Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Velvet Paper Flower Tutorial + GIVEAWAY!!

When I saw the soft, yet strong velvet paper from SEI, I knew exactly what I wanted to make with it-- colorful Spring flowers. They are the perfect tabletop decoration for Mother's Day, bridal showers, girls' birthday parties, Teacher Appreciation Day... basically any event that goes with flowers.

To create the form, I decided to use plastic eggs leftover from Easter. I've used plastic eggs before (for these fabric pinecones), and they easy to work with and economical.

Flowers from Plastic Eggs

materials needed:
SEI velvet paper - one 12x12 sheet should make 2 flowers
green duck canvas or green velvet paper for flower base
small 2.5-inch plastic eggs
hot glue gun and glue sticks
1-inch circle cutter


First, cover the bottom (rounded part) of the plastic egg. Cut out a 2-inch square from the velvet paper and, using a hot glue gun, attach it to the center.

Make 4 cuts and glue down the paper so that the base of the egg is covered. This will become the center of your flower.

Now it's time to make the detailed center of the flower. Using a 1-inch circle cutter, cut out 10 circles and then cut them in half into semi-circles.

Using a hot glue gun, apply a dab of glue to the corners of the semi-circle. Starting just off center, attach the semi-circle to the egg form. The semi-circle should have a little lift, so glue it down with a small arch. Then move onto the next semi-circle, overlapping and making a small square or pentagon in the center before moving down to the next layer. Stagger each piece so it has a "realistic" look. Do this for all 20 semi-circles. This should cover about 1/3 of the egg.

Now it's time to make the petals for the flower. I made my own templates for the petals. There is no set rules for this, but keep the base of the petal at 1-inch or less. Anything larger is harder to attach to the egg.

Using your template, cut out your petals from the velvet paper. I used around 10-12 petals per flower.

Use the end of a pencil to add a little curl to the petals.

Using a hot glue gun, apply a little glue to the base of the petal and attach it just beneath the center detail. Stagger the petals for a more realistic look.

The final step is to cover the base of the flower. Cut out a 3-inch square from the green canvas. Similar to step one of covering the base of the egg, glue down the center, make four cuts and wrap & glue down the base.

The flowers can be displayed in small cups (these are sake cups from World Market) or, if you want them to stand on their own, you can make "feet" using your hot glue gun. The details for the "hot glue feet" are here.

You can also attach a stem. The details are here (steps 10-11).

Soft and pretty flowers for Spring!

I had so much fun blogging here at SEI this week. Thanks so much for having me over! If you're interested in more craft ideas, please stop by bliss bloom {blog} or my facebook page.

Have a wonderful weekend!

bliss bloom {blog}

Thank you, Melanie! We love your blog and thoroughly enjoyed this entire week. Not only did you share great ideas but you also taught us exactly how to do them too. The only problem now is a longer project list. :)

To celebrate a fun week, we are having a GIVEAWAY!! Follow the directions below to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Paper Treat Cone Tutorial + Giveaway

Hey y'all! We are Trish and Bonnie from Uncommon Designs and we are so enjoying sharing with you guys on the SEI blog this week!

We have been sharing with you some simple ideas for a slumber party or any time. One of our favorite activities to get the kiddos to settle down a bit is to watch a movie. If you are going to watch a good movie, you must have popcorn!

Today, we are going to show you how to make a simple treat cone for popcorn or any other fun treat!

Paper Treat Cone Tutorial

2 patterns of coordinating scrapbook paper
Template for Cone
Glue or Tape

The first thing you will do is to trace the template onto the back of the piece of scrapbook paper. I used paper from SEI's Holiday Cheer paper pack. The template was downloaded from the Hostess with the Mostess Site. Next, simply cut out the templates.

Now you will flip over the patterned paper to the back and run glue down one of the edges.

The next step is to roll the paper into a cone form and press the outer edge where the glue is on top of the unglued edge to seal.

Now is the fun part! Trim! I used a piece of coordinating paper and cut it into about a 1 1/2 inch strip by about 11 inches. I then cut small slits across the top and bottom of the strip.

Glue all around the top edge of the cone.

Now all you need to do is press the middle that is uncut on the top edge of the cone and press to adhere. Trim away the excess and you are done! Fill with lots and lots of popcorn and you are sure to have some happy slumber party guests!

Thanks again for having us! Stop by Uncommon Designs sometime! We'd love to have you!

Uncommon Designs

We're having a giveaway this week! Simply leave a comment to enter.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

DIY Wedding Decor + Paper Flower Tutorial

As a floral artisan one of my favorite things to do was wedding flowers. The beautiful papers from the Promise Me collection instantly made me think of a wedding.

I used glass candle holders embellished them with romance shimmer paper and petticoatdie-cut lace paper. I scattered a few leaves in grey and green velvet and tucked a rose next to the candles.

I also made a simple place card with delicacy and 
romance shimmer paper and added an anemone to the side. I think they would make a statement at any place setting.

I thought I would show you how I make my roses. I used my Cricut and Flower Shoppe cartridge to cut 5 shapes (Fun 4) at 2.5". Any similar shape will work.

I use two 6 petal cuts for the base, 5 petals, 4 petals, 3 petals x 2, 2 petals and a single.

Use a bamboo skewer or something similar to wrap the 2 petal shape into a bud, glue, then add glue to the single petal and wrap it around the bud. Glue the rest of the shapes together so the edges meet.

Use a bamboo skewer or pencil to curl the petals. Then starting with the bud, add a little glue to the end and stack your shapes gluing and alternating the petals as you go.

For a quick project, glue onto a ribbon, add a clip to the back and you have a hair clippie. I also like to use them on gifts instead of a bow..

Happy flower making,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Club SEI January 2011 - Let's Doodle 101

Hand written design is very in right now. Or may have never left...who knows these days. The good news is, we are here to help your doodling skills along! Yes, even if you think you're bad at stick figures. Cause guess what?

Now, doodling is featured in our January Club SEI kit in that fab kraft journal-and we want you to doodle! If you are terrified to even start, let's start with some inspiration and tips to get you going.

Typography is a great place to start. Letters, words, fonts, whatever you want to call them. Next time you are writing a note to yourself, draw the letters pretty. Your grocery list? Make it super fancy. And a bonus is you'll be extra excited about buying that toilet paper. Try it. Every individual alphabet letter you write is now an opportunity to experiment.

Chalkboards are a great way to practice-they tend to be forgiving and you can erase. Plus they just look super cool. It keeps you loose as well-dare you to make a perfectly straight line without any ruler help. Can't? Good. You'll just have to let it be curvy and imperfect. Have fun with that mess! Don't wear black and draw on a chalkboard though...thank us later.

Elements of what you write can be fun to add into your doodles. The first image has little rain drops coming out of it. Jolly has some holly doodled and that balloon shape really adds to its quote. Or you can make what you're writing the center of attention by surrounding it with pretty little doodles. Notice these all have color? Don't be afraid of that, either! Grab your kids watercolors, colored pencils, highlighters, colored pens, whatever you've got around. Color can be a great way to add emphasis and interest to what you're creating.

Cross the line. You heard us-this is one place where it is not only acceptable, but down right encouraged. Two pages! Make it big, bold and totally you.

And a last little bit...have fun. Be silly. Don't judge yourself too harsly. It's your journal so create it just how you want it! And if you haven't signed up for your January Club SEI kit and still want to, click that link. We'll make sure it gets to you.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bottle Cap Party Garland + GIVEAWAY!

As part of E's school bus party, I created a bottle cap garland using bottle caps, chalkboard vinyl, and some twine. I simply cut the chalkboard vinyl to size sticking it to each bottle cap. I used a chalkboard pencil to write the letters, and glued each bottle cap to the twine with a little hot glue. It was really easy, but added a great little detail.

I experimented a little further, and created another version using paper flags and stickers

Check out this great box of bottle caps I found thrifting for $2!

I cut some decorative stickers from the SEI Family collection to fit the bottle caps and crafted little flags from one of the die cuts that had a fabulous rainbow stripe on the back. I think this little party garland could double just as well in a nursery, or little girl's room!

chalkboard vinyl source: Uppercase Living  
suggested bottle cap source: Zwillinge97


Thank you so much for a wonderfully creative week, Sarah. We love the variety of useful ideas you shared. We are so happy to have had you as our guest, especially so close to your due date!

If you enjoyed this week as much as we did, leave a comment on this post. Tell us which idea Sarah shared was your favorite and you will be entered into a giveaway to win a fun assortment of SEI goodies. The giveaway ends Sunday, August 14th at 11:59 pm MST.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Own Princess Fairy Party

We have a treat in store for you today! Do you have any summer birthday parties, or kid get-togethers coming up? We have the perfect idea. Our monsters would make any party one to remember! Today we are featuring our Princess Fairy and Pirate monster! SEI's My Own Monsters will be a hit, but to complete our post, we thought we could plan the entire party! Be sure to check below for the Pirate Party as well.

First of all, our Princess Fairy Monsters! Wouldn't it be fun for each princess guest to create their unique, very own, princess t-shirt! They will love them. Get your Fairy Princesses at TARGET!

To complete the your princess's attire, add a No Sew Tutu and a magical fairy wand. Amy Locurto did just this with her sweet fairy party! She tied strips of tulle and tied them to a ribbon and added a hair accessory to really make it sparkle. Also, use fun craft items for a splendidly magical wand!

No princess leaves home with out her accessories! Check out some of these great tutorials for Party Hats by Jordan Ferney or these No Sew Princess Tiaras from Kristin Sellars. Both ladies did such a great job! It is so had to choose a favorite. The photo on right show a cute princes party done just right. Sweet and simple, check it out at mandylynne.

How exactly do you turn you home into a palace? You can do it yourself, with the help of these fun ideas and tutorials! There are so many great ideas. For example, the image on right is simply strips of paper sewn down the middle! See other beautiful Streamer Ideas fit for any party! Also, Enchanting Chairs and Delightful Party Pom Poms.

To complete our magical day, dessert! How fun and simple are these Pretty Pink Wafers! My personal favorite is the Pink Cotton Candy Sugar Cookies! They really are simple and so much fun to your cookie! Last of all, a recipe to leave you with, Pretty Princess Pink Popcorn (can you say that five times fast?).

So, what did you think? Are we party ready? Please comment and feel free to leave some great tips you have for a princess party!

Remember, if you would like a chance to win some monster goodies, link your My Own Monster project(s) up to our link party by the end of the day today! For a chance to win a TARGET gift card, check out our facebook page.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Monster Shirts

It's the first day of our MONSTER WEEK! It seems a little introduction is in order. Everyone please meet SEI's My Own Monster iron-ons...

They are so much fun to use! They come with a body, appendages, and all kinds of features. Kids love to combine different features to design their own monster with a unique personality. They work on several different surfaces...fabric, paper, wood... Want to see how they work? Watch our step-by-step video below or on YouTube.

PROJECT IDEA: Making your own t-shirt is one of the most fun and simple projects. Pick up a bunch of inexpensive t-shirts, a package of My Own Monsters, and a bottle of tumble dye at TARGET. When you get home, let the whole family join in the fun of designing. The package has lot's of extra features. Once the body is used, use tumble dye to make the rest of the body shapes. Then add the extra features. Kids love to wear their own monster creation!

Ready to create your own monster? Great! You can now find My Own Monsters at TARGET. So, they are more accessible than ever before. That is if you can find them! They are kind of hidden, so join in the "find your own monster" fun. We have heard in some stores they are by the giftwrap, others by the laundry soap... Have you spotted the monsters in your store? Where?

Remember, if you would like a chance to win some monster goodies, link your My Own Monster project(s) up to our link party. You have until Thursday at 11:59 pm.

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