Showing posts with label AQM Festival. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AQM Festival. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Home Early.....

Homes Early from AMQ Festival???

Why you may ask.

Unfortunately my daughter was admitted to hospital on Saturday
afternoon with bad pains, turns out she
has an infected gallbladder and gallstones.

Being in Adelaide at the time I was feeling quite helpless and finding out
that surgery was scheduled for Monday I had no hesitation in jumping on the next flight back home.

So yes I am home and my daughter is comfortable and in good hands 
in hospital.

I am really disappointed in missing out on my classes with Pam Clark, she was one
teacher that I was really  looking forward to meeting.

But that's not to say that I didn't enjoy my time at AMQ Festival and  I did learn
much valuable information, hints and tips.

Just need to find some time to put it all into practice.

Will post some photos and bits about AMQ Festival  as soon as I get over this week.

Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

AQM Festival

How lucky am I, I'm off to the AQM Festival in Adelaide for four days, four days of
longarm classes and quilty goodness with 2 fantastic friends.

We leave Friday morning and return Monday night, some of the best longarm
teachers are coming from America like Pam Clark, so it should be fun and hopefully we will learn heaps
and be able to come home and put it into practice.

There is also a quilt show as well and I know that both Karen and Anita have
entered some of there own quilts, so cross our fingers that one of them will win.

I will be taking lots of photos so will post about everything next week.
Check out the AQM festival website here.

By the way last day to enter my giveaway, 29.9.10, will shut off at 
5pm EST time.