Thursday, February 25, 2010

Now at

screen shoot from Srisuri website...

For ready stock felt baby book / Quite book, you can get it at
Terima kasih tidak terhingga kepada Pn. Hazarina, the owner of Srisuri...

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Eh Eh!! it at TV3..

Thanks to Sis Suraya from Lunatots, more entry at:

Mmmm entry kali ni ada sikit riak..heheh ada ke patut cenggitu...tak baikkan... ingat tak lagi baby book from felt yang Norlie buat tak lama dulu..?.yang banyak2 tu khas untuk

huhu...mertuaku bilang banyak kali...the book telah ditayangkan lam TV3 - WHI on 14th January...hehehe..actually Pn. Hazarina from Srisuri ada bagitau...but ntah teringat ngan tidak...

Bila pulang ke kampung my mother in law (yang sebok suh ajar buat hairclip untuk cucunya...sure la bukan anak den yaaa...anak biras dennn) bercerita tak habis-habis tentang the felt baby book (also call quite book)... tu masuk TV3...

Harini baru tergerak hati nak tengok episod tu...huhu yerlah! ada! heheh (kembang kuncup idung den)...walaupun x der pun sebut nama SekociNorlie lam that show...hahah riak dalaman...

The show can be watch at:

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bring Happiness to the Orphan

I have been invited by Puan Faizah to do face painting for her little princess birthday party. We celebrate with the Orphan in here :

It was really good time we spent together with them within 2-3 hours. Feel great to see the happy faces. They really enjoy!! Alhamdulillah.

Location: Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih, Puchong

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I’m offers a full range of creative and fun face painting designs. People of all ages can enjoy the experience of having their faces transformed into an exciting mask or accented by adorable cheek art.

You may contact me at :
Email : or Phone: 012.331.2416

Price from RM150 to RM250 / 2 Hours – unlimited client

(Depends on your budget, don’t worry! I will negotiate..the most important things is we are happy!..Yearrhhh!!)

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hey there, its Adam's book!

Heheheh i love this pics...Mama Adam tagged Adam pic in my Fb..belajar baik2 ya Adam...

Thanks Anida :) i love u..heheheh
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SekociNorlie at Konvokesyen UPSI

Haloooohhaa ni Norlie nak update skit jek larat..(dah jam 5 pagi ni weiii) rasa nak tercabut tulang temulang..all of this craft will be sale in Gerai Pelajar at UPSI...

Adeiii tak larat...huwaarrr (opss nguappp..)...sok2 bila AJK Promosi ngapdet...mak ngapdet lam bakul ada lam 100++ pcs...AJK Promosi (heeheh AJK ya Ienaaa???) nak bagi lagik 70pcs...huhu

Ha ni baju oreng ni la AJK Promosi yg telah mendera cik sekoci...tu berplastik2 tu...huwarhahah...mcm jual kuih...

*Another picas in my FB...

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Saseme Street Caracter

Proposal untuk Cik Puan Kelly for her doter punya birthday party...huwar...(nguap hehehe)..

Suka lompat2 haku wei... jd jugak ropanya...

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Yan's Hair Clip...

Huhu...tak pernah-pernah norlie dapat order sebegini banyaknya untuk hairclip custome made.. terkial-kial nak menjahit...huwarhahha jangan tak caya...berendam hampir sebulan nak menyiapkan (heheeh sesajee...roh tara mari nak buat...cuti CNY baru terkedek2 nak memotong felt..)

Yan...hang mmg setia menanti...ngeh ngeh ngeh....

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

We L.O.V.E You Dr. K

Cak!! Entry ini juga untuk Dr. K. (Dr. Haji Khairuddin, Pusrawi Jln Tun Razak KL)..

Khas dari Damia, Tariq dan Gayyim...

I hope Dr. K suka ngan hasil karya sekoci...heheehhe

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Monday, February 1, 2010

Dr.K's Room

Cute sign for Dr. K's Room

(Dr. Hj. Kamaruddin, PUSRAWI, Jln. Tun Razak KL.)

*Order from Ija, Ija kata dia nak sesuatu yang selalu Dr. Nampak...heheh apa ek..dok menong-menong...haaa buat cenggini pun best gak ek...Thanks Ija...

heheh sok2 spa jumpa nk jumpa Dr.K, jumpa hasil kijo cik sekoci dulu...ngeh ngeh ngeh..

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