Showing posts with label Art Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Class. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Unicorn Flower Crown Workshop

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Unicorn Flower Crown Workshop 
Date: April 28, 2018
Time: 2:00PM
Fee: RM120.00
Address: Passion 3 Space – No. 3, Jalan Dato Abdul Aziz (Jalan 14/29), Section 14, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Waze or Google Map: Passion 3 Research
013-8768398 - Jenn Kadir

Flower crowns make great props and enhances any special event! People have used these stunning crowns during indoor and outdoor photoshoots, weddings, bachelorette parties and fairy tale themed events.
@jennkadir brings to you a sewing and craft workshop to create these beautiful floral unicorn crowns.
Join this workshop to learn step by step on arranging the flower crown base and attaching the floral fillers. You'll also learn how to sew the unicorn horn and attaching it to the flower crown base.
Workshop is only RM120 inclusive of all fresh flowers, felt, ribbon and fibers for the horn. A workshop not to be missed! More info pls visit @modernsewistsmy  or click HERE to enter the workshop

#modernsewistmalaysia2018 #modernsewingmarket#msmworkshop2018 #msmyevent #msmy#sewingworkshop #sewingworkshopkl #sewingclass#makersmalaysia #unicornflowercrown#sewingforbeginners #learntosew #sewcialist#belajarjahit #kelasmenjahit #gengmenjahit#gengjahit #craftermalaysia #newhobby#learnnewthingseveryday

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hand bouquet Class - FELT FLOWER BOUQUET

Handbouquet Class

Pilih mana-mana design yang anda minati:
Calla Lily
Mekar Setaman
Mekar Setaman

Pilih Tarikh :
12-09-2015 Sabtu
13-09-2015 Ahad 

Time: 9.30am till finish
All material, tools and food provided - bawa badan dan semangat yang berkobar2 je.

Email to / WhatsApp to 014-9015608.

RM150 - New Student
RM135 - Previous Student
10% discount buku Variasi Hiasan Felt

Please provide
Contact #:
Date of Class:

NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
30/122, Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti make sure area Kampung Batu 7, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor

Belajar cara membuat bunga
Membuat jambangan bunga

#Feltflower #kerjakahwin 
#diy #bungatangan 

Salam Ceria

SekociNorlie - Craft and Paint With Heart
post signature

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Kraft Felt : Bantal Hiasan

Kraft Felt : Bantal Hiasan
Tarikh : 15 Nov 2014
Masa : 9pagi - 1 ptg
Yuran Pendaftaran:  RM5
Yuran Bahan : RM35

Kolej Komuniti Shah Alam,
Bangunan UMNO Shah Alam,
Aras 10, Menara UBSA,
Persiaran Damai, Seksyen 11,
40100 Shah Alam, Selangor.
Tel : 603.5511 4030/6030
Faks : 603.5511 7030
Emel :

#feltcraft #feltclass #hobby #kolejkomuniti #shahalam #KKSA #handmade #kelaskraftangan #feltflower #feltpillow #feltdeco #walldeco

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Bengkel Kraftangan Koperasi Sekolah

Bengkel Kraftangan Koperasi Sekolah
Anjuran Unit Latihan Teknikal Keusahawan Angkasa
Perdana Resort, Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Kelantan

Merangkumi 13 buah sekolah 
41 Penyertaan
Pelajar lingkungan 14-15 tahun (Kelan Koperasi Sekolah)
Berserta guru pengiring.

Jutaan terima kasih kepada Pihak Chef Baker, Angkasa (Tuan Azmi dan Cikgu Azam) serta semua pihak yang terlibat.

Ada rezeki kita berjumpa lagi.

More picture visit SEKOCINORLIE FB PAGES

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Felt Craft – Handmade hand bouquet (TULIP)

Felt Craft – Handmade hand bouquet (TULIP)

Date : 27/9/2014

Spotlight Malaysia
Ampang Point Shopping Centre
2nd Floor
Jalan Mamanda 3
Ampang, Selangor, MY 68000 
3 4145 1400

Time: 10am – 5pm (or until finish one project)

Fee : RM180 (including materials)

Bonus!! Demo Rembulan and Mekar setaman flower. 

Phone: 014-9015608
Please email/text/whatsapp for more details!! 

#kelasbungatangan #bungatangan #DIY #kerjakahwin #bungafelt #kelasfelt #feltclass #handbouquetclass #feltflower #sayajual #handmadehandbouquet #handmade #sekocinorlie
#handbouquetbysekocinorlie #artclass #craftclass 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Handbouquet Class - Button Bouquet

Sunday - 6th April 2014
Code Design: Dia Comel Dia Cantik
Time: 10am - till finish

Fee: RM160 
Material and lunch provided (balik korang kenyang, butang banyak and suka hati)

Please provide
Contact #:
Date of Class:

NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti (make sure area Kampung Batu 7, Jalan Kebun 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor)

Salam Ceria

SekociNorlie - Craft and Paint With Heart
WhatsApp to 014-9015608.

#kelasbungatangan #bungatangan #DIY #kerjakahwin #bungafelt #kelasfelt #feltclass #handbouquetclass #feltflower #sayajual #handmadehandbouquet #handmade #sekocinorlie #novelybutton #bigbutton #buttonbouquet #buttoncraft #kraftbutang #butangcomel #diacomeldiacantik #bungabutang #wedding #cute #bridesmaids #flowergirls 
#handbouquetbysekocinorlie #artclass #craftclass 

Handbouquet Class - TULIP

Handbouquet Class - TULIP

Select your date
Saturday - 15th March  2014
Sunday - 16th March 2014
Code Design: Rembulan
Time: 10am - till finish

RM150 - New Student
RM135 - Previous Student

Please provide
Contact #:
Date of Class:

NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti (make sure area Kampung Batu 7, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor)

Belajar cara membuat bunga
Membuat jambangan bunga

Salam Ceria

SekociNorlie - Craft and Paint With Heart
WhatsApp to 014-9015608.

#kelasbungatangan #bungatangan #DIY #kerjakahwin #bungafelt #kelasfelt #feltclass #handbouquetclass #feltflower #sayajual #handmadehandbouquet #handmade #sekocinorlie
#handbouquetbysekocinorlie #artclass #craftclass 

Handbouquet Class - March 2014

Handbouquet Class

Select your date
Saturday - 8th March  2014
Code Design: Mekar Setaman
Time: 9am - till finish

Sunday - 9th March 2014
Code Design: Rembulan
Time: 10am - till finish

RM150 - New Student
RM135 - Previous Student
RM270 - New Student + Both Class

Please provide
Contact #:
Date of Class:

NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti (make sure area Kampung Batu 7, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor)

Belajar cara membuat bunga
Membuat jambangan bunga
Cara-cara menggendalikan BigShot Machine
*Jika peserta mempunya bigshot, dan dies (BIGZ) 5 kelopak, atau 6 kelopak, love shape, circle, oval
boleh dibawa bersama.

Salam Ceria

SekociNorlie - Craft and Paint With Heart
WhatsApp to 014-9015608.

#kelasbungatangan #bungatangan #DIY #kerjakahwin #bungafelt #kelasfelt #feltclass #handbouquetclass #feltflower #sayajual #handmadehandbouquet #handmade #sekocinorlie
#handbouquetbysekocinorlie #artclass #craftclass

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Handbouquet Class

Handbouquet Class
Select your date
Saturday - 15 Feb 2014
Code Design: Mekar Setaman

Sunday - 16th Feb2014
Code Design: Rembulan

Email to / WhatsApp to 014-9015608.

RM150 - New Student
RM135 - Previous Student
RM270 - New Student + Both Class

Please provide
Contact #:
Date of Class:

NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti (make sure area Kampung Batu 7, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor)
Time: 10am - till finish

Belajar cara membuat bunga
Membuat jambangan bunga
Cara-cara menggendalikan BigShot Machine
*Jika peserta mempunya bigshot, dan dies 5 kelopak, atau 6 kelopak, love shape, circle, oval
boleh dibawa bersama.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Felt Class | Hand-bouquet Class

Handbouquet Class
Select your date
Saturday - 25th Jan 2014
Sunday - 26th Jan 2014

Email to / Whats-up to 014-9015608.
NO. 31 Jalan Tanjung Karang
Taman Kencana Indah,
Seksyen 30,
40460 Shah Alam

GPS cari Lorong Universiti (make sure area Kampung Batu 7, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor)
Time: 10am - till finish
Code Design: Rembulan
Fee: RM150 (including material and lunch)

Belajar cara membuat bunga rembulan
Membuat jambangan bunga
Cara-cara menggendalikan BigShot Machine
*Jika peserta mempunya bigshot, dan dies 5 kelopak, atau 6 kelopak boleh dibawa bersama.
#handbouquetclass #feltclass #feltcraft #shahalam #sekocinorlie #handbouquet

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

ACG Annual Craft Workshops 2013 / 2 WEEKENDS ONLY - SAT & SUN (7/12-15/12)

Assalamualaikum and good day,

Don't know what to do? lets go to Textile Museum Kuala Lumpur! 


10AM-12NOON =>Come join us on 2 WEEKENDS ONLY - SAT & SUN (7/12-15/12) to make crafts to be given to selected charities for their fund-raising efforts. Time & materials sponsored by our ACG instructors.
12.30-2.30PM & 3-5PM =>Come learn make various type of textile & jewelry-based crafts for ONLY RM35 each. 

7 Dec SAT
10am-12noon - CFC with Mastura Mustaffa Whimsicalnquirky making simple wire items (FOC)
12.30-2.30pm - Rose Pendant - Wire jewellery by Mastura (RM35)
3.00-5.00pm - Hardanger Embroidery (Sulam cabut) by Zalita M Nor (RM35)

8 Dec SUN
10am-12noon - CFC with Crazeepatches making hair accessories using scrap fabric, lace, buttons, beads,etc. (FOC)
12.30-2.30pm - Floral Ribbon Embroidery by Umi Kalsom Ismail (RM35)
3.00-5.00pm - Macrame with beads bracelet by Eva Ng (RM35)

14 Dec SAT
10am-12noon - CFC with MisFyfKrafts - learn to make basic crochet items (FOC)
12.30-2.30pm - Felt "Garden Friends" by SekociNorlie - Craft and Paint with Heart(RM35)
3.00-5.00pm - Vintage Floral Ribbon brooch by Umi Kalsom (RM35)

15 Dec SUN
10am-12noon - CFC with Eva Ng - learn & do paper quilling (FOC)
12.30-2.30pm - Fabric Birdie soft toy / cushion by Nirwana Tuan Sariff (RM35)
3.00-5.00pm - Beaded Brooch with Swarovski crystal by Eva Ng (RM35)

For more event details, click below link:

Location: Textile Museum Kuala Lumpur! 

We - our previous class!! hehehehe 

Agro Bank on the left and Dayabumi on the right
From Masjid Jamek LRT sth, walk towards Dataran Merdeka, turn left & walk against traffic pass Abdul Samad Building to the traffic light. The museum is at the junction.

Entrance to the museum, from Jln Sultan Hishamuddin

Have u been to the Textile Museum, near Dataran Merdeka in KL?  Well, do come down to our workshop! 

ADDRESS :  26, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, 50050 Kuala Lumpur
TEL :  03-2694 3461, 03-2694 3457
PARKING :  DAYABUMI (enter from old KTM back road going towards Central Market. Just b4 Central Market, keep left & turn into Pejabat Pos parking area that has sign leading to Dayabumi. Park where u can see the road parallel to the river. Walk out to this small acess road and the museum is at the end of the road.). More info about parking soon.

Butbest advice is to take the LRT. Stop at either Masjid Jamek or Central Market. Read the rest of this post to see pictures of how to get there on foot.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hand-bouquet Class by SekociNorlie

From A- Z till you can bring your own hand-bouquet home!
Take this opportunity to build your skill and generate income
Material and refreshment provided

#Kelas Bunga Tangan Felt

post signature

Monday, May 13, 2013

Recycled Jeans Art Workshop by SekociNorlie, Lets Joint us!! 27-28 April and 11-12 May 2013

Proud to announce that Norlie is one of the instructor for ECO CRAFT PARTEE & CRAFTY KIDS. Lets join me on how to turn the old denim into superb wall deco...

Price: RM35 (do only 1 type of hoop wall deco)
Where: Parkamaya, farenheit88

Date & Time:
1. SATURDAY 27 April 2013 / 11am
2. SUNDAY 28 April 2013 / 12pm 
3. SATURDAY 11 May 2013 / 12pm
4. SUNDAY 12 May 2013 / 11am

Duration: 1 hour only. 
You may choose either from (see also the schedule given)
Morning class (27 Apr & 12 May): 11am - 12noon / 12noon - 1pm / 1pm to 2pm / 2pm - 3pm
Afternoon class (28 Apr & 11 May): 3.30 pm - 4.30pm / 4.30pm - 5.30pm / 5.30pm - 6.30pm / 6.30pm - 7.30pm

For more event details, click below link:

1) Choose the session you want. / Check the date & time of each session.
2) Bank in RM35 via online banking or cash deposit, whatever's convenient to you.
3) Payable to (ACG's president) JANE KHOO POH - CIMB 1408 1279692 52 0
4) Send us the payment receipt copy via email to including your details below.

a. Full name
b. Mobile number
c. Session chosen

For online banking - notify us the payment using the email column & email us your details.
For cash deposit - scan or snap a photo of receipt & sent us via email including your details.
5) We will inform you once payment received & your booking is confirmed via email.
6) No cancellation upon payment made. However, re-schedule is allowed for 72 hours prior to the workshop based on scheduled workshops (as per table).

* Workshop comes with FREE KIT. 
Any enquiries, please email to only.

Some of the idea for the workshop

Sunday, February 10, 2013

JFKL Calendar of Events for February and March 2013

This is the newsletter from the Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur (JFKL), introducing the new upcoming events for February and March 2013.

JFKL Calendar of Events for February and March 2013
1. Chirimen Handicraft Workshop
Chirimen is a type of fabric that is weaved specially to create crepe on its surface. It is usually used to make kimonos or furoshikis. At this workshop, the participants will learn how to make a chirimen accessory.

Dates and times : Session1 : 22nd February (Fri) 10:00am - 12:00pm
                           Session2 : 22nd February (Fri)  6:30pm - 8:30pm
                           Session3 : 23rd February (Sat) 10:00am - 12:00pm

Venue : The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur
            18th Floor, Northpoint Block B, Mid-Valley City

Participation fee : RM 20 ( Including the materials for making two pieces of Netsuke(key chain))

*Limited to 10 participants per session
**Max 2 tickets per person
***We can't accept any walk-in participants. Reservation and ticket collection prior to the event required.

-How to reserve your seat-
Please call us and save your seat first. Then, visit our office to get the ticket. You can also come to our library and purchase the ticket directly.

Telephone Booking Period : Only on 4th (Mon) & 5th (Tue) February at 03-2284 6228
                                        8:30am - 4:30pm
Ticket Collection : 5th (Tue) -8th (Fri) & 13th(Tue) - 15th(Fri) February, 10:30am - 6:30pm
                           9th (Sat) & 16th (Sat)February, 10:00am - 6:00pm
For further inquiries, please contact 03- 2284 6228 or email to

2. Hinamatsuri Tea Ceremony
Hinamatsuri or The Doll Festival is held on March 3 every year. On this day, families pray for the growth and happiness of young girls in their household. Another name for this festival is Momo no sekku (Peach Festival) because of the peach blossom season on the old lunar calendar.

To enjoy and celebrate this Japanese seasonal event, we will hold a tea ceremony hosted by Urasenke Tea Ceremony Group, led by Ms. Takano, an Urasenke instructor.

Date & Times : 2nd March (Sat)
                        Session 1 : 11:15am
                        Session 2 : 12:00pm
                        Session 3 : 12:45pm
                        Session 4 : 1:30pm
Venue: The Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, 18th Floor, Northpoint Block B, Mid-Valley City
Participation fee : RM10

How to get your ticket
1. Please call JFKL (03-2284 6228) during the following hours for your ticket reservation
    Telephone reservation : 18th - 20th February,  8:30am- 4:30pm

2. Then pick up your ticket during the dates below;
    19th (Tue) - 22nd (Fri) February, 10:30am - 6:30pm
    23rd (Sat) February, 10:00am - 6:00pm

* First-come-first-served basis.
**Max 2 tickets per person due to the limited number of seats.
***Prior ticket reservation and collection required. No walk-in participants are allowed on the day of the event.