Showing posts with label Flea Market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flea Market. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


When we in action...heheheh ... our kids enjoy too...this is all gila-gila pictures.... 

Ms ChomelCraft, Ms Sekoci and Ms PinkShoeLOver in the house!!! XOXO Overrr!!!!

at the Kids Buzzar, there will also have a storytelling session by our local celebrity mommy Wardina Safiyyah 
Siapa Alien?

Bantik Painting

Haliza Othman shopping at our cute booth :P

When the TUan Tanah Kedaung Mereng...hahahah

More picture on that day HERE 

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

FemmeCity in KL readying streets meant only for women

Resources: Sify News

FemmeCity in KL readying streets meant only for women

2010-06-21 13:10:00

Something as impossible as a city for women is not a far-fetched dream anymore- It is under construction in Kuala Lumpur.
This extravagant exhibition and fair is being "developed" by the Star's monthly women's supplement, Clove, and it will be, as its tagline says, "Streets Ahead For Women".
FemmeCity, derived from the French 'la femme' meaning woman, will be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from July 30 to Aug 1.
It is catering to women who are intelligent, bold, judicious and ready to spend in products and services that enable them to look and feel good and improve their lives, reports the Star Online.
The highpoint of FemmeCity is its unique concept, which is to develop an actual city.

There will be specific 'streets' covering beauty, fashion, health and fitness, women's consumer products, services and hobbies.
Household brand names such as Canon, Triumph, Tupperware, Wat­sons and Himalaya have confirmed participation at FemmeCity.
It will also have a Library, Clinic, Community Centre and Coffeeshop.
There is also the Playground, which will keep children busy and allow parents to trawl the fair.
Various speakers who would be present at the event include Yap, image consultant and Clove columnist Wendy Lee, master trainer Afa Omar, Qigong columnist Dr Amir Farid Isahak, vasthu sastra consultant T. Selva, self-defence in­structor Joreme Blaine and StarTwo parenting columnist Ruth Liew.
FemmeCity will be opened from 11am to 7pm daily. Admission is free. (ANI)

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Behind the scene of Femme City Exhibition

Just finished photo shoot at The Star HQ... best gila..hahah ditambah-tambah dengan havoc masing-masing.. This photoshoot is for what? oooOOO yeahhh this is for Femme city Exhibition - craft demo & DIY by ACG members for visitors to the exhibition @ KL Convention Centre Fri 30 Jul - Sun 8 Jul, 2010...

The article about FemmeCity Exhibition at The Star today 21st June 2010..

ACG's members, from left Nirwana, Jane, me, Yati, Felicia and Abby
We will do craft demo at the Femme City

Me and Wendy, speaker fr Femme City.

We with Joice from The Star..the organiser fr FemmeCity

More picture just click HERE
*sorry for bad picture resolution, all pic taken from my Hp's camera...the quality one is from The Star Photographer..heheeh ;)

Article from THE STAR

 Monday June 21, 2010

FemmeCity’s streets ahead

PETALING JAYA: Imagine a city built for women. What will it be like? We think it will look and feel like FemmeCity (That’s from the French la femme – pronounced as “fahm” – meaning woman!).
Where will you find FemmeCity? Well, it’s under construction right now in Kuala Lumpur. This ambitious exhibition and fair is being “developed” by The Star’s monthly women’s pullout, Clove, and it will be, as its tagline says, “Streets Ahead For Women”.
FemmeCity, to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from July 30 to Aug 1, is targeted at women who are intelligent, confident, discerning and willing to invest in products and services that help them look and feel good and improve their lives.

A great place for women: An artist’s impression of what FemmeCity will look like.
FemmeCity’s unique selling point is its concept, which is to reflect an actual living, breathing city. Thus, KLCC’s spacious halls consisting of 150 booths will be laid out like a metropolis. There will be specific “streets” covering beauty, fashion, health and fitness, women’s consumer products, services and hobbies.
Household brand names such as Canon, Triumph, Tupperware, Wat­sons and Himalaya have confirmed participation at FemmeCity.
And like a sophisticated city, there will be the Library, Clinic, Com­­­­­­munity Centre and Coffeeshop.
There is also the Playground which will keep children busy and allow parents to trawl the fair.
There is even Lads Lane – because we know the guys won’t be able to keep away, even if it is to carry the shopping bags or to keep the girlfriend or wife happy.
Another must-visit “street” is Mysteria Lane, where visitors can make an appointment with fortune tellers, palm readers and face readers. This is where you can get tips on enriching one’s life from reputable masters of the arcane arts like feng shui and vasthu sastra. 
Students of renowned feng shui expert Joey Yap will be on hand to offer “destiny analyses”.
As an added attraction, visitors will be able to attend talks by Clove and Star columnists and experts on topics like relationships, modern etiquette, career and family and parenting.
Confirmed speakers are Yap, image consultant and Clove columnist Wendy Lee, master trainer Afa Omar, Qigong columnist Dr Amir Farid Isahak, vasthu sastra consultant T. Selva, self-defence in­structor Joreme Blaine and StarTwo parenting columnist Ruth Liew.
There will also be French cooking classes as well as a cooking demonstration by the popular Amy Beh.
For those who enjoy a touch of glamour, there will be daily fashion shows by local and international designers and retailers.
Games and contests hosted by radio DJs from official radio stations RedFM, SuriaFM and 988 are also in the works to keep the city lively and exciting.
FemmeCity will be opened from 11am to 7pm daily. Admission is free. Those interested in participating as exhibitors in FemmeCity 2010 can contact Leong Yoon Loong or Joyce Goh at 03-79671388 ext 1243 or 1240. You can also log on to

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Monday, June 21, 2010

TALK & WALK - ACG's Meeting - Part 2

After KL Tower, we go to Craft fr Grab at Central Market..huuuu long time lah tak pergi sana...dah berubah banyak...Jane introduce me to another crafter...huhuuu terkedu tengok hasil craft masing-masing...terasa kecik jek diri...Malatop sumerr..

Jane, Nirwana and Su Li Khing

Ridwana and SewLing
Ridwana dah kepenatan...sepanjang dalam train, tak ada tempat duduk je bersila..

Lain kali kita pergi lagi....;)

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1SuperKids-MBP Family Day @Wisma Bling Lustre Part 2

Hi again...  ;)

Kali ni entry cikgu-cikgu pulak..ecewah..hehee.. One of the agenda masa event tu is Felt Craft bersama Acik SekociNorlie..(wink).. Huhu class felt Norlie laku macam goreng pisang panass...tak sempat nak buat 3 session..straight terus from 3pm till 6pm...dari newborn sampai la kaum papa n papa..heheeheh...habis semua kasi harung sekali...non stop..
Me in action..cikgu!! cikgu!! pic taken from Mysuperkids
Nampak DIY Norlie fr the class? hahah semua harta norlie bawak on that day..
Pilih jek mana nak..macam2 ada..nasib student tak bawak balik sudah..gantung jarum acik tak menjahit..

Kenal? hheeh passttt sebenarnya Norlie ni dol skit Norlie tak kenal..hahah (lam hati manaaa ku nampak org ni ya..? few minit pkir..hahahah hampeh hakuu weiiiyy!!!, Sorry Kak Azizah..lupaa la saya..)

Tengok mamanya..kusyukkk..habis hati menjahit..hheeh bangga saya..

Yey!!!! cantiktak saya punya?..

anak buat sepit rambut...ayah wat katak..sporting kaum bapa

ehheh mak wat kychain anak gunting2...

kaum bapa kusyuk menjahit...buat keychain frog tp frog tu kaler purple..heheeh
Adik tecit ni pun ..hehehe (mama tolong gamkan..) hhehee

Sampai tertido baby papanya tengah kusyuk pilih felt design dalam buku..hehee

sembang2 sambil jahit felt..

cayalah bro!! dia buat cupcake!! tp Norlie tak sempat nak snap bila dah siap..

Azizah and her kids..

daniel and his felt craft...Card fr her mummy..

nak cepat MUMMY jadi MAMI...jangan tak caya Daniel jahit ni..1st time dia pegang jarum..
bagi la can...cikgu kecik nak interframe jugak..ahakss..

With Pn Lily Putih and Nur

Ha itulah dia acaranya..tu la siapa tak datang kan rugi kan?...Norlie buat class free lagik..eeheheh takpe InsyaAllah lain masa ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi...

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