What picture comes to your mind when you think of quilters? Do you see the big oak tree with several ladies sitting under its shade, a pitcher of lemonade on a table close by...all working on a patchwork quilt...sewing each stitch by hand...sharing all the "newsy gossip"???
This "picture" of quilters from years gone by is similar to our current quilt bees and quilt guilds of today. Now, we have "cyber quilt bees" on the internet. We share everything we do; our quilts (naturally), but ........also our ideas, questions, sewing tips, our patterns, our fabrics, and our lives, news of our families, pets, areas where we live, our joys, our sorrows......etc.
I belong to a wonderful "cyber quilt bee" through my Etsy Shop and the team on Etsy....called Quiltsy. (See the Quiltsy badge on my RH sidebar) Besides sharing all the things above, we help each other with our Etsy Shops to increase our sales. Everyday most of us visit our chat discussion on the team for our "social quilt bee" online. We even have our own Quiltsy Team Blog. so we can share our projects, patterns, and items for sale in our Quiltsy Team Shop. I invite you to become a follower of the Quiltsy Team Blog.
One of our Quiltsy Team members Karen Jones (aka Tessie Textile) created an "electronic" quilting newspaper called World Of Quilts Daily. It's sew fun to get this electronic newspaper totally devoted to quilting.
Today's issue includes a few of my most recent quilted items, so naturally I want to share it..... (remember....I'm a quilter...and we share!) LOL I hope you enjoy reading all about it! You can subscribe to it too...upper RH corner.
What kind of quilt group do you belong to?
Thanks for visiting.
I linked up this post to Quiltsy's W.I.P. Wednesday post.
Showing posts with label Sew Fun Quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sew Fun Quilts. Show all posts
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Busy Times!
I've been a little busier than normal since Thanksgiving, and I'm sorry for not posting.
My oldest sister had total hip replacement surgery yesterday, so was playing chauffeur for her the last week or so to all the Pre-Op appointments, errands, groceries, etc. She is in horrendous pain, but surgery went well.m Now comes the physical therapy for her...learning to walk with a new hip. Medicine Miracles.....and I told her she would now be a 'bionic Gramma'. lol
Since I don't like posts without pictures, I'll show you a raggy embroidered Christmas jean bag I made myself a few years ago......fun project!
My oldest sister had total hip replacement surgery yesterday, so was playing chauffeur for her the last week or so to all the Pre-Op appointments, errands, groceries, etc. She is in horrendous pain, but surgery went well.m Now comes the physical therapy for her...learning to walk with a new hip. Medicine Miracles.....and I told her she would now be a 'bionic Gramma'. lol
Since I don't like posts without pictures, I'll show you a raggy embroidered Christmas jean bag I made myself a few years ago......fun project!
Other Side
This was a "fringe" embroidery design and after the gold ribbon was stitched, then I cut the threads down the middle to it would "fringe".
I hope everyone is enjoying all the hustle, bustle, shopping, & baking stuff during this glorious season!
I haven't forgotten about doing my BIG surprise Giveaway......so make sure you stay tuned by subscribing to my posts. (scroll down..look on the RH sidebar)
What have you been doing?
Monday, November 19, 2012
Are You an Early Shopper?
I don't know if this turkey is saying "Hi" or waving goodbye........
It seems lots of stores, businesses, and online shopping places are in a hurry for your Christmas shopping dollars this year and offering early shopper sales.
Last week I started grumbling bah-hum-bug about it and then realized ..."hey, wait a minute....I've got an online Etsy shop, I'll do the same thing". Soooooooooooooo......
Starting today through Cyber Monday (11/26/12) at midnight, I am offering an early shopper discount for all my customers - 12% off everything in My Etsy Shop. Why 12% ?? well, it's 2012, isn't it? Why not? After you are finished shopping at SEWFUNQUILTS and ready to check out, just use ....
the Coupon Code EARLYSHOPPER12 in the box provided. Your order total before shipping will be adjusted to show the discount. Be sure and tell your family and friends about my early shopper discount.....but Hurry! It's only for one week!
Want some more good news for early shoppers??
As most of you know, I have an AccuQuilt GO cutter and really love it! It is so easy to use and such a time saver for me. The jelly rolls I sell in My Etsy Shop are all cut on my GO! with precision, accuracy, and are straight perfect fabric strips ready for your quilt projects.
Click on the new AccuQuilt badge box on the RH sidebar of this page to see some more great early shopper deals. You know you want an Accuquilt GO cutter and some cute applique dies, so give yourself an early Christmas present! AND ...you can get it in time to make a few Christmas presents for friends and family!
Now, how sweet is that? Have fun!
Thanks for visiting!
Are You an Early Shopper??
It seems lots of stores, businesses, and online shopping places are in a hurry for your Christmas shopping dollars this year and offering early shopper sales.
Last week I started grumbling bah-hum-bug about it and then realized ..."hey, wait a minute....I've got an online Etsy shop, I'll do the same thing". Soooooooooooooo......
Starting today through Cyber Monday (11/26/12) at midnight, I am offering an early shopper discount for all my customers - 12% off everything in My Etsy Shop. Why 12% ?? well, it's 2012, isn't it? Why not? After you are finished shopping at SEWFUNQUILTS and ready to check out, just use ....
the Coupon Code EARLYSHOPPER12 in the box provided. Your order total before shipping will be adjusted to show the discount. Be sure and tell your family and friends about my early shopper discount.....but Hurry! It's only for one week!
Want some more good news for early shoppers??
As most of you know, I have an AccuQuilt GO cutter and really love it! It is so easy to use and such a time saver for me. The jelly rolls I sell in My Etsy Shop are all cut on my GO! with precision, accuracy, and are straight perfect fabric strips ready for your quilt projects.
Click on the new AccuQuilt badge box on the RH sidebar of this page to see some more great early shopper deals. You know you want an Accuquilt GO cutter and some cute applique dies, so give yourself an early Christmas present! AND ...you can get it in time to make a few Christmas presents for friends and family!
Now, how sweet is that? Have fun!
Thanks for visiting!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Some Fun Inspiration!
This book looks like fun if you love Charm Packs. Who doesn't?
It's called 3 Times the Charm! by Me and My Sister Designs, published by Leisure Arts Publications.
It's all about some new quick and easy projects using charm squares. I wonder if some of my Colorway Fabric Squares in my Etsy Shop, along with some Kona white cotton would do the trick??
If you have some bright scraps laying around....here's a good idea.
I don't know yet what I'll end up sewing together, but it's always fun to buy another book for some quick inspiration!
Do you buy books for making specific projects or just 'cause you like the pictures?
Thanks for visiting.
It's called 3 Times the Charm! by Me and My Sister Designs, published by Leisure Arts Publications.
It's all about some new quick and easy projects using charm squares. I wonder if some of my Colorway Fabric Squares in my Etsy Shop, along with some Kona white cotton would do the trick??
If you have some bright scraps laying around....here's a good idea.
or ..another fast and easy way to sew up some of those scraps that are piling up.
or for me.....some of the many 30's Reproduction Prints I have in my stash closet.
I don't know yet what I'll end up sewing together, but it's always fun to buy another book for some quick inspiration!
Do you buy books for making specific projects or just 'cause you like the pictures?
Thanks for visiting.
Friday, March 23, 2012
It's Finished!
I've been talking about my Rainbow project for quite some time now and today I'm doing the Snoopy Happy Dance! It's finished!
Thought I'd share some of the progress pictures first.....in case you missed them or didn't know what I was making.
Thought I'd share some of the progress pictures first.....in case you missed them or didn't know what I was making.
Interviewing some of the blue fabrics
When the creative ideas hit me, I make messes and don't stop to clean them up.....keep GOing.
Now the greens and yellows are next.......
Added the orange & reds..... the "sandwich" is made. Besides taping it down, using Sulky Spray baste spray, I always use small safety pins with my Kwik Klip.
I sure enjoyed doing the free style quilting on this......with each section quilted differently.
This was a custom order in my Etsy Shop for a communion table, and my buyer wanted the backing to be similar in color to the
communion chalice, plate and pitcher....
so this is what I chose for the backing & binding.....
And the finish!
What a wonderful blessing in making this table runner........and aptly named it
"Over the Rainbow".
I hope you enjoy your weekend.....what are your plans?
Thanks for visiting.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Have You Heard?
I received wonderful news yesterday from Darlene at Sew Cal Gal. If you don't follow her blog, you should 'cause she is always on top of everything happening in our quilting world.
SEW FUN QUILTS was nominated for the best online quilt shop for the 2012 Golden Quilters Award. What an honor just to be nominated along side some of the online biggies! Wow!
There are 10 different categories in the Golden Quilters Awards and you can vote for one per category. Voting is open through March 31, 2012. Winners will be announced on April 2nd.
Here's the scoop.....so GO vote today and maybe you'll win a prize too.
Have fun and help us spread the news to everyone in the Quilting World by voting, tweeting, posting on facebook, sharing with friends & family via email, Etsy teams......etc.
Thanks for visiting my blog .........and voting!
SEW FUN QUILTS was nominated for the best online quilt shop for the 2012 Golden Quilters Award. What an honor just to be nominated along side some of the online biggies! Wow!
There are 10 different categories in the Golden Quilters Awards and you can vote for one per category. Voting is open through March 31, 2012. Winners will be announced on April 2nd.
Here's the scoop.....so GO vote today and maybe you'll win a prize too.
Have fun and help us spread the news to everyone in the Quilting World by voting, tweeting, posting on facebook, sharing with friends & family via email, Etsy teams......etc.
Thanks for visiting my blog .........and voting!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Is it a Hobby, Obsession, Work or a Waste of Time?
When I sat down at the desk to start writing this post, I wondered about the title. ............ maybe you can help me decide.
I love what I do during the day (and some nights). Some people call it a hobby, or obsession, and some think it's work and still others think it's a waste of time.
You might be asking yourself...."what is she talking about this time"? Why sewing and quilting, naturally. Is there anything else better to talk about? Not for me. Let me explain.
I've been trying to sew up some of this cute flannel that I bought several years ago. Yes, it was on sale........and I just had to get lots of it! I think I bought too much....what do you think? The boxes are overflowing. Don't believe me? Here......I'll show you one part of it that I can't even get in my fabric closets. NO...I'm not showing you the rest of it. I made good use of one of my AccuQuilt GO boxes too!
After a couple weeks......here's a look/see at what I accomplished with some of that flannel using my rag quilt GO die.
I love what I do during the day (and some nights). Some people call it a hobby, or obsession, and some think it's work and still others think it's a waste of time.
You might be asking yourself...."what is she talking about this time"? Why sewing and quilting, naturally. Is there anything else better to talk about? Not for me. Let me explain.
I've been trying to sew up some of this cute flannel that I bought several years ago. Yes, it was on sale........and I just had to get lots of it! I think I bought too much....what do you think? The boxes are overflowing. Don't believe me? Here......I'll show you one part of it that I can't even get in my fabric closets. NO...I'm not showing you the rest of it. I made good use of one of my AccuQuilt GO boxes too!
After a couple weeks......here's a look/see at what I accomplished with some of that flannel using my rag quilt GO die.
Raggedy Ann & Andy raggy quilt.
Pink Paisley & Butterfly raggy quilt.
Brown and Gold Peace Symbol raggy lap quilt.
Now, GO back and look at that first picture again.........that's 'AFTER' I made these 3 raggy quilts too! Jeez! I'd better get to sewing faster, or sleep less.
As most of you know, I have an ETSY Shop...and you can visit it here.
Keeping it stocked is almost a full time job and keeps me very busy. But, like I said at the beginning of this post.......I love what I do.
Today I used my GO cutter & cut 3 different fabric colorways into quilt strips for Jelly Rolls; browns, pinks, purples. That's 180 strips just for today.
And that doesn't count the 660 fabric charm squares I cut earlier this week. (I didn't take pictures of them at the time 'cause I was on a roll and a cutting frenzy.....but I can show you one of my storage drawers.)
So.....now I ask you. Is it a hobby, obsession, work, or waste of time?
Thanks for visiting.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Too Much is Too Much!
Sorry......no pictures this post. Just gotta explain.
I'm working on so many different things here lately..I just don't have enough time to do it all. Christmas is coming up and here I am again and not enough time to make all the gifts I had planned.
Does every quilter have problems finding enough time or just me?
Let's try to find out......
1. Do you like to sew & quilt?
2. Do you do the grocery shopping?
3. Do you put away the groceries?
4. Do you clean out the refrigerator?
5. Do you do the cooking?
6. Do you do the dishes?
7. Do you clean the floors?
8. Do you do the dusting?
9. Do you wash the windows?
10. Do you do the gardening?
11. Do you take care of kids?
12. Do you clean up after all of the pets?
13. Are you the family chauffeur?
We could GO on and on.......couldn't we? What about the laundry? What about changing the sheets on the beds? What about taking time to take a shower? Go get your hair cut? or all the shopping? getting the car washed?
Ok.....that's it! I'm just GOing to GO back to number 1 and do it! That's what I'm doing! What are you GOing to do??
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, August 22, 2011
It's Like Magic!
My mind works kinda weird sometimes and here lately it's been bonkers! I've been cutting a lot of fabrics!
How many of you remember Joan Rivers and her famous comedy line....."Can we talk?"
Well, let's talk a bit about the progression of the quilting and sewing industry.
When I stop to think and reflect on how many years I've been sewing it rattles my poor little pea-sized brain. (yes...I think my brain has been shrinking a size or two. Remember, I'm still on my new eating plan for losing weight).
Let's talk! What that's you say?? you want pictures??
Ok, ok, don't nag me.......we'll get to that. You can go ahead and skip all "this talk" if you want to and just look at pictures....it doesn't matter to me. You might learn something if you read all of this. I didn't just type to keep my fingers limber, ya know! (Boy, I'm feeling a bit sassy today!)
1. Fabrics - oh my how they've changed; the fiber content, the colors, the prints, the manufactures, artistic designers, fabrics made from recycled plastic, organic?? I remember sewing with cotton (organic) fabrics that weren't color fast and they faded when you washed them. Also used left over feed sack scraps for my dolls.
2. Patterns - did you know that tissue paper patterns were not always "printed" and there were little holes in them for your markings? Clothing sizes....you had to really measure and adjust the patterns a lot. Quilt patterns that were simple compared to what's available for today's busy sewers? That was yesteryear....for sure!
3. Sewing machines - we all know about the treadle machines, right? I loved sitting on the floor watching my Mom work that floor pedal with her feet. Yes, I learned to sew on a treadle machine. Now, we have machines that embroider, cut your threads, have built-in fancy stitches, thread your needles for you....just push a button. (I like my modern sewing machines!)
4. Threads - wooden spools, mercerized cotton, boilfast. mmmmh! now we have every color, kind, fiber, size....even invisible and wash away thread, and we have to have special storage racks and thread bins to hold it all. (When I used to shorten a store bought skirt or dress, I remember saving the thread from the hem seam to re-sew the shorter hemline....what?)
Do you ever stop and take a look at all your tools and gadgets we have today for our sewing and quilting? How about your rulers?
I've been on a "cutting frenzy" the last couple weeks. I think there needs to be a number 5 on my list up there; rulers and templates. I don't even use 90% of those rulers in that picture anymore, and forget templates.....yikes!
Talk about progress in the quilting world? How about this for Magic?
Me and my AccuQuilt GO cutter......cranking out 6 fabric strips at a time.... magical progress at its finest! And it doesn't even use any electricity.
Here's a peek into the Magic my GO cutter does for me. It can turn yards and yards of fabrics ......
How many of you remember Joan Rivers and her famous comedy line....."Can we talk?"
Well, let's talk a bit about the progression of the quilting and sewing industry.
When I stop to think and reflect on how many years I've been sewing it rattles my poor little pea-sized brain. (yes...I think my brain has been shrinking a size or two. Remember, I'm still on my new eating plan for losing weight).
Let's talk! What that's you say?? you want pictures??
Ok, ok, don't nag me.......we'll get to that. You can go ahead and skip all "this talk" if you want to and just look at pictures....it doesn't matter to me. You might learn something if you read all of this. I didn't just type to keep my fingers limber, ya know! (Boy, I'm feeling a bit sassy today!)
1. Fabrics - oh my how they've changed; the fiber content, the colors, the prints, the manufactures, artistic designers, fabrics made from recycled plastic, organic?? I remember sewing with cotton (organic) fabrics that weren't color fast and they faded when you washed them. Also used left over feed sack scraps for my dolls.
2. Patterns - did you know that tissue paper patterns were not always "printed" and there were little holes in them for your markings? Clothing sizes....you had to really measure and adjust the patterns a lot. Quilt patterns that were simple compared to what's available for today's busy sewers? That was yesteryear....for sure!
3. Sewing machines - we all know about the treadle machines, right? I loved sitting on the floor watching my Mom work that floor pedal with her feet. Yes, I learned to sew on a treadle machine. Now, we have machines that embroider, cut your threads, have built-in fancy stitches, thread your needles for you....just push a button. (I like my modern sewing machines!)
4. Threads - wooden spools, mercerized cotton, boilfast. mmmmh! now we have every color, kind, fiber, size....even invisible and wash away thread, and we have to have special storage racks and thread bins to hold it all. (When I used to shorten a store bought skirt or dress, I remember saving the thread from the hem seam to re-sew the shorter hemline....what?)
Do you ever stop and take a look at all your tools and gadgets we have today for our sewing and quilting? How about your rulers?
I've been on a "cutting frenzy" the last couple weeks. I think there needs to be a number 5 on my list up there; rulers and templates. I don't even use 90% of those rulers in that picture anymore, and forget templates.....yikes!
Talk about progress in the quilting world? How about this for Magic?
Me and my AccuQuilt GO cutter......cranking out 6 fabric strips at a time.... magical progress at its finest! And it doesn't even use any electricity.
Here's a peek into the Magic my GO cutter does for me. It can turn yards and yards of fabrics ......
into this..................
Time Saver Kits for my Etsy Shop.
or this.....
or this........
Or even this......
and this.......
Sorry, I can't "talk with you" anymore. Gotta GO cut some more fabrics!
Thanks for visiting.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
More FUN To Share!
Are you always in a time crunch and wish a magic genie would help you out so you had more time to sew? "Well, my friend.....(yes...I know that sounds like a used car salesman...but I'm really not!) that's why my Etsy shop is known for its Time Saver Kits".
To me, there's nothing more FUN than cutting & sewing. "Yup! Right On!" (as she hold up her hand & tries to get the Cat Supervisors to high five with her and they just look away.)
Check out this easy way to do some FUN sewing with pre-cut quilt squares from...............(yes......that's why my shop is called
Make a quilt sandwich.....("hold the mayo, add some lettuce") ....sew the squares on it and do some fancy stuff in between the rows.
FUN! FUN! FUN! That's what sewing and quilting should be about.
Thanks for visiting.
To me, there's nothing more FUN than cutting & sewing. "Yup! Right On!" (as she hold up her hand & tries to get the Cat Supervisors to high five with her and they just look away.)
Check out this easy way to do some FUN sewing with pre-cut quilt squares from...............(yes......that's why my shop is called
Make a quilt sandwich.....("hold the mayo, add some lettuce") ....sew the squares on it and do some fancy stuff in between the rows.
Add the binding......... (would you like fries with that?)
Ta .......Da........(your order's ready.)
After it's washed, it gets that soft, cuddly wrinkled look. Now GO take a nap with your new quilt. (After you leave me a nice comment....ok?)
FUN! FUN! FUN! That's what sewing and quilting should be about.
Thanks for visiting.
2 1/2" squares,
Quilt Sandwich,
Sew Fun Quilts
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Small Quilting Means BIG FUN!
Bet you think this is GOing to be a post about Free Motion Quilting really small like tiny stitch stippling, huh?
Bzzzzzzzzzz! Wrong Answer! (that's supposed to sound like the buzzer from the old tv show Family Feud)
What? You don't know about that TV Show?? Well, then, just read on.......
I love to play with the small 2 1/2" squares of 30's Reproduction Prints, and I keep a bin of them cut with my AccuQuilt GO cutter ready to sew.
Then when I get a few minutes, I sew them into rows.
"Awww....lookin' good.....this is a good assorted layout of colors & different prints." (as she tells her Cat Quilting Supervisors). Now, I'll have to sew the rows together, matching all those seams......."no, don't grab those pins".
My bin of the floral 2 1/2" squares are fun to play with too. I ended up with 3 different pieced small quilts.
It's kinda like eating Lays Potato Chips......you can'teat make just one.
and as she keeps sewing, she says....... "yes, you can sniff them & inspect the sewing, but they are NOT new quilts for your cat beds." One of them always talks back a bit...'meow...meow'.....'cause they are a bit sassy too.
You can always end up making something fun from 2 1/2" squares cut with an AccuQuilt GO cutter.
Here's my latest finishes for a custom order from my Etsy Shop.
My buyer asked for a specific size (which is a little smaller than I usually make) and matching square pillows.
as she was saying...........("You Quilt Supervisors get outta here and go eat some catnip 'cause you can't inspect these.") ....where was I?
Which one do you like the best......green or red?
Thanks for visiting.
Bzzzzzzzzzz! Wrong Answer! (that's supposed to sound like the buzzer from the old tv show Family Feud)
What? You don't know about that TV Show?? Well, then, just read on.......
I love to play with the small 2 1/2" squares of 30's Reproduction Prints, and I keep a bin of them cut with my AccuQuilt GO cutter ready to sew.
Then when I get a few minutes, I sew them into rows.
"Awww....lookin' good.....this is a good assorted layout of colors & different prints." (as she tells her Cat Quilting Supervisors). Now, I'll have to sew the rows together, matching all those seams......."no, don't grab those pins".
My bin of the floral 2 1/2" squares are fun to play with too. I ended up with 3 different pieced small quilts.
It's kinda like eating Lays Potato Chips......you can't
and as she keeps sewing, she says....... "yes, you can sniff them & inspect the sewing, but they are NOT new quilts for your cat beds." One of them always talks back a bit...'meow...meow'.....'cause they are a bit sassy too.
You can always end up making something fun from 2 1/2" squares cut with an AccuQuilt GO cutter.
Here's my latest finishes for a custom order from my Etsy Shop.
My buyer asked for a specific size (which is a little smaller than I usually make) and matching square pillows.
as she was saying...........("You Quilt Supervisors get outta here and go eat some catnip 'cause you can't inspect these.") ....where was I?
Oh Yeah! Now I remember.
AND.......just in case you're wondering............. Yes, you can buy sets of these 2 1/2" squares in my Etsy shop.
Which one do you like the best......green or red?
Thanks for visiting.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hey...wanna win a FREE Giveaway??
Since I didn't do a FREE giveaway last month, there will be 3 separate prizes this month. Why 3? I don't know........guess I just like that number better.
1. 30 Lime Green Fabrics 5" Squares - (one of the many sets/colors for sale in my ETSY Shop) - These are die cut with my GO cutter. What?? you didn't think I'd mention my ETSY Shop??? or my AccuQuilt GO cutter??.....(you gotta be kiddin' me!)
2. 4 Coordinated Fat Quarters, one with a sewing theme. I've just got a small amount of this sewing theme fabric left in my stash, so thought I'd share. I made a lot of different things with it for my sewing buddies as Christmas gifts several years ago and it's no longer available.
3. Paper Backed Fusible Appliques cut with my GO cutter - Fall theme; leaves, acorns, pumpkins & one black cat. (FYI - in case you don't win this set of appliques, they are available in my ETSY shop too.)
To get a chance to win one of these Giveaway Freebies all you have to do is become a new follower of my blog and leave a comment. If you are already a follower, then GO tell someone come back here, leave your comment then tell me you did that. You're on your honor here.....I'm not your mother, ya know?
Want more than one chance?? GO (I love my AccuQuilt GO cutter and love to capitalize the word when I use it in my blog!) tell another person to follow my blog for a chance to win a freebie, then tell another person, another person, AND another person, etc. Each time you tell someone, come back here and leave a separate comment. (Posting this on facebook, twitter or on your blog will count too.....just leave a separate comment each time.)
This giveaway will end at midnight on Tuesday (8/16/11) and the winners will be randomly chosen by number and announced here on Wednesday, August 17th. Have fun with it and good luck.
Thanks for visiting.
The Giveaway is now closed. Thanks everyone.
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