Showing posts with label AmberLee Fawson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AmberLee Fawson. Show all posts

Monday, December 17, 2012

3 Last Minute Gift Ideas + Coupon Code

Hello SEI fans, happy Monday and happy holidays! My name is AmberLee and I blog at GiversLog. I've been by here before, and had a great time blogging about projects like garlands and bookmarks and a fancy breakfasts fete.

Since my last visit, I opened up a little hot chocolate shop right here. This time of year I am one busy elf, and still have one or two gifts to finish up. So just incase any of you are in my shoes, I thought I'd share 3 FAVORITE LAST-MINUTE gift ideas.

LAST MINUTE gift idea #1: A Bottle Full of Desk Goodies
I love an assortment of desk supplies as much as I love a plate of homebaked holiday sweets (and I do love that). Put together an assortment of awesome pens and pencils, a frivolous eraser, a quality sharpener, and a few sticky notes, and maybe a pretty desk calendar. I've found this to be a treat that puts a smile on gradeschoolers and grown ups alike. If your gift recipient isn't nearby, drop everything in a bottle and send it off just like that, or mail it via stocking, no envelope required.

LAST MINUTE gift idea #2: Cookies or Cookie Dough
If you have a favorite cookie, deliver it with a cute tag, or even better, deliver your cookies as dough. Shape or drop cookies onto parchment and flash freeze them on the cookie sheet for a few hours. Then pack them up in a ziplock, drop them in a paper bag, and decorate (you can download the tag above from right here) and add baking instructions. Your recipient can have fresh baked cookies for a holiday crowd or after the holidays.

LAST MINUTE gift idea #3: A Cozy Fireside Evening
One of my favorite ideas for a whole family is a fireside kit. Put together a good picture book (or download this free and EXCELLENT version of A Christmas Carol), some popcorn, cozy socks, and hot chocolate. If you'd like to pick up gourmet Hot Chocolate from our shop, I have a little coupon for you, because we love SEI fans. Use coupon code "SEIholiday" to receive 25% off your order today or tomorrow, and we'll deliver in time for Christmas.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Inviting Claire to Breakfast + Giveaway

SEI paper is so yummy. I am in love with the Claire collection in particular. Some papers are cozy and quilted, others have a glitzy sheen, some are tiny polite patterns, others big easy florals. It's sensory heaven. So much paper pleasure all in the same pack.

And so in honor of this yummy paper experience, I put together a little breakfast banquet for you, starring SEI's Claire collection. And if you have a few pages of SEI, and a few eggs in the fridge (or in the coop!), maybe you'll consider having your own banquet this Sunday morning.

there's nothing like a softboiled egg and the morning paper (okay, I don't get the paper, how about the morning Google Reader feed?)

the claw footed egg (i did this with just the regular stock, for Sunday I'll be mounting the paper on chipboard)

napkin rings can slide off and double as jewelry

who says cupcakes have to have all the fun? muffins deserve some love too.

granola for the road

Thanks for having me, SEI. It's been an honor. And a happy Valentines day weekend to everyone.

AmberLee, thank you for sharing your creative ideas, inspiration, and projects with us this week! We love GiversLog and have enjoyed getting to know you.

Readers, show AmberLee your gratitude for a wonderful week by leaving a comment on this post. Tell us which post was your favorite this week and you will be entered into a giveaway for a chance to win some of the Claire products AmberLee used today.

Just leave your comment by Sunday February 14th at midnight and we will announce the winner Monday. Be sure to check back next week to see if you are the winner because if we don't hear from the winner by February 22nd we will pick a new winner!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bookmark of the Month Club

I often find myself using old library receipts as bookmarks. I've decided I need something prettier and plan to commission a bookmark from my daughter. The only problem is, as bad as this sounds, I somehow misplaced the last bookmark she made me. So maybe I'll commission a whole collection of bookmarks, one for each month of the year. I'm always using more than one book at a time anyway. Maybe we can turn it into a Bookmark of the Month Club and make bookmarks for a few other relatives. I've begun collecting ideas, and should have enough to get us through July at least (ah, doesn't July sound nice right now?). If you need more mailable gift ideas, I hope you'll stop by my gift guide and take a look around.

Valentine bookmark by Martha
I'm inspired by what Stephomodo is doing with these vintage playing cards
Magnetic bookmark featured on ISLY
Designs by this artist are a definite inspiration (found via here)
Aren't these embroidered bookmarks incredible? (found via here)
Pretty corner bookmark by Chocolate on my Cranium

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Love Delivered with Lunch

I write on my daughter's banana every day before I put it in her lunch. It's a good exercise in creative writing, coming up with subject matter to fill a banana a day. But I am fond of sending love notes of all sorts, especially notes in lunches. And I've seen a few other varieties you might consider sending off with someone before Valentines.

I love the idea of
skewering a sandwich with a love flag or maybe a love umbrella
or including a typographic napkin
or a loving egg (isn't bento the coolest?)
or repurposing a bread clip
or including the love message in a secret envelope
or an edible envelope (via here)
or sending the whole shebang in something with character.

And finally, I'm not sure if you've ever seen this one, but here is a printable survey to tuck inside, which I completely love.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Few Favorite Garlands

Garlands are one of my favorite things. Nothing cheers up a room faster (or mails easier). We love putting them together to send to grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles in the mail. And it is another great way to put your pretty paper scraps to great use. So I am always collecting ideas. I've kept up a little bit of a collection in this post that I am always adding to. But I've saved up a few more just to share with you.

We made this garland based on the this tutorial from the purlbee.

This is a paper version of the same garland. I tucked it inside a tube of mini m&m s and sent it off for under two bucks. (It was my first mailing in a series I am doing of gifts that weigh 13 ounces or less, and therefore qualify for inexpensive, first-class postage in the U.S.)

And finally a few more: top left (via here), right, bottom left (via here), right (via here).

Monday, February 8, 2010

5 Mediums that Rock My World

I love the tactile experience of working with paper. The feel of scoring and folding and the sound of the snipping. And once you're hooked on paper, it's hard to stop there. I find I'm always on the lookout for other mediums that I can test out and put to good use. Here are five I've been using a lot of this year.

Freezer Paper
I can't believe I've lived without this until now. Some day I will get a Yudu, but until then, I'm quite happy putting my $1 craft knife to work on a roll of freezer paper, then doing a little single-color screen prints with my $1 sponge roller. Pictured is a shadow puppet theatre I put together using this method along with some Elmer's glue to make some designs by batik. We also screenprinted a shirt for my husband for last father's day. Next I'd like to do a set of napkins.

I love using this in combo with pretty papers. And adding a little envelope to a scrap layout would be the perfect place to tuck away tickets. If you go here, you can see what all kinds of talented artists are doing with the stuff. It also makes great gift wrap, just add a label (like these free printables) and you're ready to go.

My Sticker Maker
My daughter got a simple, inexpensive sticker maker for Christmas two years ago and the poor dear didn't realize she'd be sharing with her mother all the time. I love making tags and stickers out of all my pretty scraps. When I wrap up a gift in tissue paper, I just pull out a circle punch and cut a piece from some pretty paper and turn it into a sticker to make a pretty seal. This is also a fun way of making return address labels.

Milk Jugs
You heard me right. These little containers (from Family Fun) are made from milk jugs and are amazing for organizing little bits. I've just made a whole stack of them for collecting my scraps of ribbon, now as we make our way through more gallons of milk, I'm making a stack of these boxes to organize my paper scraps.

It is the simplest thing to wrap a gift with a straight stitch on my sewing machine. It's a lifesaver for odd-shaped packages. Why didn't I know this sooner?

Friday, February 5, 2010

Guest Blogger, AmberLee Fawson

We are happy to introduce AmberLee as next week's guest blogger. She is the creative mind behind one of the our favorite blogs, GiversLog. It is full of lovely photos, pretty packages, and great ideas.

Hello everyone! I'm AmberLee and am thrilled to be a part of your week by posting here at SEI. It is an honor to get to join in the creative conversation, and I hope I can give you something you can put to good use.

I started GiversLog just over a year ago. I decided I'd blog strictly about gifts, and I stick to it pretty well (except for when I blog about books or sandwiches). It turns out it's pretty fun to catalog handmade gifts, thoughtful gestures, party favors, care packages and the like.

I am a complete paper nerd. What is it about paper? When some women need to treat themselves, they buy a pair of stilettos. When I need to treat myself, I like to buy a stack of brightly colored cardstock, or glassine envelopes, or a roll of kraft paper, or a new paper punch...I'm getting carried away. This paper infatuation is one of the reasons I never tire of cataloging gift wrap ideas.

I have a reputation for taking my camera everywhere. Who says you can't enjoy life and document it at the same time? I also have a reputation for taking pictures of food. I don't think I yet have more pictures of food than of my children, but it's close.

Oh yes, I have children. Three of them. And they are paper nerds too. I keep craft supplies where they can reach them, and occasionally I have to tell them to put down the glue and zig zag scissors and go play outside.

I prefer to eat my bananas with a spoon.

Other things I love include frolicking, public libraries, living in the country, a sunny day in a big city, hot chocolate, a well-organized drawer, idle time, my le cruset, long runs, good friends, cheap postage, summer evenings, moon roofs, blank notebooks, and hot sauce with breakfast.

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