Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm gonna be on teevee!!!

Dear blogger and crafter...

On 27th June 2011, during my rush-rush time to go for ITIL training I got an exciting phone call from Ms. Sakinah from TV9 - Nasi Lemak Kopi O, a morning talk show on TV9.

Original logo

Guess what? I'll be on the show this Sunday, 8am! yeeaaayuuuuu (but im speechlessness because my mind just thinking about ITIL OSA Ver.3 Exam and I'm already late to attend for the training...

U know with the book, lappy and at the same time berlari2 ke training room I say YES to Sakinah...than after few hours i blur...what i should do? got time to prepare? huhuuuu...dammm.... 
 hahah this one by me... - unfinished! + font salah la pulak!

I am really nervous. I hope I don't choke up there on LIVE television. Okay... don't forget to watch me on the show...NOW i need to focus on my ITIL Exam.. if not sure my bos will kill me if i fail...huwarrhahaha takutnyaaa!!...
I need to FOCUS this one first... masa depan nih!

Nightt..night.... :)

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wedding Gift and Flower Girl Headband

Wedding Gift - Love Key chain + Flower Girl Headband
Size : 5-+cm 
Technique : Glue and hand stitch
Material : Felt (soft)
Order by : Rashidah for her big day

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design ---  excluding postage :)

Like this?: RM8.00/pcs or RM5 (bulk min 100pcs)
Flower Girl Headband - RM25.00

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Black Rose

Felt Flower - Black RoseS
Size : 7cm diameter 
Technique : Glue and hand stitch
Material : Felt (soft)
Order by : Nazlin

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design ---  excluding postage :)

Like this?: RM10 / pcs

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Kelas Kraftangan Felt- Hanya Bayaran RM20 Sahaja - KOLEJ KOMUNITI

Kelas Kraftangan Felt- Hanya Bayaran RM20 Sahaja 
(nilai sebenar adalah RM150 - selebihnya ditanggung oleh Kerajaan)

Kepada anda yang meminati and ingin mempelajari seni kraftangan felt, sila daftarkan diri anda di Kolej Komuniti Shah Alam.

Pihak Komuniti akan mengambil butir-butir peribadi anda dan akan menghubungi anda jika ada kekosongan kelas.

Kolej Komuniti menawarkan kursus-kursus pendek pada setiap hujung minggu, termasuk memasak, IT, seni reka, andaman dan lain2. Felt adalah salah satu daripadanya...

Dimaklumkan Kelas dikelolakan oleh Chomelcraft, TiniHani, Sabrina (Mikylyna) dan saya SekociNorlie.

- FELT on T-shirt
- FELT Hair-clip
- FELT Key-chain

Tempat adalah terhad...sila DAFTAR SEKARANG!!!


Email :
Telefon : 03 - 5511 4030
Laman Sesawang :
Facebook :

di Kolej Komuniti Cawangan Shah Alam, Bangunan UMNO Shah Alam, Aras 10, Menara UPSA, Pusat Dagangan UMNO Shah Alam, Persiaran Damai, Seksyen...

Gambar-Gambar pada bengkel yang dijalankan sebelum ini.

Kredit Photo : ChomelCraft.Com

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Featured - Berita Minggu

If Siti Ruzaimah did not SMS me about this, confirm I don’t know my picture is there..heheheh… the article has been publish in Berita Minggu last Sunday – 26th June 2011.

BIG thanks to Khairina Yaacop who have been introduced me to Ms. Bennie Zie Fauzie from Berita Minggu and deal with this interview. We have done the shooting at Bling Lustre, Puchong.

THANKS to BERITA HARIAN for the article about me and my others crafty friends, 
I will scan and post the complete article soonest (sorry I don’t have the copy in my hand…kena cari siapa yang beli and simpankan for me…… )

Happy Crafting Y'all...!!!

Journalist : Ms. Bennie Zie Fauzie
Photographer : Shiraz Yasmin

*Thanks CT snap this article for me :)

Thanks to Wanie for this pic too :)

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Felt Crown for KING

Crown for KING
Princess Sofea, Prince Irfan & Princess Sorfina's Royal Carnival Party
14.5.2011 | Al-Rawsha Kuala Lumpur

Size : 25cm diameter (adjustable)
Technique : Glue, hand stitch  and machine
Material : Felt (hard)
Photo by : Rumaizah Abdul Wahab from thelittlebigshots
Party Plan by Azzaliza -
Printed by Zatul - 

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design ---  excluding postage :)

Like this?: RM35.00

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Flower Girl Headpiece - Wati

Headband - Flower Girl
For Yusmawati (Hadiah dari Sekoci for her big day)
Size : -+8 to 10cm
Technique : Glue and hand stitch  
Material : Felt (Soft) + hairclip

Interested? Please email me at sekocinorlie [at] gmail.lcom
Price depends on design ---  excluding postage :)

More picture HERE

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Felt Flower Girl at My Best Friend Wedding...

Wati....dikala ini aku baru terasher nak menuli tentang kau.... lama rasanya aku simpan...ntah-ntah kau dah berisi ya...Mmmmm lama kita tingalkan Kolej....hampir 11 yer ke? ntah lupa...hhahaha dammm...

Kawin gak kau yer wati.... aku dah beranak 2 dah.... tp kau tetap anggun gitu....heheheeh... 

Dulu teringat aku... masa aku kawin aku susah apyah datang naik bus dengan Wawa and Hanie... sampai sesat barat kat bus station Kuala Selangor tu (kau tau tak bus station tu dah takde sekarang...dah naik bangunan pun..heheheh) sampai abg aku kena ambik kat sana...malam tu kita berinai2...pasal kau  nak jugakl berinai..hahahahaah pagi2 tu kau sebok cucuk bunga manggar..heheh ingat tak ingat tak?.... tapi tu dulu... ni yang sekarang aku nk tulis...

Kau makin cantik ahhh... dulu kau sememeh jek...kakakaakak Shahreen jek yang kau tergila2kan... orang lain kau tak nak ek...kekal gak cinta kau...lama korang simpan ekkk... tahan kau sampai Shahreen balik UK...ehheheheh

Aku takde hadiah nak bagi yang nak best kau belilah sendiri.... ni jek aku mampu buatkan...konon dlm hati nk buat mcm2 tapi 3 bijik ni jek jadi....aku suka gilerrr bila kau sukaaaa babee....

Selamat pengantin baru!!!! (dah absi dah...LOL)

Picture taken from Wati, Hani and Rafidah's Album


FULL Picture about the Flower Girl Headpiece HERE

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