Showing posts with label Baby Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Quilts. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

Sew*Quilt*Share October Meeting

Today I thought it might be helpful to share a few details of what happens before of our regular sewing meeting each month. As is the case in most organizations, in order for meetings to run smoothly someone needs to invest time in preparation.

Our sewing group is blessed to receive funding from the mission board of our local church, since all of our projects are designed to be an outreach to those in need. Even with this financial blessing, it still takes a great deal of time to choose a pattern, shop for coordinating fabrics, and cut and organize all the fabric into kits.

Once a pattern is selected, several members of our group gather to cut the fabric. 
It is somewhat boring to cut continuously for several hours, but the fellowship is sweet:)

Once the fabric and batting is cut for the project..

...all the pieces are placed in a jumbo plastic bag along with the instructions.

When members arrive, there is usually a short demonstration on how
to put the quilt together. It has been helpful for the beginning sewers to combine instruction 
along with our time of fellowship. In fact, many women in our group made their
first quilt during our monthly meetings!

Once the ladies choose a packet of fabric, they can simply begin to sew.
This eliminates a lot of frustration for and also
makes our time of sewing more productive.

Women often gather in clusters to help and encourage each other. appears there is only one pair of hands in this photo. lol

Our project for this month was the Strippy Flannel Baby Quilt
which is a group favorite. You can download the free pattern by clicking 
on the link above or by clicking on the photo in the sidebar to your right.

This project sews up quickly and there is no major quilting...
just snipping to finish off the edges!

October Sew*Quilt*Share meeting.

May you always Sew in Peace!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cheerful Squares Baby Quilt

Here's a simple, quick and fun quilt project!
The finished quilt forms a 35" square making it the perfect size
to drape over a baby carrier.

Made from coordinating 18" squares, this quilt top can be sewn
together in less than an hour.


Press the completed top and backing fabric. 
Use your favorite method to base together.
Machine quilt.
Attach the binding.
It really is that simple!

This project was a big hit at our May and June Sew*Quilt*Share meetings.
If you would like to make a Cheerful Squares Baby Quilt of your own 
Special thanks to Mary Claire for writing up this pattern for us!

Please click on the box below to view more photos.

If you are unable to view the slideshow,
click here and you will be
taken to an online photo album.

May you always Sew in Peace!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Spring Cleaning Continued...

It was another month of focusing on Spring cleaning 
at our April Sew*Quilt*Share meeting.
In addition to trying to sew up all the kits we have on hand, 
we tested out a new table set up that I would like to share.
In the past we simply put two lines of tables down
 the center of our long, narrow room.  
However it was time consuming to walk 
all the way around the tables 
and hey...
we need to make the most of our time! lol

This is the table arrangement we came up with.
By setting the tables in this pattern, it creates a workspace
to the left of each sewing machine. It also enables 
those sewing to easily communicate with each other.

Extension cords were taped down under the tables to
prevent potential safety issues.

Irons, ironing boards, and cutting tables were located 
around the perimeter of the room making it easier
for a large number of people to move throughout the area.
Hopefully this arrangement will enable our group 
to make the most of our time and allow us to be more intimately connected:) 

So let's check out those projects!

Some projects were in the planning stages.

Some projects were well on their way...

...and some projects were almost completed!

Click on the box below to view more photos from our April meeting!

If you are unable to view the slideshow, click here and you will be
taken to an online photo album .

May you always Sew in Peace!

Spring Cleaning

This month the ladies of Sew*Quilt*Share focused on Spring Cleaning.
Well, not "cleaning" in the traditional sense of the word. 
The goal of this meeting was to complete all the projects
 that have already been started. 
Here is a glimpse of how things went.

There is no set deadline,
 so each month there are 
a variety of quilts in different stages of completion.

Nice job ladies!

In an attempt to make our meeting room more intimate for fellowship,
a new layout was tested.
We are hoping to come up with a table arrangement that will make it easy to 
communicate while still providing enough workspace for each person.

Click on the box below to view more photos from the March meeting.

If you are unable to view the slideshow, click here and you will be
taken to an online photo album .

May you always Sew in Peace!

Ohio Stars

The Sew*Quilt*Share ladies began the year by sewing stars.
Ohio Stars that is!
The Ohio Star is a classic pattern known to quilters 
and this sixteen block quilt sews together quickly making
it a speedy little baby quilt.

Finished size of quilt: 37"x 37" square

By using four solid blocks in the corners, 
a star can be made using the Sweet Sixteen Pattern found here
If you decide to make this quilt, please note that the four corner blocks 
used to form the Ohio Star pattern need to be cut to 9 1/2" to equal the size 
of the other blocks in the Sweet Sixteen instructions.

Once you decide on a layout, the blocks can be quickly sewn together.
Simple straight line quilting finishes this quilt nicely.

These are a few of the Ohio Star quilts completed this month.
Beautiful job ladies!

Click on the box below to view more photos from our February meeting.

If you are unable to view the slideshow, click here and you will be
taken to an online photo album .

May you always Sew in Peace!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Strippy Flannel Baby Quilt

The ladies of Sew*Quilt*Share met recently and stitched up a stack of 
"Strippy Flannel Baby Quilts".
These quilts wash up so soft and cuddly!
If you like to make one of your own, click on this link to download the pattern
and follow the steps outlined below.

To begin this project, you will need seven different fabrics
each cut into strips.

Fabric "sandwiches" are made by layering the strips of flannel.

Sandwiches are "quilted" by sewing a line down the middle of each strip.

Arrange the strips in a pattern that makes you happy:)

Sew the sandwiches together using a 1/2" seam allowance, 
making sure to backstitch! It will be helpful to use a walking foot for this step.


Now it's time to trim off those selvedges!

At this point the quilt is ready to be finished. It can be bound
 like a traditional quilt, or you can choose to snip it.

Snipping requires a good sharp scissors.
The scissors in the photo are made by Fiskars.
It features a spring action release and is designed
to make snipping rag quilts easier.

When snipping the layers, be careful to cut up to the seam but NOT through it.

Once the quilt is snipped, you will want to wash and dry it,
creating a lovely flannel blanket.

Special thanks to Sue for writing up this pattern for us!

Click on the box below to view additional photos from our monthly meeting.
You can find free patterns for most of the quilts along the sidebar to your right.

If you are unable to view the slideshow, click here and you will be
taken to an online photo album .

May you always Sew in Peace!