Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bird Blocks

Mom commissioned me (for free) to do some Christmas sewing for her. Sorry, Mom, but I'm not going to volunteer next Christmas. After several urges to throw my machine out the window and some quality time spent with my seam ripper, I finished the project. (Now that I think about it, I have seam ripper bonding time with every sewing project I do.) If your baby is the lucky recipient of a set of these bird blocks, you should definitely examine the seams before giving the toys to your baby. I can't be held liable for babies eating stuffing or anything else that comes undone from these things.

The bird blocks are made of fleece. The legs have that crinkly paper stuff in them that babies like, and the bodies either have a rattle or a squeaker inside. You have to squeeze pretty hard to make the squeaker squeak. Each baby will receive a set of three, a flamingo, a penguin, and an owl. I made the flamingos first, so they're the worst. And even after 18 eyes, I still can't make a French knot.

The trial I ran with Camille and the flamingo seemed to go well. The crinkly legs received lots of chewing, and she enjoyed holding the legs and swinging the bird all over. And it didn't fall apart after one play session. Don't worry, I hid it away so she'll forget about it until Christmas.


Joanna said...

Awesome! I have been holding off buying blocks for this exact reason :)

Margaret said...

I gotthem today and they are so super cute! Thank you.

Janet said...

Good. We want camile to be surprised Christmas morning.