Join us for a full
day of crafting & creating
Saturday, November 16th
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The Alameda County
4501 Pleasanton Ave.
Pleasanton California
Hosted by Tami
Waddell & Elizabeth Price
You choose which classes you
want to attend or bring your own projects & create/crop the day away. Four classes will be offered throughout
the day. Attend all four classes
& you will receive FREE STAMPS!
FREE make-n-take mini break out classes will also be offered throughout
the day.
Registration fee of $30 for Craft & Create includes:
An all day crafting space pass, each guest will
sit at half an 8’ table
Access to displays (bring your camera)
Free Parking
Hands on experience with the newest Stampin’
Up! products
A Make-n-Take Gift Package, valued over $30
Scroll down for the payment button
Select From the
Following Classes:
Submit Payment for
Craft & Create
Start by selecting your
preferred registration make-n-take gift then continue shopping. Remember if you attend all four classes
you will receive FREE STAMPS!
Include your selection in your shopping cart if you plan to sign up for
all four classes. Choose either
the Warmth & Wonder or Perfectly You stamp set found on page 39
of the Holiday Catalog.