Showing posts with label christmas cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas cooking. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Giveaway

thru the red door are having a Christmas Giveaway
pop on over and have a look at what you
could win.

I know I've been slack lately with my blogging
but life is so hectic at the moment.

I haven't been getting much sewing done
but lots of cooking

This cute little Gingerbread House we made and
DD and her girlfriend had a great time
making the snowmen and the teddy sleighs.

Reindeer Cupcakes

Cream Cheese Dip

 Birthday Cake for a friend.
Stacey actually made the cake and I decorated it, so easy.

I actually got a photo of my girls for Christmas a rarity, I know
and there smiling too.....bonus!!!

Not sure if I will get back here until the New Year, so I will
take the opportunity to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year

 Seasons Greetings!
