What picture comes to your mind when you think of quilters? Do you see the big oak tree with several ladies sitting under its shade, a pitcher of lemonade on a table close by...all working on a patchwork quilt...sewing each stitch by hand...sharing all the "newsy gossip"???
This "picture" of quilters from years gone by is similar to our current quilt bees and quilt guilds of today. Now, we have "cyber quilt bees" on the internet. We share everything we do; our quilts (naturally), but ........also our ideas, questions, sewing tips, our patterns, our fabrics, and our lives, news of our families, pets, areas where we live, our joys, our sorrows......etc.
I belong to a wonderful "cyber quilt bee" through my Etsy Shop and the team on Etsy....called Quiltsy. (See the Quiltsy badge on my RH sidebar) Besides sharing all the things above, we help each other with our Etsy Shops to increase our sales. Everyday most of us visit our chat discussion on the team for our "social quilt bee" online. We even have our own Quiltsy Team Blog. so we can share our projects, patterns, and items for sale in our Quiltsy Team Shop. I invite you to become a follower of the Quiltsy Team Blog.
One of our Quiltsy Team members Karen Jones (aka Tessie Textile) created an "electronic" quilting newspaper called World Of Quilts Daily. It's sew fun to get this electronic newspaper totally devoted to quilting.
Today's issue includes a few of my most recent quilted items, so naturally I want to share it..... (remember....I'm a quilter...and we share!) LOL I hope you enjoy reading all about it! You can subscribe to it too...upper RH corner.
What kind of quilt group do you belong to?
Thanks for visiting.
I linked up this post to Quiltsy's W.I.P. Wednesday post.