Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tie the Knot

Season 12, Episode 4 of Project Runway featured clothing sewn with neckties!
The challenge presented to the Project Runway designers was to use bow ties as inspiration, and to incorporate at least one tie into their design.

This episode was sponsored by Tie the Knot, an organization founded by actor Jesse Ferguson and his husband Justin Makita.
Tie the Knot advocates for gay marriage.
The organization name plays on the double meaning of tying a bow tie, with the euphemism of "tying the knot" in marriage.
They release a seasonal collection of neckties "to advocate for the civil rights of gay and lesbian Americans throughout the United States and to look damn good while doing it."
(Jesse shown here with PR's mentor, Tim Gunn)

This is what the designer's came up with in the one-day challenge:

Bradon's halter top was the winner of this challenge
Alexander's design featured a fancy collar
Dom's dress had a fun bodice embellishment (as well as hair styled in a bow)

 Kate's outfit played on the curved shape of a bow tie

Justin's dress also acknowledged the untied bow tie's shape

Karen used the tie as an edging detail

The judges weren't fans of Sue's design

You can view all the 13 designer's entries on Project Runway's "rate the runway" page
There is a zoom feature to better see construction details.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Designer Spotlight: Sohung Designs

Neckties couture from Sohung Designs.
(click on images to enlarge view)

Thanks to Annie Chin for posting on Does This Look Stupid.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Designer Spotlight: Laura Kluvo

The person responsible for sending me down this path of sewing with neckties, my inspiration, my mentor (if you will), is Laura of Rick Rack Ruby.

Ironically, Laura doesn't sew much with ties anymore, but her past projects are full of inspiration.
Her work is so professional--it brings 'recycling' to a whole new level.
And on top of all that, I've had the pleasure of meeting her, and she's delightfully nice, upbeat, and fun.

Check out this beautiful messenger bag.
Tutorial on craftster, and also on craft bits.

"1000 points" Messenger Bag,
she says, "If you look closely you can see that I have inserted tie tips into the the seams on the front like feathers. It was really hard to keep everything lined up. It turned out great though, didn't it?"

Big Bag

Slouch Bag

Crazy collaged bags

She has several shoulder bags she calls the Cora, including this pink and purple one.

"Here is the handbag that I made from the leftover bits of the Pink and Purple Necktie Skirt. I lined it in hot pink velveteen and added a giant rhinestone brooch."

Her peacock bag is accented with a peacock brooch

And don't forget her Gypsy Rose bags!

Red Rose Valentine Bag

Make the Rose embellishment
Tutorial on craftster, but sadly most of the photos are missing

Or you can make Necktie Daisies
Tutorial on craftster.

Necktie Backpack

Other goodies include a Corset belt
Tutorial on craftster

Funky beanie
Tutorial on craftster

Christmas Stockings

Necktie strawberries (pins and necklaces)

And yes, she makes skirts too.
Necktie skirts are usually made with the ties 'as is'.
Meaning the 'guts' are still inside, and the tie is still folded in its standard shape.
Take the tie apart and lay the fabric out, however, and you get what Laura calls a "Swishy Skirt"

A long skirt

"This was a tough design. There are about 30 ties and it is HEAVY! They're sewn together about halfway down and then loose at the bottom. You should see this in motion...."

Laura has lots of examples of the 'standard' necktie skirts too.
Instructions. Class pics.
Her "Paris Hilton" is made with all pink ties

Here's another

Orange ties

Cartoon ties for a child's version

Look at all the things that can be made with 15 ties! (read more here)

Article about Laura in the Arizona Republic newspaper.
And another article here regarding her Project Runway blog.

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