dinner
Size : 7cm X 4.5cm (Bow) , Headband (25cm X 4.5cm), Plastic Headband (Standard Sz with 2.5cm)

Technique : Glue, hand stitch and machine
Material : Japanese Cotton (Osaka)
Order by : Nur Azra
Unit Perkhidmatan Makmal, Biro Pengawalan Farmseutikal Kebangsaan

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design --- excluding postage :)

Like this?:
Bow : RM8.00
Headband (Plastic) : RM20.00
Headgear : RM15.00

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

For LizOthman and ChomelCraft Photoshoot

Headband and Hair-clip - Flower Girl
Exclusive for LizOthman.Com and ChomelCraft.Com
Size : -+8 to 10cm (Flower Dimension)
Technique : Glue and hand stitch  
Material : Felt (Soft) + Hard and hair-accessories 
Hairclip : Nonslip
Headband : Flexible and bendable plastic headband 
Photo by : LizOthman
Kids Wear by : LizOthman

Sales will be launch at  Portal soonest.. Be Ready! Any inquiries please email to If you interested with the KURUNG, please contact LizaOthman and fill up the order form! :) 

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Black Rose

Felt Flower - Black RoseS
Size : 7cm diameter 
Technique : Glue and hand stitch
Material : Felt (soft)
Order by : Nazlin

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design ---  excluding postage :)

Like this?: RM10 / pcs

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gorgeous Felt Roses Hairclip - big sz

Again... but in different version.... size little bit bigger than the previous one...yeahhhh it still matter way! ... size 2 inc in diameter

Credit picture: Taty Salina yg comel..ahaksss..
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Mmmm i just realized.... lamanya tak dah bersawang almost 1 month +++ i did not update it...lately im litle bit bz... crafting? nope.... office work... my team already upgrade to cover all region...Asia, EMEA (Europe) and US...kami ada 3 orang jek x cukup tangan nak cover beribu2 user...

Wah macam mantap jek ekrja kan...ala kuli jek operation team...routine work jek... thy y no time nak update blog..balik jek dah penat... nak ngadap lappy lagik...huhu kuasaaa....

tapi kan sempat jugak...heheehh ni kerja wiken tetiap lepas sahur...  x sempat pun nk buat sales online....Norlie buh jek kat kedai... (uptown Shah Alam, kompleks muhibah...)

Mmmmm wait apa akan jadi....

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

When I can remember....

Sadis...when my customer said "Only 1? it should be 2!!!" Arghhhhh.... I'm always like this can't remember what they want...belasah haram i need to stay up and sew another one..padan muka...

Somemore my little hero keeping disturbing me... ish....ish...

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Little Riding Hood

Adorable Ariana, Arisha   and  Arlia...
Quo from Eyes of Grace - Zubye
"Granny Arisha was thanking the guess for coming to her little sister's bday party. Followed by Ariana reading "little red riding hood" for them. Its a combo Birthday Celebration for both Ariana and Arlia. They turns 5 and 2 respectively in July

Outfit for Granny and Little Reds Riding Hood are home sewn by momma :D"

Beautiful Costume by : Girl Charms
Photo by: Eyes of Grace
Hairclip by: SekociNorlie :)

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Newborn Gift Set

Thanks to Azila for this order..
This Newborn Gift Set is special for her best friend's new baby..
Location mendarat: dari Shah Alam ke Johor Bahru

Price : Depends on the product selection
Plain box i bought from Memory Lane than deco sikit

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