Here is what I made for my gifts. I made 2 skirts, one for Emily and one for Erin. They were supposed to be for Christmas, but I gave them to the girls early!
Emily's is the gray and Erin's is the taupe. |
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I found the fabric at Walmart. They quit carrying fabric and all but the basic sewing supplies several years ago, but out of the blue they had several bolts of fabric. They were marked $5 a bolt, with each bolt having about 5 yards. But when I checked out, they were only $4 a bolt, so the fabric was less than $1 a yard. Yippee!
Emily's fabric is a pretty gray silky fabric. She chose to have the peplum. The skirt has a zipper at the back .
It also has this nifty vent at the back.
Erin's skirt is a taupe print silky fabric. She chose to not have the peplum.
Erin's skirt also has a zipper at the back and the nifty vent. That's because I used the same pattern! You will have to use your imagination to get rid of all the wrinkles. The skirt has been hanging up in her very crowded closet.
I also made two velvet bolero-style jackets, one for each girl (sorry, no pictures!) and started a pretty red dress for Erin. Alas, the dress isn't finished. I made a bridesmaids dress this summer for a young woman in our ward and decided to use the same pattern for Erin's dress. I, however, had forgotten what a pain in the heinny the pattern was--french seams, completely lined bodice, etc. So, it will be a first week of January present for Erin!