Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2013

SEI March Desktop Calendar

Maybe it's the sun finally shining, but we're feeling lucky. Here's to a wonderful new month!

wallpaper    ipad   iphone

Monday, December 31, 2012

SEI January Desktop Calendar

With a new year brings a new desktop wallpaper style! We're going sans calendar this year, making these more usable w h e n e v e r you want! We also streamlined the sizing a little bit. Less hassle, more use. Hooray! Here's to a fresh start to 2013!

wallpaper    ipad   iphone

Friday, November 30, 2012

SEI December Desktop Calendar

We hope you have the happiest of holidays! Enjoy your families and loved ones and get ready for another awesome year of calendars!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

SEI November Desktop Calendar

This is always a season of gratitude for us and we hope you all know we're grateful for you! Our readers are awesome.

Monday, October 1, 2012

SEI October Desktop Calendar

The leaves are in their full fall fire glory here! It hasn't been this vivid in years...we're loving it. Cider and sweaters can't be far behind. What is your favorite part of fall?

Friday, August 31, 2012

SEI September Desktop Calendar

With new seasons bring new drive and ideas! So anchors away to all your new endeavors for fall.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

SEI June Desktop Calendar

How is your June treating you friends? We've had lots of exciting things happening at SEI! Babies and graduations and all sorts of wonderful events. Hope your June is filled with great things too!

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

Let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using these!

Monday, April 30, 2012

SEI May Desktop Calendar

April didn't bring us nearly enough showers! So we're all crossing our fingers our may flowers still bloom okay. We can't be too sad to look out and see the sun shining though!

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

As always let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using these!

Friday, March 30, 2012

SEI April Desktop Calendar

With spring officially here, we're ready for budding flowers, happy colors and maybe even picnics. What's your favorite part of spring?

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

As always let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using these!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SEI March Desktop Calendar

It hardly feels like winter around here, leaving us to think about spring and butterflies and picnics! Are you guys getting excited for springtime yet? Time to open the windows and let in a little sunshine.

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

As always let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using these!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SEI February Desktop Calendar

Have you started your valentine's day projects yet? We know that lovey holiday isn't for the whole month, so enjoy a delicious and simply happy wallpaper all 29 days!

1024 x 768   1280 x 1024   1600 x 1200   1900 x 1200   2650 x 1440
ipod 640 x 960    ipad 1024 x 1024

As always let us know if you have any questions and thanks for using them!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

SEI January Desktop Calendar

Hello 2012! How are your resolutions going? Our resolution for the year is to keep bringing you awesome projects and freebies and fabulous design team members. Sound good? Yes, we thought so.

Also of note....Promise Me is being featured at Paper Crafter's Corner! Go and vote for it so it can feel as pretty as it looks, please? Thanks guys!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

SEI December Desktop Calendar

Can you believe this is the last wallpaper of 2011? Wow. Thanks for using these all year and your great feedback. Are you using them and are they bringing you all kinds of joy? In other words, would you like to see this tradition in 2012? Let us know!

Happiest of holidays to you all!

Monday, October 31, 2011

SEI November Desktop Calendar

In a continuing effort to keep up with technology, we have added THREE new sizes to our wallpapers! We now have an even bigger size along with two brand new styles-Ipad and Iphone! Hooray! Each is uniquely designed to fit your favorite I formats. We hope you enjoy!

As always, Let us know if you have any questions. And don't forget that tomorrow, November 1st, is the last day to enter the link party!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

SEI October Desktop Calendar

Thank you all for waiting patiently for this calendar! My sinuses took me on a wild trip this weekend and I was all out of sorts. Did you know that October is one of my most favorite months though? The fresh, crisp air and the pumpkins and apple picking and wassail. Oh yes. There's always lots of family in the fall too. Have I convinced you to love fall yet?! 

As always, Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy! -Mandi

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

SEI September Desktop Calendar

School is starting back up! Get ready with a little chalkboard exercise for your desktop.

Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

SEI August Desktop Calendar

The heat has been turned UP here and we are trying to soak up as much as we can. Are you going to fit in some more partying before fall catches up to us? You better! Change your desktop and go play.

Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

SEI July Desktop Calendar

Have you been playing? We sure have been! It's summer and we are all planning and doing fun activities like hikes and river rafting and new house painting and all sorts of good things. So enjoy your fun filled July-we sure will!

Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

P.S. If you're a club member...this artwork will show itself again in September. Get excited!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

SEI June Desktop Calendar

We simply can. not. wait. for nice weather! Dreams of picnics and parties and June's wallpaper is a cheerful reminder of what we should do...go & play!

Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Monday, May 2, 2011

SEI May Desktop Calendar

This morning we were all saying how fast these months are starting to go by! Do you guys feel like that too? Ever since march they all have been so quick. So we hope you enjoy your spring-however long or short you may get it for!

Let us know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

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