I bid you, Dear Friends,
come across my threshold with a light heart and a listening ear.
Please join me with a cup of tea, enjoy my needle work and listen to my tales of Blackstone. The cottage is 300years old and is now part of the main house, it is my favorite place. The studio is above the stables and dear Kip, my black cat, keeps me company as I dream and sew.
I am truly a lover of past times, you will see this as I add pictures of my work. Please visit often, you are always welcome.
I cannot count my day complete 'Til needle, thread and fabric meet
Twin Angels
Sleepy Tom
Some of my characters are from patterns by Stacey Meade, Netty LaCroix, Crows Roost Prims and Sassafrass hill Primitives, most are my own designs.
Meg ~ $30.00
Edgar ~ $32.00
Maggie of the Hearth ~$28.00
Little Maggie is the doll that has sat nestled in the stones of the great hearth. For many generations she has watched the people that lived in her house come and go. Now she seems to be a very important part of this house. Maggie hopes she will remain there.
Joshua's Horse $12.00
The horse was found beneath the floor boards of a log cabin. It was made by Grandma with love for the boy that played by the hearth.
18th Century Needlework
Kip the Black Cat ~ $20.00
Meg~ $30.00
Meg is Tom O'Malley, the boot makers, cat. She keeps the mice from his store of leather. One misty night while she was hunting in the heather, she came upon a Fairy mound. The Queen of the Fairies herself granted to Meg a day on the Earth as a human. During that joyous day Meg spoke, sang and laughed as a willowy woman with raven hair. But alas the day went by ever so fast and once again Meg was Tom's shop cat. But dear Meg refused to give up her locket and dress. So some say in the misty twilight a black cat can been seen on the moores in her calico dress with a locket upon her throat.
~ simple embroidery ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk...
and a very happy Tuesday to us all.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
we are awaiting yet another snowfall.
with predictions anywhere fr...
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello friends!
Just stopping by quickly with a reminder that it’s that time again!
Ever since I was little, we have cut forsythia to force it to bloom i...
~*New News!~
Hello Dear Friends!
Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine? It is out!
~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue. I...
We have this awesome Early Croquet set for sale in our booth. It is a
complete set of four mallets and balls. The box is in very good condition
(not perf...
New Handmade Products Available Now~
Handmade Grain Sack Shower Curtains
these are OOAK and available to purchase on my website
I'd like to think that things are coming along swimmingly. I haven't talked
or blogged about my last year as it has been a horror story, well not
really ho...
Gingerbread birds and butter brickle
I made these gingerbread birds this past week from an antique cookie board
I purchased last year. I can't even begin to tell you how much it
*Hello out there! Please bear with Paula and I as we try to get our blog up
and running again! We have missed a lot of our old friends since we have
been g...
What happens when you put on your makeup.......
Asa, who is 5, came to give me a picture and tell me the story that he
"wrote". It goes a little like this:
"One day she was putting on her makeup when...
flower'd frocks and garden walks~
good morning
dear friends~
as these spring days begin to lengthen and warm,
a meadowlark sings in the old rose by the dollhouse door
and myself, the doll...
Here is a sneak peek at some of the wonderful items I will be listing on
ebay this week! [image: photo Copy2oflistings046_zps393d892b.jpg][image:
photo Cop...
Sweet Meadows Farms Give-a-Way
I just love Maureen's designs and just have to give a shout out about her
fantastic pattern give-a-way! You can find her at:
He Does Exist, He Does Exist
Okay - to paraphrase those little M & M's on the commercial " I Do Exist, I
Do Exist"!
I know - I haven't blogged in an age or so!
Waterbed Update
I told my husband all I wanted for mothers day was a half whiskey barrel
for my pond.....I am such a simple girl! (Being the sweetie of a husband he
is , h...
A Bit About Furniture
To simplify matters, I like to think of there being two kinds of Colonial
era American furniture. The pieces made by very skilled craftsmen, and
pieces mad...
Please say hello to Olivia, she's one of my old favorites. ~$30. ~
Tuesday, August 2
It seems the summer is coming to an end and with it my time away from the studio. I am busily sorting witch, pumpkin and bat patterns and my thoughts are turning to the frosty Autumn days. My All Hallows Eve characters will be arriving in all their spooky finery. Please greet them at this blog and From the Hands of a Seamstress.
Wednesday, April 27
Come and Meet my new Folks and Critters this weekend at the Strawberry Festival in Peddlers Village, Lahaska, Pa.
Saturday, April 23
Happy Easter to all my dear Friends and Family
Thursday, March 3
bit by bit, slowly but surely Lady Spring is sweeping away Grandfather Winter...
Sunday, February 6
There is a tiny violet flower that grows around the lowly shepherd's cottage and in the silence of the night gently breathes, "Forget me not"
It seems the storms keep coming, but here at Blackstone we keep warm by the fire and busy sewing with a look ahead to Spring. My bunnies, crows and sheep are in pieces on the studio table waiting to be sewn to life. While the horses warm in their blankets and the forsythia tight in their buds pass the days in their snow covered worlds.
Wednesday, January 5
All the Christmas finery has been packed away and my studio is open once agian. I am sorting patterns bringing out bunnies, carrots and hearts for the upcoming seasons. Work will soon begin in earnest and the show season is starting. Another year begins.
Thursday, December 30
May the New Year bring to you peace, love and abundance. May you find contentment with all you have and a fire to warm your bones.
There is much ado at Blackstone this month. My oldest daughter Jennifer is getting married on November 20. We are all working hard and trying not to miss a detail. It has been many years since I saw Jenn in a "princess dress" when she used to play dress up. But the day will be here soon that she will be the princess in the white dress she dreamed of. I wish her as much joy in her life as she has brought to mine.
Wednesday, August 18
After a long summer rest I've returned, once again, to visit with you. My heart and body are ready to greet the sweet Autumn and to revel in the smell of the wood fires and the colors of the forest.
For your enjoyment, I will begin to add the All Hallows Eve section to my selling blog. There you will find many, many witches, ghosts, bats and even a pair of Aunt Hilda's shoes that she lost as she flew off on her broom. The link to the blog is at the top of this page. Here's to the end of a hot, challenging summer.
Saturday, June 19
Hello Dear Friends, it's been some time since I've written. I've been pulled away by the Spring gardens and the warm sun. My work comes in dribs and drabs and I find myself easily distracted. Hmmm....seamstress block? Well enough for now there seems to be an empty chair under the tree and I feel the need to sit in it. Enjoy these summer days.
Friday, May 28
Here is my newest addition to the Blackstone Folk Family ~ Winky Jack Morgan ~ He was inspired by the one eyed cat Winky who lives with a dear friend. Thank you Mary...here he is. ~ $32.00 ~
I've been hard at work on my selling blog. Yesterday I added a new section called Country Folk. Here you will find a collection of dolls inspired by mountain folk and some members of my long ago family. I have posted only one photo of each but close ups and detail photos are available through email. Also color choices can be made as each one is made just for you. I hope you find my offerings enjoyable.
I've spent most of the afternoon creating my selling blog. Here I will list my work for purchase. Some old and some new. I will no longer have my website. It seems to get lost out there in space but a blog is alive, changing and personal. I have listed a few Americana items that I think you will like. Memorial Day and July 4th are very near and these will look primly perfect. Thank you, I think we will both enjoy this new blog
Halloween is my favorite time. I begin getting ready for those festive shows months before. So here I go, please welcome one of my old favorites, Liddy Nin Roote. She is my version of a pattern by Venis Merchantile. ~ $42.00 ~ Click on dear Liddy and visit my Halloween blog
Monday, May 3
Rainy days and Mondays...
clay Sarah ~ $34.00
Friday, April 30
Blessings to all on this Beltane, may your fires burn brightly
Every April a group of bats leave their hibernation in the Durham mines and come home to have their young ones in our dining room chimney. They are home agian for this year and we fully expect little ones to begin leaving around the 3rd week in July. We know this because some of the babies as they are learning to fly and leave their chimney come down instead of going up. Along with the little ones come frantic mothers looking for them. It is mayhem in the house as twilight descends and I crawl combat style out the back door and call for my dogs. Some day we will film this fun. Each year we keep count and our highest yet was last year at 14 in 2 weeks. But as much as I don't want them to fly into me, I love them, we don't have any biting insects and I love to see them leave our eves and chimneys. They take to the air as the chimney swifts return to the mill's chimney for the night. The dusky sky is filled with small flying creatures. Sometimes I feel we need some airtraffic control here in little Kintnersville. So with this as my insperation, please enjoy my "By the Light of the Moon" ~ $28.00 ~
I was planning a yard sale here for today and tomorrow. I have a dining room full of boxes and such to put out but the weather man predicted storms and an inch of rain. So I canceled, took down my sign and kept the table and boxes in the dining room. HUMF! no rain, no storms, not one drop just sunny and warm. Well I guess I'll try for next weekend.....
Here is dear Annabelle to make you smile ~ $34.00
Blessed be the cool April breeze primitive ewe ~ $48.00
Thursday, April 8
Another very warm day here at Blackstone. There is a promise of thunderstorms this afternoon to break this unatural April heat. My pansys are looking so forlorn and I am looking forward to a gentle 60 degrees. Today finds me working on "If Pigs Could Fly". A charming very prim pig with wings. Pictures to come but meantime enjoy dear Oda May ~ $32.00
Wednesday, April 7
Its so very, very hot here today. Not at all like an April should be. I feel like the birds flying by and the leafless trees are very confused. I'll be inside this afternoon working on another Uncle Henry. He always finishes with such kind eyes. And he loves his cat so... Many thanks to Netty for this pattern.