Behind every unfinished quilt is a story waiting to be told.
The blocks for this UFO came from a block-of-the-month
at a local quilt shop and have been sitting
in the same box for about ten years.
The entire block-of-the-month program was a frustration.
Since the directions were poorly written,
the blocks ended up as varying sizes.
I also hated the mixture of fabrics the shop owner selected.
In an attempt to salvage the project,
as an inexperienced quilter I sewed narrow borders
on several of the blocks to try to even them up.
The result was a whole bunch of ugly!
So at this point,
not only did I hate the fabrics
but there was no unifying pattern to tie the blocks together.
My older and wiser self decided
it was time to conquer this UFO!
The first thing I did was tear off many of the narrow borders
and re-frame each block in navy to tie all the blocks together.
Each block was then squared up to 12" to hide all the varying sizes.
Ah! That's much better!
To complete the top, a two inch strip of Kona snow was used for sashing
and a narrow, scrappy border was added in the outer border.
Finished size of the top is 62" x 75".
Here is a close up of a few of my favorite blocks.
This former unwanted and unloved UFO
is now moving on to bigger and better things!
It has been lovingly named "Homeward Bound"
and will be donated to the Quilts of Valor organization.
Special thanks to Alycia who has generously volunteered to
machine quilt this!
Do you have any UFO's waiting to be finished?
Linking up with:
May you always Sew in Peace!