Friday, April 27, 2012

Jom ke PIPIT Wonderful Market!

Lets meet them!

Pipit Wonderful Market an annual creative festival for handmade craft, independent artist, designer and other related creatives talent that are interested to expose and trade their creations or items.

for any enquiries, do contact  or visit his FB - Miezcraftshoppe 
+012 922 7754

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Felt Class - Kolej Komuniti Rembau, Negeri Sembilan

Felt Class - Kolej Komuniti - RM30.00 DAFTAR SEKARANG!

Kelas Kraftangan Felt- Hanya Bayaran RM30 Sahaja 

Termasuk Kit Pembelajaran (Pola (pattern) Felt, benang, dlln) 


Kepada anda yang meminati and ingin mempelajari seni kraftangan felt, sila daftarkan diri anda SEKARANG! 

Dimaklumkan Kelas dikelolakan oleh Chomelcraft, dan saya SekociNorlie.

Package RM30 
Termasuk Kit Pembelajaran (Pola (pattern) Felt, benang, dlln) 

Felt hairClip

Felt Flower
Felt Flower headband
Tempat adalah terhad...sila DAFTAR SEKARANG!!!
28th April 2012
BERMINAT: SILA HUBUNGI  :  Cik Lily (06-6858 672 (Pej.))


Kolej Komuniti Rembau
Lot PT 2565-2579,
Taman Pinggiran Pedas,
71400 Pedas, Negeri Sembilan.
06-6858 672 (Pej.)
06-6858 698 (F) 

Gambar-Gambar pada bengkel yang dijalankan sebelum ini.

Kredit Gambar: ChomelCraft.Com

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Order for April and Early May is CLOSED

Assalam...Kindly inform ORDER FOR APRIL 2012 and EARLY MAY 2012 is CLOSED!... Thank you

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sekoci and GoGo Bazaar@KL SOGO

Assalamualaikum... Hello readres and handmade lover....

SEKOCI and Friends will be at GoGoBazaar this  weekend, so BLOCK your date! Don't go any shopping mall except SOGO.. :P

Is all about handmade!

Venue: 7th floor,KL SOGO (  Walkway, 7th Floor (*in front of Starz Studio)   )
Date: 21st and 22nd April 2012
Time: 11am - 6pm
Booth No: 16

~ We selling handmade craft and craft supply (DIY)

*FYI, all proceeds (participation fees) collected from these event will all be channeled to KL SOGO’s Plant A Tree for Mother Nature’ project (Sayangi Bumi Kita, and anda perlukan Oksigen untuk hidup kan?) --> ugutan untuk anda wajib datang!! hehe
Appreciate if you could share this event with your friends and hope they could
Lets shopping handmade creation!
(secara tidak langsung anda menyumbang kepada Project - Plant A Tree for Mother Nature
tak sayang saya sayang la dekat BUMI untuk generasi akan datang)..

Click Picture to enlarge

 Check Sekoci's Booth is Lucky 16 

Click Picture to enlarge

Get Direction to SOGO click HERE  and HERE

See you there!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rugged?...Yeahh You are Rock Pekja!

Salamat Hari Sabtu yang indah...(mood nak menulis panjang harini..)

Waktu menujukkan jam 4pagi... mata kuyu bermamai-maian lemah bangun menuju ke bilik air...huh rasa nak berhenti..rasa nak tidur semula... rasa nak pejam mata tak bangun bangun (huh tu mati namanya)... tp inilah tuntutan, tanggunggawab dan rezeki yang Allah kurniakan... sebagai khalifahnya jalankan amanahnya yer dok?...(mood insaf)..

Sedang anda tidur nyenyak di rumah saya di sini di workstation yang sunyi...bosan...kosong....tuntutan kerja sebagai seorang jurutera...Wahh!!! sooo skema ya? mmm yerlah tu juruterala sangat, apa la yang dia tahu ya? hahaha setakat configuration for VOIP itu pun kadang-kadang blur jugak... mmm abaikan...(emosi pasal kena kerja on weekend sebenarnya nih)

Jam 4.45am...duduk...mula menjalankan rutin harian...arrgghhh cemburu pada mereka yang masih tidur...ngantuknyaaaa....Lucky today not much work to do...all ticket has been done, some of alert not so difficult to handle... next? what next? hahahah mari berjima-jima dgn my dearest blog...

Configuration-blogging-configuration-blogging...wah macam terer jek...(terer la jugak...harini jek bleh berjima-jimba...hari lain  haram...)

Waktu-waktu begini keadaan tak sebuk, kerana Hari Sabtu kita di sini masih lagi waktu malam di negara-negara acik boleh relek skit....

Okay...motif sebenar nak tunjuk one of the rugged HB from denim which has been requested by Pekja... She so interested with I put sekor as penyeri... and I'm glad she like it... and I hope that her mother tak marah coz apa kes kawin nak berburung-burung hantu kan?  mmmmm zaman dah berubah..trend HB juga berubah... dulu tak merasa nak berpre-wed lah outdoor lah (aku rasa jugak wei walapu pakai filem!) ..

Huh here I present the Pinky Denim HB..enjoy..

More info about Denim HM Click HERE (Last entry) and Sekoci HB 

100% Handmade 

...Huwa nak balikkkkk ngantuk!!!!!!

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Price increase and CLOSED order

Assalammualaikum and good day to you ... 

Kindly informed that any request for 'DIA COMEL DIA CANTIK' and 'COLOR OF LOVE' are currently CLOSED. Both designs will only be available in JUNE 2012 onward (due to running stock of material).

At the same time effective 16th April 2012 we will be increasing prices of some our earlier design of hand bouquet due to rising cost in material and labor; (for those already order before 13th April the price still maintain).

And the HB that ARE affected are:
1.       Dia Comel Dia Cantik (from RM85 to RM95)
A proximally using 120 to 150 pcs of button
Hope that you can bear with me because the cost of 1 big button is around RM0.60 to RM1.20. Frankly you can check at my supplier This cost not including the cotton lace and the labor and margin, so you can imagine how much the total cost for each set of HB.

2.       Rembulan (from RM70 for 14pcs now standard to RM85 for 16pcs of flower)

The HB that ARE NOT affected are:
1.       Color of LOVE (RM85)
2.       Oh Merahnya (RM120)
3.       Mekar Setaman (from RM85 – with 20pcs of roses, extra price for extra roses)
4.       Denim - with vintage and metal button (from RM100.00 to RM120)
5.       Bintang-Bintang (from RM100) this will release soon
6.       Yo-Yo - (from RM100) this will release soon
7.       Looping LOVE (from RM100) this will release soon

Custom Design
Kilauan Cinta (from RM65 (fabric only) + cost of brooch) --> the total price can be RM190 based on how many brooch and material of fabric.

Under Budget
Any inquiries which is under budget we may negotiate.. I try to help you and make you happy on your big day.

For more info of each HB + the Picture you may CLICK HERE (SEKOCI’s FB)

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dino Egg Coin Box


Entry Comel untuk tengahari ini... I just helping my friend who selling this cutes Dino Egg Coin Box... Seriously comel..

(Crispy chocholate not included)
Price? INTERESTED? : Please PM Azzaliza the owner of ChomelCraft.Com (very cheap !)
if you did not have FB account, you may email to, i will help to forward to her...
High : 22cm
Base Diameter :12cm

Minimum order 30pcs
Free delivery within Klang Valley

Cadangan decoration Dinosaur Egg Coin Box.
Bleh masukkan apa-apa je coklat, then wrap pakai net/plastic the ikan reben. bleh tambah personalised tag, sesuai untuk :

Birthday party
Hadiah untuk murid prasekolah
Sport day
Family day etc


A - Net, Ribbon, Personalised Tag, 30 pcs Gold Chocolate and Dino Coin Box (RM12.00 / pcs)
B - Hamper Plastic, Ribbon, Personalise Tag, 30pcs Gold Chocolate and Dino Coin Box (RM10.00 / pcs)

Minimum order 30pcs 



.... Assalam,

Oh lupa rupanya... I just realised that I only update this HB in Sekoci's FB...not in the blog... ok who did not have FB or unable to access Sekoci's FB, here the latest picas (but old design) of REMBULAN ...

Request by Zakiah...


100% Handmade (seriously take time to do it... !) --> 5 petal with 4 layer
Material : Felt 
Price RM70 (for 14pcs flower, extra charges will added for extra flower)

Interested : email to

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sekoci's Tutorial on REMAJA

Assalammualaikuma and good day to you :)

...Remember the belt that I'm wearing during the talk show "Nasi Lemak Kopi O @tv9....? Interested how to do it...? Lets find REMAJA 1st April 2012... the DIY Step for Felt Belt... Hurry Up!!!! Cari cari!! It just only RM5.00 lot information in the magz too...

Sekoci's Tutorial on REMAJA

1st April 2012
Bil: 615

How the belt look like :)
This picture taken during Nasi Lamak Kopi 0 by LizaOthman :)

Big Thanks to Siti Hawa (Jurnalist) and Azahari (Photographer)
During the photoshoot, ada rombongan sekolah mana tak ramai studio, but Norlie malu mau ambil picas with them..ahahhaha resultnya hanya 2 DIY yang jadi...stay tuned for the next DIY yah!! 

 Heheheh muka yang rushing from Cyberjaya ke Karangkraft...mata bengkak coz shift 5am...
Me with Cik Siti Hawa...Comel and friendly...
2 rakan sekerja pada hari itu Siti Hawa and Abang Azahari ...both of them got my BEE..eheehee 

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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wedding Favor - Bridal Hand Bouquet..Denim..

Who said denim is just for are wrong....heheheeheh
it still cute, gorgeous and stunning in any situation!

Fazlina with my Denim HB...
Fazlina + Rafi

More info about Denim HM Click HERE (Last entry) and Sekoci HB 

100% Handmade

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Thank You :)


Wow!!! I did not aspect this...Sekoci's Page already reach 4003 like ... THANK YOU!!!!! i hope i will write more on craft and other information about  craft later... Cheers  :)

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