Sunday, August 17, 2008

How To Order


Please specify in the 'message to seller':

1. Your Name
2. Your Phone Number and email address
3. Name of child & gender
4. Type of book (Animal/Vegitable or Fruts / Transport / Baby Name

For Baby Name Book
Any preferences regarding the animals or objects to be used.

For example:
A - alligator, L - lion, R - robot.

5. Would you like attachments (buttons, pompoms, etc.)? Yes or No

and email to


Delivery will be made after we confirm your payment.
Please allow 3-5 days working days for delivery.

If you are in Shah Alam area or nearest, I provide cash on delivery service.

Your order will be sent via POS LAJU unless stated

Peninsular Malaysia RM6.00 - RM20.00 (depending on the weigh of your order)Sabah & Sarawak RM8.00 - RM30.00 (depending on the weigh of your order)

Click here for more info on the delivery charges:

Siapa Saya

Dulu cikgu kata saya pandai melukis, pandai menjahit...saya lak dapat A1 untuk Lukisan masa SPM.. maknanya saya ni ada bakat terpendam la yek? hehehhe...apa2 pun saya enjoy aktiviti ini...seakan beri ketenangan pada diri. dan paling menggembirkana saya pabila anak2 saya, anak2 kawan saya dan kawan2 saya suka dengan hasil kerastangan saya...hahah yorlah tu....

Baby Book

1st in Malaysia!...handemade (err ye ke?)
by sekocinorlie ;)

There have 3 types of Baby Book

Custom baby books – by Name (Max 6 letters only)

In each page, each letter of the child’s name will be displayed according to name of an animal
(or something else).

Example:HAZIQH=Harimau, A=Ayam, Z=Zirafah, I=Ikan, Q=Quail
Price: 1 alphabets + picture = RM9.90
Depends on total alphabets that are requsted by customer
Promotion Price: 1 alphabets + picture = RM8.50

Custom baby books – by theme
1. Fruits/Vegetable
2. Animal
3. Transport

Each page contains picture of an animal/fruit/vegetable/transport based on customer’s request.This book has 4 pages with 6 theme pictures, including cover and a special message at the back.
Size 5.5 x 5.5 inch

Sample calculation
6 pcs x RM8.50 = 51.00

*depends on the customer requirement, price maybe change depends on the difficulties and the design

Felt Flash Card

1. A-Z (RM198.00)
2. 1-10 (RM84.90)
3. Basic Shape (RM40.90)(6 pcs, triangle, cube, square, moon, circle, star)Used white background, so u can teach shape and also color


The book has the child’s name on the front cover with the child's name. There’ll be a special message of customer’s choice (please refer the type of book, what will be displayed inside the book) in one of the pages (either inside front cover or on the back cover). Each page is handmade by me.

I use high-quality felt and cotton embroidery threa. Based on customers prefererable, I can also use buttons, pompoms, rikrak and other materials. These are a potential choking hazard for babies and young children, so I leave it up to you.


Just add me in your Facebook (Norliza Ns)

You can view my portfolio of custom-made baby book and flash card.


These books are custom-made when ordered. Therefore, I ask that you allow 20-30 business days for the book to be completed. I will keep you up to date with photos as I work.


Please specify in the 'message to seller':

1. Your Name
2. Your Phone Number and email address
3. Name of child & gender
4. Any preferences regarding the animals or objects to be used.

For example: A - alligator, L - lion, R - robot.

5. Would you like attachments (buttons, pompoms, etc.)? Yes or No and email to


Delivery will be made after we confirm your payment. Please allow 3-5 days working days for delivery. If you are in Shah Alam area or nearest, I provide cash on delivery service.

Your order will be sent via POS LAJU unless stated

Peninsular Malaysia RM6.00 - RM20.00 (depending on the weigh of your order)
Sabah & Sarawak RM8.00 - RM30.00 (depending on the weigh of your order)

Click here for more info on the delivery charges:




NorlieHp - 012.331.2416