Monday, November 26, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sekoci on Bella @NTV7
Huhu i'm so nervous now... still prepare some stiff for display props... wish me luck peeps... :)
Bismillahirohmanirohim.....Hope everything run smoothly.
Date: 25th November 2012 (Sunday)
Broadcast time: Between 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Broadcast time: Between 1:30pm – 2:30pm
* the logo of Bella with handcut..habis senget benget... cust it within few minutes...mmm taram sajalah...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Raikan Cinta : AZREEN
Azreen+ Khairul - Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur
Photog by : http:// khairulfaizinphotographic.b

Photog by : http://
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Bintang-Bintang
Material : Felt and colorful button
*Felt Hand bouquet
*DIY Hand bouquet
Friday, November 23, 2012
Raikan Cinta : DIDIE
Bob + Didie
OP - Doublealpha Photography
photo by - ajit /

OP - Doublealpha Photography
photo by - ajit /
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Color of LOVE
Material : felt and colorful button
*Felt Hand bouquet
*DIY Hand bouquet
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Raikan Cinta : Farrah Adibah
Farrah Adibah + Mohd Ilham | Pertunangan
Photig by:
FB Gallery - syazidphoto
Website - http://
Blog - http://
Photig by:
FB Gallery -
Website - http://
Blog - http://
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Dia cantik Dia Comel
Material : Colorful button
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Raikan Cinta : ATIQAH
Photog by : BlackRabbitPhotography
Photog by :
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Mekar Setaman
Material : Felt
Monday, November 19, 2012
Raikan Cinta : FATIN
JEF + FATIN | Sarawak
Photog : adieVincenzo
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Mekar Setaman (all red)
Material : Felt

Photog :
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Mekar Setaman (all red)
Material : Felt
*Felt Hand bouquet
*DIY Hand bouquet
Raikan Cinta : ERDA
ERDA + KAMARUL | Bride Reception
Photog by pages/ LOOKitLOVE-photography
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Color of LOVE
Material : felt and colorful button

Photog by
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Color of LOVE
Material : felt and colorful button
*Felt Hand bouquet
*DIY Hand bouquet
Raikan Cinta : SHADA
Shada + Mukhris | Penang
Photog by : harilhani

Photog by : harilhani
Felt Hand Bouquet Code: Bintang-Bintang
Material : felt and colorful button
*Felt Hand bouquet
*DIY Hand bouquet
Sekolah Rendah Islam Pintar BJ Saujana Utama
We change the topic today :) ... parenting pula..always up about flower flower and flower right? yeah... now days pendidikan is MUST..and yes norlie hantar my daughter since she is 2.5 years old, still pakai diaper and botol susu + bantal busuk...Teringat dulu norlie already sampai office her teacher call asked to hantar the bantal busuk due to Ridwana non stop crying...hahhaa i miss that moment lah...
Okay.. actually i just want to introduce Sekolah Rendah Islam Pintar BJ Saujana Utama, sekolah ni diterajui oleh sahabat baik norlie sendiri...Puan Rahayu and her friend... i'm so proud of you kak...rasa macam baru semalam kita naik pentas Konvokesyen sesama...(saya naik sekali, akak naik berkali2 bukan satu pentas tapi 3-4 pentas so admire you kak. hugsss)
For those tercari-cari manalah nak hantar anak sekolah...i recommend this school .Norlie admire to this school but terlalu jauh dengan rumah norlie...belum ada rezeki hantar ke sana... Okay below is the information:
Facebook :
Al-Quran dan Hafalan
Bahasa Arab
Fardhu ‘Ain dan Pendidikan Nilai
Bahasa Melayu
Bahasa Inggeris
Kajian Tempatan
Kemahiran Hidup
Pendidikan Seni
Asas Teknologi Maklumat
Pendidikan Seni
Asas Teknologi Maklumat
8.00 pagi hingga 4.30 petang selama lima hari seminggu dan tertakluk kepada jadual persekolahan tahunan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
8.00 pagi hingga 4.30 petang selama lima hari seminggu dan tertakluk kepada jadual persekolahan tahunan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Populasi Kelas
Maksima sehingga 25 pelajar
Maksima sehingga 25 pelajar
Pendidikan yang bersumberkan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah untuk melahirkan generasi pelajar yang beriman, bertaqwa dan bermaklumat serta mempunyai ketahanan diri dalam menghadapi cabaran semasa melalui kaedah pendidikan seimbang, berterusan dan terkini.
the uniform, cute right sejuk mandang...
Pengambilan guru (akademik dan agama) dibuka sekarang. Berminat? Sila email resume ke
Friday, November 9, 2012
Pipit Wonderful Market 9 玩得福设计日
Assalam... Morning peeps....
Come and joint us... I will be there too helping Namizam Muda :)
Pipit Wonderful Market an annual creative festival for handmade craft, independent artist, designer and other related creatives talent that are interested to expose and trade their creations or items.
date : 10 November 2012 , Saturday
venue : Annexe Gallery , Central Market , KL
time : 12pm ~ 7pm
Come and joint us... I will be there too helping Namizam Muda :)
Pipit Wonderful Market an annual creative festival for handmade craft, independent artist, designer and other related creatives talent that are interested to expose and trade their creations or items.
date : 10 November 2012 , Saturday
venue : Annexe Gallery , Central Market , KL
time : 12pm ~ 7pm
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Bengkel Inovasi Kraf Kreatif - Penang
Bengkel Inovasi Kraft Kreatif PDK Negeri Pulau Pinang Bagi Tahun 2012
Anjuran : Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Negeri Pulau Pinang
Dengan Kerjasama : Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Negeri Pulau Pinang
Kraft ID Holder : Puan Nur Darwani
Kraft Frame Felt : Puan Nur Darwani
Kraft Penanda Buku felt : Cik Nurul Nadhirah
Kraft Mini Flower Dip : Puan Kamsiah
Kraft Keychain : Puan Norliza (SekociNorlie)
Table Flower Deco : Puan Norliza (SekociNorlie)
Anjuran : Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Negeri Pulau Pinang
Dengan Kerjasama : Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Negeri Pulau Pinang
Kraft ID Holder : Puan Nur Darwani
Kraft Frame Felt : Puan Nur Darwani
Kraft Penanda Buku felt : Cik Nurul Nadhirah
Kraft Mini Flower Dip : Puan Kamsiah
Kraft Keychain : Puan Norliza (SekociNorlie)
Table Flower Deco : Puan Norliza (SekociNorlie)
Terima kasih diatas kerjasama semua pihak, especialy
Puan Noorhamelia from Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat P.Pinang and Puan Rozita Ibrahim Ketua Unit OKU, JKMN Pulau Pinang.
Alhamdulillah berjalan dengan baik..Tenaga pengajar yang baik hati...dan saya sangat terharu diberi peluang berbakti dan mencurahkan sedikit pengetahuan kepada insan-insan istimewa ini....Walaupun masa kita BERSAMA amat terhad, ia pengalaman berharga untuk saya dan bagi saya Guru2 di PDK yang mendidik untuk warga OKU jauh lebih bermakna, tidak dapat dinilai dengan wang ringgit... saya sangat mengagumi anda semua..
Yang terbaik itu datang dari Allah dan yang kurang itu dari saya..InsyaAllah ada rezeki kita berjumpa lagi...
I like this picture...hahaha like pakar motivasi DAO jeek
Full House 110 student and PDK's Teachers :) Alhamdulillah i can managed smoothly..
I so proud of him.. walau kami hanya berkomunikasi secara isyarat tangan.. 2-3 perkataan dalam bahasa itu saya pelajari :) and i admire his passion
Teachers and their students..
Below some of the craft they have done it... Alhamdulillah
Each of PDK (Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti) need to summit the creation.
I love all the messy table..heheeh
Me and Puan Amelia, the Penolong Pengarah JKM Penang, unit OKU.
Thank you puan for the best moment i had this year..
More picture pls visit : SEKOCI's FB Page
Friday, November 2, 2012
Muazzatulqudsiyyah (Baby Muazzah)
Wow wooo wooooo just notice 1 month already I did not update anything in this blog..ho ho hoo so sorry...but i update EVERY DAY in SEKOCI's Facebook...soooo make sure you know what going on in Sekoci's World..hahaah jangan maree :P
Today I share with you the superb photo taken by thelittleBIGshots Photography for adorableBaby Muazzah...cak cak cak...she is wearing the felt flower headband from Sekoci too :)
Wow wooo wooooo just notice 1 month already I did not update anything in this blog..ho ho hoo so sorry...but i update EVERY DAY in SEKOCI's Facebook...soooo make sure you know what going on in Sekoci's World..hahaah jangan maree :P
Today I share with you the superb photo taken by thelittleBIGshots Photography for adorableBaby Muazzah...cak cak cak...she is wearing the felt flower headband from Sekoci too :)
Interested will all of the headband InsyaAllah all product will be at all Lunatots branch soonest (last raya punya stock sudah solt out so ni baru nak start new production...)
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