Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organization. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Trying to Clean Up Messes

The New Year and January always brings with it many goals and so many things I want to do.  What about you?

Messes!  especially messes in my sewing room!   Arrrrrgh!
There was really no way I could start or finish up any of my sewing/quilting projects until I tackled this mess.

So, while my expert computer guy was cleaning up and fixing my computer remotely, I jumped in with both feet......and hands.  I kept my cell phone on alert for text messages from him on what he needed from me and what to do on my end for the computer fixing.   Good News!   My computer is running like new again.  (If you want to know more about fixing your computer like this, just contact me.)

Okay....back to my messes.  I sorted, sorted, and sorted....pressed...sorted some more..........threw away (Yes, I know.....that's unheard of with being a quilter

 but I'm talking snips, threads, unuseable scraps).


There was no way all the scraps for my 2 1/2" squares bin were going to fit in this bin.

So.....dug around in that scrap bin......and

sorted out the squares, and those that weren't wide enough I made a pile for the string/strip quilt box.  (that's the strips you see in the forefront of the picture.)  

I'm not finished yet.......but it's a start and now I can see my cutting table again.

What do you do with all of your scraps?

Thanks for visiting.  Stay tuned by subscribing ......just sign up on the RH sidebar of this page.

(I linked up with Quiltsy W.I.P. for this post...go visit  them for some
fun "works in progress.)

Friday, October 12, 2012

What's is This Word...Organization?

Are you organized to perfection?   I try...honestly, I do.   If you are one of those super organized quilters you might not want to even read this.

Every year in January,  I start out the New Year with the very best intentions, ideas, plans & committments and 2012 was no exception.

I made my list of UFO's and tacked it to my display board so I'd see it everyday and told myself I could finish one a month.....(yeah..sure!  Actually, to give myself some much deserved kudos, 2 of the small quilt projects did get finished and were sold in my Etsy Shop and both of them were OLD projects.

Seems I'm spending too much time every day trying to be organized, when I'm really not.  Sigh.........
My furry friends love to supervise in my sewing room,

so I like to keep my supplies, fabrics, etc., in closed plastic this one.  Great for organizing!  Right?

and the smaller plastic shoebox size ones too......

I even started labeling them with the contents..........(as she pats herself on the back again...pat...pat...pat) nothing fancy, just grab a scrap of paper & Sharpie pen.

In case you've forgot what this post is about.......I'll remind you - ORGANIZATION!
Regardless of my best laid out plans, it doesn't always work out.  Remember that list of UFO's and W.I.P.s I talked about??

Well, take a look at it.

Now I can't get the lid on this one!  DRATS!   I either need to sew faster or get a bigger plastic tub......

What do you think??    How do you stay organized with your sewing stuff??

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, so you don't miss my Free Giveaways....(hint...hint...coming soon.) 

Thanks for visiting.