Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Get your name blanket!

There must be a baby boom, or people are just loving the name blankets lately. I've been super busy lately and I'm loving it!
Blogging has been the last thing on my mind, but you can follow me on instagram or facebook and see that I'm still SewSara-ing. 

I so appreciate every order and it helps our little family so much. 

Through Monday night, i'm still running my $45 special. Check out details on facebook or etsy!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

skateboard tees

I had a friend order these custom tshirts for her twins. Liam said he wanted a skateboard. Then naturally Fiona wanted one, too. So I needed to figure out how to do a girl skateboard and a boy skateboard. Well, I tried a simple skateboard shape, but it ended up looking like a pickle (or worse!?) ... so I came up with these, thanks to some searching on google images.Stitching around the appliques was a little tricky, especially on the dude's fingers and girl's pig tails (which I added to the image I found).

I thought they turned out fun and she said the kids loved them.

If you're interested in a custom t-shirt  just let me know! 
I can do just about any image. 
And it's fun to come up with new ideas.

p.s. The giveaway is still open!

linking up:

just a girl

craft & tell

SilverLily Likes to Sew

Junkie handmade projects

Friday, June 3, 2011

peek into my night.

i'm remembering why i haven't done much with my etsy shop lately!
man, this takes so much time. especially the uploading photos and listing part.
i started sewing last saturday and it's taken me all week just to get them photographed.
i took my kids to the park today out of pure guilt.
back to work ...

*post edit -- i'm done! Those piles are all listed in the shop!

For the love of all that's holy, please someone buy something.
It's 3am!
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